Now everyone is guessing, when will the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle end?

This question is really hard to say, because there are too many factors that affect it.

For example, how many people want to buy in the market, how many people want to sell, how everyone is in a good mood, how good the economic environment outside is, and how the government manages these things, etc.

Some people think that this round of bull market may be almost over by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025, and Bitcoin may have risen to a certain extent by then. But these are the current situations, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

In the past, the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle was popular for a few months, while others were popular for several years. It all depends on how much people want to buy and how many coins are available for sale in the market. Therefore, just looking at what happened before or what is happening now, it is impossible to guess when the bull market will end.

Also, everyone has to be careful, sometimes the price of the currency rises too fast, it may be like blowing a bubble, blowing bigger and bigger, and finally "pop" and burst. At that time, the price of the currency may plummet, and the bull market will end.

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