BTC price entered yesterday's suppression range of 58891~59677 and then rose and fell. Looking at the hourly line, the short-term support is still at 57400. This support level is mainly regarded as a defensive point. After rising once, the rebound space is limited. The good opportunity is the same as yesterday, mainly waiting for the reverse operation after leaving the segment (the reverse operation is to go short first when it rises, and to go long first when it falls). Support range 55860 (short) ~ 55210, suppression range 59677 ~ 60376


The market rebounded to around 59500 and encountered pressure. There are many tricks in the dog market, and some bold ones have already started bottom-fishing in advance. I am quite worried and will wait and see this week.

If this time the market is successful and the second dip starts next week, more investors will surrender and be taken away, and the rooftop will be lined up again. Of course, there is no abyss below, so don't worry too much. The worst is 42,000 to 48,000. I still maintain my previous view.

According to my right-side bottom-picking logic, I will think that the bulls have regained the voice and continued the upward trend only when the market effectively stabilizes at US$60,770.

It is worth noting that tonight will usher in the CPI market. After the CPI landed in recent months, it will become a watershed in the market. The long-short game is white-hot, and it is expected to break the shock deadlock. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the leverage coefficient to avoid accidental injury. This round of bull market came too early. If you get up too fast, you will easily feel dizzy and you may fall down accidentally. In the currency circle, only those who are ready to die and live to the end are worthy of living and smiling to the end.

Recently, many fans have privately asked me how to choose SAGA TIA? (1) Judging from their previous performance, TIA is undoubtedly stronger. After going online, it has experienced a round of nearly tenfold increase, which shows that its market maker is very strong. However, we cannot use this as the only criterion for judgment. We must also consider factors such as the concentration of chips and market recognition.


(2) From the market perspective, SAGA DYM has rebounded to the vicinity of the short-term pressure level. Therefore, the subsequent performance is particularly important. We need to observe which target breaks through most effectively and build a position in the target with the strongest momentum. The momentum here mainly refers to the strength, such as the space and time of the breakthrough. A short time and a large space indicate strong strength and sufficient momentum.


(3) In terms of investment return rate, SAGA and DYM may have greater profit margins, but of course, the risks are also higher. TIA's nearly tenfold increase after opening should have resulted in a lot of selling by the market makers. Relatively speaking, the concentration of chips may be smaller, and there are more locked-in chips above. However, TIA is also the most active among the three stocks in terms of main funds. It can be clearly seen from the market that although all of them are falling, TIA often has an intraday increase of 20 to 30 points.
Therefore, it is best to buy TIA SAGA DYM according to the capital ratio of 6:2:2.

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