Real-time experience: Two types of structures with lower success rates than shorting. Shorting is an art in itself, and requires firm belief to execute. Finding shorting points is very difficult and requires considerable stress resistance. The market tends to rise. Most people and companies tend to be optimistic. Facing other optimism about companies or the economy, choosing to short and sticking to shorting requires very strong personality traits. ——Kiev

I think that shorting is more difficult than shorting, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of mentality. For longs, as long as you are low enough, there will be no liquidation in the international market, but for shorting, you must always guard against liquidation. Therefore, if you are a novice, I do not recommend shorting easily, which is difficult to control both psychologically and operationally. This is also the reason why I rarely send shorting signals on Twitter. In my real-time experience, shorting will also be very cautious, and you must be 80% sure before you start. There are two ways, and I must participate. 1. Figure, strong divergence + strong pattern + central hub, the turning probability of this structure is too high, multiple divergence structures are cross-validated, sometimes they will not even wait for the second sell at this level, but will intervene at the next level, because the decline of this structure is very fast, and you cannot wait until the perfect time to operate, and it is easy to miss the best time.

2. Figure, the central hub of the pattern has no divergence and falls + three sells. The previous structure is turning short, and this structure is shorting with the trend. In the ordinary structure, the main problem of shorting with the trend is that the loss ratio is not ideal, and it can only be done as a short-term operation. The following strong sign structure can be extended for a longer time and can be held for a longer time. From the perspective of the momentum theorem, it is inertia. It is not so easy to brake, so it can be relatively intervened. There are many short-selling designs, ♥BTC88077; all points in the country can be shorted, but a short-selling structure is relatively safe and simple to operate. Those who are interested can review it by themselves. Finding this structure at the 4H level has a very high success rate. I also participate in a relatively large position.

Finally, I would like to remind you that short selling is difficult and operators should be cautious.

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