Many friends asked today why the market fell again after waking up, and whether there was any negative news. In fact, this kind of situation will be asked almost every now and then, "Why did it rise today, why did it fall today?" In fact, we really need to recognize that now is the market situation under the liquidity shortage, where the information affects the sentiment. The liquidity shortage stimulates wide fluctuations, and the sentiment drives the long-short game in the risk market.

At present, any slight disturbance will trigger short-term investors to take profits or stop losses, but because the liquidity in the market is too low, a small amount of chips can smash the market, and a small amount of funds can also play a role in pulling up the market, especially when it comes to the weekend and the main trading time in Asia when liquidity is the lowest point, this situation will become more and more frequent.

At present, the market is in a wide range of fluctuations, which has been fluctuating for almost four months. Believe it or not, this wide range of fluctuations will most likely continue before there is more certain information. The bull market in 2020 started with a hellish start. The epidemic caused the price to drop from 10,000 to 3,000. I almost went crazy at the time, and then the market started to go bullish in despair. And 2024 is the start of the PUA torture flow of Te Miao. It has been consolidating for 4 months from the peak on March 13 to July. I am almost being tortured crazy again. It is probably because the currency circle has risen too much in the past few months and broke through the previous high before the halving. Therefore, there must be a great cold after the great heat, and there will be a warm spring after the great cold! Will this bull market also be born in despair?

BTC is pulling back to the 120-day bull-bear line. Every time BTC reaches the 120-day line, it will become the dividing point between bull and bear markets. For example, the mainstream doubling market in April 2019, the ten-fold spot market in 2020, the 90% spot plunge in 2022, and the inscription market in early 2023, the market is brewing a historic market. The currency circle will have a chance to go all-in!

1. From the perspective of time, BTC has two waves of weekly rises. The first wave rose by 140 days and then fell back by 154 days. The second wave rose by 182 days. The fallback is expected to last between 154 and 200 days, which means that the adjustment will end in August and September. In addition, October has almost always risen in history, and it is often the starting point of a big market rise.

2. From the perspective of space, the first adjustment fell to 0.618, which is around 25,000. The second adjustment may also fall to 0.618, which is around 55,300. This position just fell below the previous low of 56,500, and the bottom was reached after all the bulls were blown up.

3. BTC within 60,000 is very cost-effective, and fixed investment is also good. However, don’t touch altcoins before BTC hits the bottom.

Only use strength to speak, and use value to reflect! We will help you control the position accurately and grasp the profit. When the market is good, you can make money no matter how you play, but you must know that the market will not always be good! ! ! When to buy and when to sell in the market is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours, and choice is greater than hard work!

Many friends asked today why the market fell again after waking up, and whether there was any negative news. In fact, this kind of situation will be asked almost every now and then, "Why did it rise today, why did it fall today", in fact, we really need to recognize that now is the market situation under the liquidity shortage, the information side affects the emotional side, the liquidity shortage stimulates the wide range of fluctuations, and the emotion drives the long and short game in the risk market.

At present, any slight disturbance will trigger short-term investors to take profits or stop losses, but because the liquidity in the market is too low, a small amount of chips can smash the market, and a small amount of funds can also play a role in pulling up the market, especially when it comes to the weekend and the main trading time in Asia when liquidity is the lowest point, this situation will become more and more frequent.
At present, the market is in a wide range of fluctuations, which has been fluctuating for almost four months. Believe it or not, this wide range of fluctuations will most likely continue before there is more certain information. The bull market in 2020 started with a hellish start. The epidemic caused the price to drop from 10,000 to 3,000. I almost went crazy at the time, and then the market started to go bullish in despair. And 2024 is the start of the PUA torture flow of Te Miao. It has been consolidating for 4 months from the peak on March 13 to July. I am almost being tortured crazy again. It is probably because the currency circle has risen too much in the past few months and broke through the previous high before the halving. Therefore, there must be a great cold after the great heat, and there will be a warm spring after the great cold! Will this bull market also be born in despair?

BTC is pulling back to the 120-day bull-bear line. Every time BTC reaches the 120-day line, it will become the dividing point between bull and bear markets. For example, the mainstream doubling market in April 2019, the ten-fold spot market in 2020, the 90% spot plunge in 2022, and the inscription market in early 2023, the market is brewing a historic market. The currency circle will have a chance to go all-in!

1. From the perspective of time, BTC has two waves of weekly rises. The first wave rose by 140 days and then fell back by 154 days. The second wave rose by 182 days. The fallback is expected to last between 154 and 200 days, which means that the adjustment will end in August and September. In addition, October has almost always risen in history, and it is often the starting point of a big market rise.

2. From the perspective of space, the first adjustment fell to 0.618, which is around 25,000. The second adjustment may also fall to 0.618, which is around 55,300. This position just fell below the previous low of 56,500, and the bottom was reached after all the bulls were blown up.

3. BTC within 60,000 is very cost-effective, and fixed investment is also good. However, don’t touch altcoins before BTC hits the bottom.



Only use strength to speak, and use value to reflect! We will help you accurately control the position and grasp the profit. When the market is good, you can make money no matter how you play, but you must know that the market will not always be good! ! ! When to buy and when to sell in the market is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours, and choice is greater than hard work! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #MiCA #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划