1. Since I am playing a chain game instead of a Web2 game, the property rights of the game assets (NFT and Token) I bought belong to me; unlike Web2 games, where the publisher backend bans the account or the game is rolled back, the weapons and equipment I bought will belong to me. The account disappeared out of thin air. Except for myself, chain game project developers, government agencies, and the King of Heaven cannot handle the chain game assets in my wallet; in the future, the assets I put in the game should also be safe enough that others cannot get involved.

  2. If I no longer want to play a chain game, I can sell my game assets at any time as long as the game is still in operation. Unlike playing Web2 games, most of the weapons and equipment in Web2 games cannot be traded. If you want to clear it, you can only sell your account on Xianyu, 5173, and Tradingmao. It is not easy to sell and it is easy to be cheated. After all, there are only a few Web2 games released. Vendors recognize game asset trading markets and allow direct transactions between players.

  3. If I buy assets in chain games, I will make a profit if I sell them after the price rises. If I sell them at a discount, I will lose money. If the game project is RUG, I will lose money. Playing chain games is not to spend money to buy game experience, but to invest, hoping to make profits by purchasing assets and then buying them low and selling them high, or by putting assets into the game for gold.

  4. If you play games for entertainment experience, rather than investing money to buy game assets and making money with game project developers, then it is best to play Web2 games instead of chain games.

  5. If a chain game is fun to get started and you feel very happy when playing it, then even if the price of the small amount of assets purchased later falls and the investment is lost, the impact will not be big. It can be regarded as earning money by playing Web2 games, and the investment becomes consumption. There is no hope of making money back. But if you continue to make money seriously and still lose money, and there is no possibility of recovering your investment, then you will definitely not invest again or continue to buy more assets in this game.

  6. Since playing chain games is an investment, you need to examine the founding team of the chain game project, the quality of the game products, and the design of the token economic system; read the white paper and see how you can make money after investing money to buy assets.

  7. When looking at chain game project teams, don’t touch teams that are purely anonymous and have no institutional endorsement. If a game team that becomes popular is anonymous and has no institutional endorsement, just buy it in a small way and think of it as buying memes to win luck. Teams that do not comply with the regulations for issuing coins in the chain game business will not touch them. If the chain game project is non-compliant according to the requirements of the country where the project team is located, it is very likely that the entire team will be arrested at the same time, and the chain game project will be directly banned.

  8. In case you don’t understand the game team and the token economic system, if a reliable friend buys this game asset, I will follow suit, but I will only buy in small quantities to prevent shortfalls.

  9. If the game product itself is done well (the art is good, the gameplay design is playable, there are few bugs, the game server and client systems are stable, new players can be immersed in it, and they can play for just a few days), this shows that the project is The investment (time + money) in the game is very heavy, and the technical strength is also very strong. It is not easy to rug the assets as soon as they are released. This kind of chain game project can buy more game assets.

  10. It would be best if the founding team with a high profile appear in public and have direct conversations with players. Because people who can appear in public to demonstrate compliance, and who have social status are more shameless, it is not easy for them to rug up their assets as soon as they are released. During the whole process, only workers are sent to show up and talk to the players. If something goes wrong, the workers will take the blame and leave. For this kind of chain game project where only workers appear as agents, you should be careful when buying assets.

  11. If the game product itself is beautiful and stable, but the economic system design is unclear, there is no rich Web2+Web3 operation plan, and there is no strategy to introduce more new players to the game for investment and consumption, there is a high chance that the investment of early players will not be there. There is a possibility of withdrawal. If early players scold it in the community all day long and new players are discouraged, the game will definitely collapse. The project looks good, so we can only buy a little and wait and see.

  12. If the chain game project team tells me that I will definitely make money after buying assets, then there must be something wrong with the design of the game’s economic system and it will collapse soon.

  13. If the production level and technical stability of a chain game project are poor compared to similar games, if it is shoddy at first glance, or if the operation feels uncomfortable in the first minute, it means that the project team is not capable, does not pay attention to it, and does not invest in the project. Rarely, it may be rug at any time. This kind of chain game can be passed directly.

  14. If you want to earn money in a chain game without investing any assets, you can earn money for free. This game will definitely be mined and sold by scientists in countries and regions with cheap labor, which will quickly cause the economic system to collapse. This kind of chain game can be directly passed.

  15. If the way to earn money in chain games is to PK with other players, if you win, you will get rewards (chips), if you lose, you will lose the rewards (chips). This gameplay is fair and healthy. If you lose in PK, you can completely admit defeat (possibly It's because my game playing skills are really not good, and I didn't think carefully, which led to mistakes, strategic mistakes, etc.). PK with other players can be PVP or rankings.

  16. The reward mechanism and chip allocation of PVP or rankings must be open and transparent, and should preferably be verified by smart contracts on the blockchain, rather than being left to the project team to cover the whole situation. If the project team dominates the world and one family has the final say, and the rules of the game can be changed without consulting anyone, then even if this kind of chain game is done well, it must run away quickly.

  17. You vote with your feet. If you see something is not right, you will immediately sell the game assets. You will also need to take back the chips when cutting the meat. Take as much as you can.

  18. Players spend money to buy chain game assets, and in theory they become small shareholders of the game project. It would be perfect if the player community established by the project team has the autonomy mechanism of DAO, and each stakeholder can use the assets they hold as chips to vote and jointly participate in the decision-making of game play design and PK chip allocation.

Finally, decentralization is an autonomous world ideal worth exploring. Playing games in an autonomous world is very worth looking forward to. Decentralized game development, distribution and operation still have a way to go, and require constant trial and error to get through. It has not been realized yet, but maybe a game will be made if you try it.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: "Deep Wave TechFlow"

  • Original author: Cathy Que