If you understand this top-level thinking, you will be the next one to get rich.

The sudden enlightenment of thinking is the starting point for the bottom to turn over. From the outside to the inside, there is pressure, and from the inside to the outside, there is a new life.

Therefore, everything should be looked inward, upon oneself, including making money.

1. Keep a normal mind

As soon as everyone opens their eyes, they are faced with a massive amount of information, mixed with desire, anxiety, impetuousness, and uneasiness that constantly sweeps over them.

This world is too illusory, and there are too many tricks to create anxiety. They take advantage of human weaknesses, instigate you, manipulate you, and say that it is a chance for ordinary people to make a comeback and that the opportunity should not be missed. Everything is an excuse to harvest you.

You only see what others want you to see, so be sure to treat it rationally.

The so-called windward trend is the tide of the times.

It is understandable that a person cannot keep up with the trend. After all, only a few people can enjoy the dividends of the times.

Even capital with power and resources can misjudge the trend and lose everything, let alone the general public who are fighting nakedly.

Therefore, we must keep a normal mind. This is not about not fighting or competing, but a bottom-line mentality.

Having a safety net means that a cunning rabbit has three burrows, and being prepared for everything so that you will not be caught off guard when difficulties come. It is like having a line to prevent your body and mind from falling into the abyss.

As the saying goes: If you keep the green mountains, you will never run out of firewood. All that remains is to improve your abilities and increase your chances of hitting the target.

2. Consolidate the capabilities

Eat your food one bite at a time. Even if you are very hungry, you cannot become fat all at once.

Improving your abilities requires a gradual process, and you need to slowly build your own stable system.

Improvement is your daily routine, simplicity, repetition and stability are your rhythm, loneliness and boredom are your emotions.

So you will understand that making money is not only about getting things done, but also a journey of spiritual practice.

The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation. Just like the superheroes in Marvel movies, you can only start the devil's training mode and become strong quickly with the determination of "enduring what others cannot endure and doing what others cannot do".

Many people fail because they cannot muster this kind of determination. Either they make indirect efforts, working for two days and drying the net for three days, or they just give up when they are about to succeed because the temperature is not right. Just like water that is boiled to 80 degrees, it will never reach 100 degrees.

3. Because we believe, we see

So people always need faith.

People are naturally lazy and afraid of difficulties, so they naturally resist stepping out of their comfort zone and instinctively question opportunities when they encounter them.

What the poor see: How to start without funds, how to execute without manpower, how to break through without direction?

What the rich see is: if you don’t have funds, go and look for them; if you don’t have manpower, go and recruit; if you don’t have a direction, ask for guidance.

Rich people see opportunities, while poor people see obstacles.

All the arguments are just self-justification. I want to find a hundred reasons to give up, but I am unwilling to find a motivation to believe.

If you are a hammer, everything will look like a nail to you. The key to the problem lies in whether you believe in yourself, and whether you dare to think, act and take action.

The sky does not belong only to eagles. Even if you are a frog in a well, you have to jump out of the well. Even if you cannot soar, it is worth it to look up at the sky and enjoy the vast view.

Because your leap of courage has already surpassed 90% of people.

If you are only willing to do easy things, then your life will be full of difficulties. If you are willing to do difficult things, then life will become easier.

Because only by believing can we see, and be brave enough to do the right and difficult things, and inspire more possibilities for ourselves

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