The essence of your poverty is that you can't see through the real social logic!

Often, as long as you have no money and no ability, there will be people around you who want to mess with you, and these people only target you. Because they know what they are doing, they must pick the soft persimmons, otherwise they will get themselves into trouble.

Therefore, you must understand that people like to bully those who are weaker than themselves, and if you don't want to be bullied, you must improve your strength as soon as possible and make others untouchable. You must know that in the adult world, any seemingly insignificant social interaction and chat is essentially a weighing of other people's economic strength.

Your own value determines the way others treat you. When you are strong and excellent enough, the world will suddenly become kind and others will be kind and amiable. After all, human nature has never changed from ancient times to the present, and the snobbish mentality of despising the poor and loving the rich has always been retained.

So you must work hard to make yourself have a certain economic strength, which is your confidence in walking in the world.

After all, as the saying goes: A penny can make a hero fall, but without money, you can't even take a step!

So if you can't solve poverty, there will be endless troubles and pain in your life, and there will be countless difficult-to-deal-with variables in your life, which will make you heartbroken and desperate. This is the truth. Although it sounds realistic and cold, it is an existence that cannot be changed.

So while we recognize the reality, we must never succumb to the poverty in reality. We must work hard until we change our lives.

There is a saying: cognition is the biggest cost, and thinking is the biggest wealth.

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