How much is Bitcoin when it is cheapest?

Many people are curious about how much Bitcoin is when it is cheapest? Today, the editor will give you the relevant answer. In fact, when BTC was first launched, the BTC "block reward" was 50 Bitcoins, which was only an attempt at the time, so Bitcoin had almost no value at first, and no price.

July 2010

[1 Bitcoin = 0.56 RMB]

On July 11, Bitcoin was reported by the famous news website Slashdot that the number of Bitcoin users has grown rapidly;

March 2013

[1 Bitcoin = 644 RMB]

The emergence of Bitcoin ATMs quickly pushed up the price of Bitcoin. On March 5, the value of Bitcoin was about US$40, and it soared to US$92 at the end of the month.

October 2015

[1 Bitcoin = 3,500 RMB]

After a long period of continuous and sharp decline, the price began to rise step by step. At the end of October, the price of Bitcoin rebounded to US$500.

December 2016

[1 Bitcoin = 7,000 RMB]

The Bitcoin market has undergone tremendous changes. The internal change is that the annual output has begun to shrink. The external changes are Brexit, the US election, and the surge in Asian investors. The price has continued to rise. In December 2016, Bitcoin broke through $1,000, creating an astonishing increase of 160%.

March 2017

[1 Bitcoin = 20,000 RMB]

On March 25, the price of Bitcoin started from a low of $891, and the price soared, reaching a record high of $2,980 in June.

In December, Bitcoin rebounded strongly, with the highest price reaching $19,800, about 140,000 RMB per coin.


[1 Bitcoin = 38,000 RMB]

After experiencing the highest peak in 17 years, Bitcoin began to pull back, and the price fluctuated, and it was in a sideways adjustment for a long time.


[1 Bitcoin = 360,000 RMB]

Bitcoin enters a bull market, the world's richest man Musk calls for an order, 1.5 billion US dollars into the game, and many big capitals enter the market.

March 2024

[1 Bitcoin = 530,000 RMB] 

Bitcoin breaks through the historical high again.

Finally, back to the question, when Bitcoin was the cheapest, it can be simply regarded as 1 cent per coin. If you bought 1 yuan at that time, that is, 100 Bitcoins, it would be worth 46.3 million RMB now. If you bought 5 yuan, it would be worth hundreds of millions now.

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