The cryptocurrency celebrity Liang Xi is happy to get a sewing machine that has been stepped on for two years

Liang Xi was prosecuted for selling his personal Weibo account, receiving money, but not giving his personal Weibo account. Liang Xi defrauded 10,000 yuan of oil and got a sewing machine that has been stepped on for two years. For forgiveness, the 10,000 yuan of oil was returned, and he was only given a one-month reduction in sentence. Because Zhejiang cracked down on fraud, he would not be given a suspended sentence and would have to go to jail for two years.

Two years later, no one will remember the cryptocurrency celebrity Liang Xi, just like no one remembers the previous Cai Shu and Da Shi. Time is so ruthless. Liang Xi is about to step on the sewing machine until it smokes. Calculated at the speed at which the cryptocurrency market eliminates leeks, it will not take more than two years. It is estimated that not many people will remember the former top streamer, the god-like genius trader Liang Xi. The market is too cruel, and the cryptocurrency career of leeks generally does not exceed 6 months.

The top streamer in the cryptocurrency circle, Liang Xi, is a genius trader who made 30 million yuan a day with a few thousand yuan in the 519 market in 2021. Regarding this matter, my comment is that I am still too young and mistake luck for my strength. In fact, the biggest difficulty for a person is to know himself. It is important for people to have self-knowledge. Investors who can clearly understand their strengths, strengths and weaknesses are rare in the currency circle. Most people fail and succeed in a muddle. Those who are lucky can still save a lot of results after they rise. Those with bad luck will have no future after they rise. So it is better to be cautious in life, and reflect more on failures and successes. Try to keep a normal mentality and avoid arrogance and greed.

Liang Xi left countless joys and countless emoticons to friends in the currency circle. Most of the top streamers in the global investment community are just meteors, and there are really not many who can continue to be popular.

The most classic example is Livermore, a genius trader who has gone bankrupt many times and risen many times. He defeated Wall Street alone and earned $100 million. The annual fiscal revenue of the United States that year was only about $4.2 billion.

Even before committing suicide, although he was bankrupt, he still had a family trust fund of tens of millions, which could ensure a lifetime of food and clothing. But why did he commit suicide?

For more stories about Liang Xi in the cryptocurrency world, please visit the homepage!

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