In fact, for most people, it is a good thing that there is no exchange for virtual currency. I think this can reach 90%.

Virtual currency has a strong gambling attribute. Those who have played it know that even for BTC, it is not particularly difficult to fluctuate by 5% a day. It is normal for a copycat to fluctuate by 20~30% a day. Not to mention contracts, leverage and liquidation are just a matter of minutes. Even spot goods may quickly return to zero, refer to LUNA.

Although Myanmar A is extremely rubbish, the daily increase and decrease limit is 10%, and the limit after ST is 5%. Extreme events like ST Aikang are relatively rare. That is to say, Myanmar A's loss of money is like cutting meat with a blunt knife, and the time will be extended, and you will not lose it in a few minutes. At least there is a buffer, and the possibility of mental breakdown is much reduced.

Many people like to gamble, and the threshold of virtual currency is extremely low. Why are there so many 10U war gods? It is because the threshold of this thing is too low. However, most people who enter this thing end up losing all their money. Because most people who have tasted the quick way of making money in contracts find it difficult to resist the temptation. Contracts often follow the principle of "making money is just a process, and liquidation is the destination".

People who lose all their assets quickly may do extreme things, jumping off a building is the most common. Some people may retaliate against society, which will lead to social instability. And this is what Rabbit cares about most. Therefore, virtual currency will not be legal in China in the foreseeable future.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛

Before entering this market, we must first recognize the situation and ourselves. The purpose of coming to this circle is to change our lives. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

And these, you just need, and I just have them, so what are you still hesitating about?

Pay attention!!! $BTC $ETH