A large Telegram channel, “Department of Cryptocurrencies”, with 110 thousand subscribers, was scammed. It is notable for the fact that it was advertised through “sneaker” applications. As far as we remember - through Memefi.

Tapalki are now playing it safe - both#Memefiand#Blumwarn that they are not related to the advertised channels and their advertising is not a “quality mark” that can be used to replace your own DYOR. In general, we believe that they are underperforming here and should separately warn about a specific scam scheme. Which is what the “Cryptocurrency Department” uses.

How will the “Cryptocurrency Department” scam the recruited audience? In the classic way - a fraudulent token that can be bought on the#PancakeSwapDEX exchange, but cannot be sold (this is how the smart contract is written). Much has been written about such cases, but the scheme is alive and working, despite its hackneyed nature. And especially now, when new participants are entering the crypto market through sneakers.

This time the scammers came up with a story, connecting truth and fiction. They took the real-life company#Alchemyand threw in a fake that the company was launching a certain ALM token for a “limited presale”. In reality, this is a scam token and buying it means parting with money.