🔥Crypto becomes the new favorite? Trump deal reappears?🔥🔥

Hello everyone, the financial circle has been surging recently, especially in the field of cryptocurrency. Bernstein analysts pointed out that with the improvement of the prospects of the Republican Party and the support of the leadership for cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency may become the "Trump deal" of this election cycle!

What is the "Trump deal"? Simply put, it is the coordinated rise of the stock market, bond market and the US dollar brought about by the economic policies characterized by protectionism and nationalism during President Trump's term. And now, this effect seems to be reappearing in the field of cryptocurrency. ☑Bernstein analysts believe that if Trump is re-elected, cryptocurrencies are likely to usher in a sharp rise due to increased institutional adoption and an improved regulatory environment. Moreover, Republicans regard cryptocurrency as an important vote bank and source of funds. When the election sentiment turns to the Republican Party, cryptocurrency is likely to become the focus of the market. In fact, the Trump campaign team has begun accepting cryptocurrency donations, which is undoubtedly a huge support for the cryptocurrency industry. Moreover, many well-known people such as Cathie Wood, Stephen Schwarzman and the Winklevoss twins have expressed support for Trump and promised to donate Bitcoin.

However, some analysts pointed out that although Trump recently supported cryptocurrencies, if he is elected, he may become skeptical of cryptocurrencies again. This also brings us to think: What kind of sparks will be created between politics and cryptocurrencies?

In general, cryptocurrencies have become the new darling of the political and economic fields. Whether Trump is re-elected or not, cryptocurrencies will play an increasingly important role in the future. As investors and followers, we need to be vigilant and pay close attention to market dynamics in order to find opportunities in changes.

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