🔥Important statement: "Bitcoin, from now on, is made in the United States!🔥

Trump made a major statement: "Bitcoin, from now on, is made in the United States!"

Under the attention of the world, former US President Donald Trump made a declaration that was enough to shock the cryptocurrency field: "We expect every byte of Bitcoin to be branded with the mark of 'Made in the United States'!"

Are you ready for this historic moment?

A new chapter in the economy: This decision may promote the United States' leading position in the global cryptocurrency field.

Technological leap: The innovative wave of blockchain technology will set off a new climax in the United States.

New employment opportunities: With the rise of the Bitcoin mining industry, the United States will usher in thousands of new jobs and economic growth points.

Back The deep meaning behind it:

National glory: Bitcoin manufacturing in the United States will undoubtedly enhance our national pride and technological confidence.

Global leadership: This decision will help the United States dominate the global cryptocurrency mining and innovation field.

Sustainable development: Relying on the rich energy resources of the United States to achieve efficient and environmentally friendly Bitcoin mining.

Join us to witness this historic change: Let us work together to move towards a new era of American creativity and economic strength. Bitcoin mining will shine on this red, white and blue land!

Are you ready to welcome this wave of change? The world of cryptocurrency is about to be completely changed by this decision!

#非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BTC $ETH