Understand 10 human principles

First, you think that some people who choke others have low emotional intelligence, but you are wrong. They just look down on you. They dare not do that to people who are stronger than them.

Second, everyone likes good people, but no one will respect good people. If you want to get equality by pleasing others, you can go to bed.

Third, the softer you are, the more people will scare you. The harder you are, the more people will be afraid of you. The more unreasonable you are, the less people will dare to sacrifice your interests.

Fourth, people who talk about morality and justice must stay away. Such people are like poisonous snakes, and they will bite you when you are not prepared.

Fifth, when others open their hearts to you, they may not necessarily treat you as a brother. Maybe they just want to get something valuable from you.

Sixth, never act smarter than your boss. A truly smart person must look stupid.

Seven, when a general dies, people cry, but when a general dies, no one buries him. Others flatter you, not because you are charming, but because you have power.

Eight, integrity is not enough temptation, loyalty is too low to betray. When the interests are big enough, brothers will become enemies.

Nine, there are few people around you who really want you to live well, and they can't accept that you live better than them. So, don't get carried away.

Ten, listen more, talk less, nod often, even if you don't get along with someone, you have to give it to them for face. If you are quick to talk, you will cause trouble.

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