The secret behind the market maker's market crash! The market crash method has a new trick. Why is it different from 312 and 519 this time?

1: The market maker's operation is like an art, and the market crash also needs to be cleverly arranged. The method of this market crash is obviously different from the past. The key is that the story is not explosive enough. Although the news of the US and German governments selling coins and compensation for door-to-door ditch has an impact, it is not enough to trigger a large-scale market crash.

2: Therefore, the market maker adopted the strategy of time + space, and through a slow decline, the altcoin fell smoothly and did not give a rebound opportunity. Such a market crash method is not only for cheaper chips, but also a psychological warfare against the market. If we don't have enough cognition, it is easy to sell in panic and fall before dawn.

3: Trading is a lonely thing. You need to have your own ideas and opinions, and people are a group animal.

You need to win the approval of others. Loneliness will make us lack a sense of security, and then want to see if other people's views are the same as ours. Once we are the same, we will feel much more comfortable. Once we are different, we are full of anxiety.

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