Use #交易四步曲 to make a market plan #BTC走势预测

The daily cycle is still in the high range, and the price is near the lower edge of the oscillation. Assuming that this range is a distribution, when the price falls below the range, it is likely to go out of the main decline.

Observe the 4H cycle again, it also shows a downward trend. The price rebounds many times and is under pressure at 62500. The downward trend cannot be broken for the time being.

There will be potential support at the previous low pin point. If the price falls below to form a resonance between the 1D plan and the 4H plan, it will show a main decline trend.

If the previous low appears 2B, it may really continue. Short orders can be temporarily exited, and some long orders can be opened to gain a rebound. $BTC