The 3-day line has not exceeded 7 consecutive negative lines in history. If the closing of this week causes the 3-day line to close negative, then BTC will just have the second rare case in history where 7 consecutive 3-day lines closed negative; The last similar situation (November 2019), BTC rebounded well on the 8th 3-day line, recovering the decline of the previous 1~2 3-day lines, corresponding to the current target range of 62,000 to 64,000; Have you heard of "slaying the dragon"?

In the gambling D field, if a D table has 10~13 consecutive openings of large or small, then the dragon-slaying group will appear. Their logic believes that there is no possibility of deception in the D field, and the probability of 10 consecutive results is very low (9.7 in 10,000), which will lead to a lower probability of similar situations after the 10th time. So they will start the Martin strategy, betting in another direction, and double it if they lose, until a wave of turnaround.

By the time the same number of hot spots appeared for the 13th time, the probability of the 14th time had dropped to 0.006%, or 0.6 in 10,000. The people who bet heavily on charities went for the dragon. But if you know a little about probability, theoretically the probability of each opening is the same, but if the same number of averages appear, this is indeed completely different from the consumption and objective perspectives, but in fact, the probability of the same average as a whole is really shockingly low;

Back to BTC's 3-day line, there are currently 6 negative lines, and the maximum number of historical lines is 7. Based on this logic, people who gamble may enter the market and go long at the weekend or now to earn a strong rebound profit. Of course, this discussion is entirely because the weekend is too boring, and we are looking for something to talk about. If the current 3-day line closes positive, the words mentioned above may be clearly defined. Then whether the rules will be followed in history, we will know next week.

#BTC走势预测 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划