What have you learned from blind dates?

A 31-year-old single man is numb to blind dates. He chooses to lie down on the road of blind dates and not fight anymore.

The biggest feeling I get from blind dates is:

Ordinary boys go on blind dates just to get abused.

If you are single and have to go on blind dates frequently, you will find that 6-7 times out of 10 blind dates, you feel like you have stepped on dog shit. How could you meet such a person?

Most of the girls I went on blind dates with are like the springs on a broken clock. They move when they are turned, no matter how hard I try.

Blind dates are really tiring. You have to treat them to meals, watch movies, buy gifts, go out, plan routes, bring food and drinks. The woman doesn't have to pay at all during the whole process, she doesn't have to spend money, she doesn't have to spend thought, and she even puts on a sour face when she is not in the mood to play.

She never takes the initiative in online chats, never cares about me, doesn't take the initiative to find topics, and every time I express the desire to advance the relationship, she replies: slow to warm up.

There is no response at all when I send gifts, and she won't say thank you, happy or anything like that, just like nothing happened.

I don't take the initiative to talk to her, and she never talks to me, even on weekends.

It is reasonable for the man to take the initiative at the beginning of a blind date, but after two or three weeks, I asked you out four or five times, and it has become a daily task to talk to you every day, but you are still clockwork, which makes people very tired.

We all met through blind dates. I am not chasing you, let alone licking you. I don't need you to be more active with me. You just need to say: I am free on Saturday, let's go somewhere to play. That's it.

But I have never heard this from these girls. I really can't stand this kind of cold violence. It is more tiring than going to work.

So you say that blind dates are a waste of time.

Even if you lower your posture and are sincere to the point of being humble, you can't get anything in return except a body full of injuries and the title of a dog licker for thousands of years.

This is the rule of blind dates. I think the time of traders in the cryptocurrency circle is very precious, and I hope that Nasdaq traders can avoid detours.

I'm forwarding this, I hope it's useful to everyone.