Why do some people say that Bitcoin can rise to 1 million per coin?

Bitcoin has long been the actual currency in circulation for international underground transactions.

After the Russian-Ukrainian war kicked Russia out of Swift,

I believe that there are more and larger transactions using this system,

such as Russian agents using ustd.

The essence is that the risk of centralized transactions predicted by Bitcoin has been fulfilled. . .

Now Europeans are also discussing why the United States also knows and can intercept money transfers from the UK to Norway?

Then do you think that the Middle East will also think of this problem?

Those who say that Bitcoin will rise to a certain amount are all scammers.

However, the value of Bitcoin,

it is impossible to return to zero.

Because the world already has a real demand for a decentralized currency circulation system.

The whole world knows that Russia was kicked out of Swift,

and the entire market's perception was shaken overnight.

In the long run, this reassessment of risks,

will definitely bring BTC up. . .

It's just a matter of how much.

In short, no matter who Matsumoto Satoshi is,

he is right.

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