The most important asset in business and investment is not the principal, but information:

The more you know, the more perspectives you have, the more connections you can make, and the stronger your ability to make predictions.

This is the basis of strong cognition and the essence of being able to get results;

To be honest, many people think that I can't make money because the principal is too small. In fact, the reason is that the investment skills are too poor, and they rarely find out whether they are: "thinking clearly", "calming down" and "patient"; the skills of those with more principal are not good, which is nothing more than losing more than you

Cognition comes from a lot of input. More often than not, we don't have insight into the essence of the industry, and we just start working, which is basically looking for death!

So if you really want to make money in the currency circle, in addition to the principal, you must think clearly about the essence of the market, set your own path, and how to have a higher perspective and a wider network of contacts! #BTC☀