In the cryptocurrency world, I have gradually learned some key lessons. First, I believe that "buy and hold" is a sound strategy, especially when choosing projects with great market value potential, strong growth, solid moats and some form of monopoly. Such projects can often bring considerable returns to investors in the long run.

However, I also understand that the market has its own fluctuations. As the old saying goes, "Everything goes to extremes and then reverses." When the price of a currency soars, it often ushered in a correction. Therefore, I always remind myself to be able to withstand the decline caused by market fluctuations, only in this way can I enjoy the real rise when the price rises back.

In investment decisions, I always emphasize the importance of fundamental analysis. The value of a project is not only reflected in its current price, but also in its future development potential and stability. Therefore, I will conduct in-depth research on the project's business model, team background, technical strength, etc. to ensure that my investment is based on sufficient analysis and judgment.

During the investment process, I always remain rational and avoid being swayed by market sentiment. I understand that investment is a long-term business that requires patience and perseverance. Therefore, even in the face of a sharp drop, I can remain calm and hold on to my investment firmly.

In terms of buying strategy, I tend to gradually build positions when the price falls to a low level. This can not only reduce the average cost, but also obtain greater profits when the price rises. At the same time, I will also adopt strategies such as grid trading to capture more trading opportunities in price fluctuations.

I firmly believe that investing is a personal endeavor that requires your own judgment and decision-making. Therefore, I will not blindly follow the crowd or listen to the advice of others, but will make investment decisions based on my own research and analysis.

I also realize that shorting the market may seem tempting, but it is actually full of risks. Too many decisions often mean more mistakes. Therefore, I prefer to seize a few truly valuable opportunities rather than trade or short frequently.

Finally, I think that in the investment process, we need to focus on the long-term value of the project, rather than just its short-term price. A great project, in the long run, tends not to be too expensive. Therefore, we don’t have to care too much about short-term price fluctuations, but should focus on the long-term development and potential of the project.

In general, my experience in cryptocurrency trading can be summarized as: rational investment, in-depth research, long-term holding, seizing opportunities, and avoiding following the trend. Only in this way can we make steady profits in the cryptocurrency circle.