OpenAI has been sued by many media before

According to previous reports, the New York Times sued Microsoft and ChatGPT developer OpenAI late last year, accusing the two companies of copyright infringement and unauthorized use of the newspaper's article content to train its AI model, severely damaging its reputation, operations and profitability.

Eight U.S. newspaper publishers also sued it on the same grounds in April. OpenAI said in a statement at the time: OpenAI takes great care in its products and design processes to support news organizations. We are actively building constructive partnerships and dialogue with many news organizations around the world to explore opportunities, discuss any issues and provide solutions.

OpenAI announces partnership with Times

Through this partnership, OpenAI will be able to access current and historical content from Time magazine’s extensive archives spanning the past 101 years to enhance its products and presentations, respond to user inquiries, and provide citations and links back to its original website sources. Link. The new partnership furthers TIME's commitment to expanding global access to accurate, trustworthy information.

The partnership also allows TIME to leverage OpenAI’s technology to develop new products for its audience, with the opportunity to provide critical feedback and share real-world applications to refine and enhance news delivery in ChatGPT and other OpenAI products and shape future news experiences.

Let AI become a way for villagers to fight with netizens? OpenAI incorporates Reddit content into artificial intelligence training materials!

As the AI ​​wave leads the world, it seems that OpenAI cannot reap all the benefits. It must join forces with traditional media to provide more accurate information and benefit both sides through a business cooperation model.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: Lian News