Important news push at noon:

1. VanEck submitted SOL ETF application: This move has a certain boosting effect on the current market, which has temporarily stopped the market's downward trend. If the ETH ETF can be successfully launched in early July, it may be expected to change the current weak market situation.

2. ENS is about to rebrand: As an important part of the Ethereum ecosystem, ENS will launch a brand rebrand in the near future. Its current market performance is strong and it is worth paying attention to when it pulls back.

3. APT and Alibaba Cloud have reached a cooperation: The two parties will jointly explore new cooperation opportunities.

4. SNT released a new proposal: It plans to launch the Status Network, which will bring new development opportunities to its ecosystem.

5. Mentougou Mt.Gox creditor dynamics: It is expected that some Bitcoin may be sold next month, but the cash repayment of FTX creditors is expected to stimulate a market rebound in August.

6. US regulators may approve spot Ethereum ETF: According to sources, regulators may approve the launch of spot Ethereum ETF before July 4.

#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划


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