The bloodiness of this bull market washout is more than ever before, so it cannot be compared with the previous bull market. The environment of the currency circle has changed, and the trend has naturally changed accordingly.

The bloodier the washout, the more panicked the retail investors are, and the less they dare to enter the market easily. It is obviously a bull market, but it gives people a feeling of a bear market, which leads many people to misjudge that the current situation is the tail of the bull market and the early stage of the bear market.

But please listen to my analysis:

The Bitcoin ETF has been passed, and institutions have just begun to get involved in this market.

Bitcoin has just experienced a halving, and it has only been two months, less than three months, and the price has not broken through the previous high.

The interest rate cut has not yet begun, and the funds in the market have not yet poured in. At present, it is mainly supported by the stock funds and ETF funds.

The altcoin has not yet ushered in a big outbreak, and some people have asserted that the bull market has ended.

If it is really over, then this is not a bull market at all, but just a small wave on the way to the bull market.

In the face of the current situation, the key is to persist. Don't be afraid of FUD, don't think too much, and keep a calm mind. People who bought Bitcoin can enjoy life every day for half a year, play games, or go out for travel. Anyway, don't check the market frequently and reduce communication with people in the currency circle. This method is especially suitable for those who can't hold it. For them, this is the best strategy.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #熊市预警


Again, at this stage, some good currencies are being laid out

If you are interested and want to witness the strength

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I won't let fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth