BTC volatility hits a new record low. It can be seen that after the previous volatility plunges, historic market conditions will be ushered in.

For example, in 2016, everyone believed that the market value of BTC was large enough and the price tended to be stable.

Until the big bull wave in 2017, all spot prices rose by more than dozens of times, and some even exceeded hundreds of times.

For example, before the mainstream doubled in 2019, 2020, and 2023, the volatility fell to a low point.

It is worth noting that before the waterfall market started in 2018, the volatility also fell to a new low, which shows that the low point of volatility means that a big market is coming, rather than a criterion for judging rises and falls.

Volatility refers to the amplitude of market changes. Many friends think that the volatility in the past two days is large enough.

In fact, from the perspective of volatility, it is far from enough. When the real trend market appears, BTC will soar and plummet by tens of thousands of dollars in a few days or even a day, and double or halve in 15 days. In contrast, the mainstream volatility may be even more outrageous.

It is believed that the storm is coming, and the July non-agricultural period will become a key node for the change. Signs have appeared recently, and we can pay close attention to market fluctuations.

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