The end of the old boy in crypto, the leeks who were cut by the partners in the bear market

The old boy planned a grand plan, while the partners were doing short-term cashing out. Do you have such a stupid friend around you?

The secondary market has been very difficult recently. I have a friend who runs a company. He is very happy every day, a passionate and good man. Then because of the partner's affairs, the company collapsed, and a huge funding hole could not be filled. First of all, I don't believe that a passionate and funny old boy who loves playing games and planning grand plans will cheat people, but he doesn't cheat people, but his partners will.

The old boy planned a grand plan, while the partners were doing short-term cashing out. In the end, the old boy cursed and cried, why everything was different from what I thought.

Stupid VCs, don't cut them, leave some room for brothers and old boys. #币安合约锦标赛