Yesterday's early trading strategy was very clear, and it is recommended to continue to be bearish after the rebound. A short-term long position was established at the 61022 line yesterday, and the stop profit was set at the 62027 line. In the end, more than 1,000 points of space were obtained, and the rate of return exceeded 3.3 times!

Establishing a position at $6,000, a profit of $19,000 was obtained, and establishing a position at $8,000, a profit of $26,000 was obtained. However, the biggest risk of high-leverage trading lies in the lack of effective risk control strategies and trading decisions based on feelings rather than rationality.

In a high-leverage market, profit and loss are the norm, but minimizing risks and maximizing profits through strict risk control is the core of small positions and fine risk management. Achieving small investment and large returns is the key to truly achieving small gains.

To achieve a 10-fold return per month, further optimization and supplementation are still needed. This exclusive strategy is now popular all over the Internet...

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