FET, AGIX and OCEAN will be delisted from BN Exchange on July 1 and merged into ASI to be relisted.

How to convert the original tokens?

FET to ASI is 1:1 AGIX to ASI is 1:0.433 OCEAN to ASI is 1:0.433

Expectations after the merger

As of press time, the total market value of FET is 4 billion, the market value of AGIX is 847 million, and the market value of OCEAN is 420 million. If the merger is successful, the total market value of ASI is estimated to be 5.267 billion, which will surpass the previous leading projects TAO and RNDR and become the project with the highest market value in the AI ​​sector.

Nvidia has surpassed Apple and Microsoft to become the company with the highest market value in the world, and the concept of AI has played a key role in this. In the field of cryptocurrency, AI currency will also become one of the most concerned sectors in the market in 2024.

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