A new strategy to save LUNC

With the end of the Do Kwon era, the community has officially taken over LUNA. Binance has also made clear their determination to help USTC return to the value of $1. However, it is not easy to achieve and maintain this value, as the fate of USTC, LUNC, and LUNA are closely linked.

While it seems feasible to bring USTC back to $1, it is a huge challenge to ensure its stability. Especially considering the huge volume of LUNC, which is as high as 6780 billion, it undoubtedly puts a heavy burden on the development of LUNA. When the value of USTC or LUNA rises sharply, it is difficult for LUNC to meet this demand. For example, if LUNC is to reach $1, its total market value will be as high as $6 trillion, which is obviously unrealistic.

To solve this problem, we need to "slim down" LUNC. The previous proposal was to halve on the 15th of each month, but considering efficiency, I propose a more radical strategy: divide the number of LUNC tokens in all wallets by 1000 at one time. For example, if you originally had 10 million LUNC, after this operation, you will have 10,000. Importantly, the burning tax rate remains unchanged.

Such an operation will reduce the number of LUNC in each wallet, but increase the value. The total market value will not only not decrease, but may increase. This is a beneficial and harmless move for all holders.

I believe that through such adjustments, the LUNA series will be able to develop healthily and become one of the best tokens on the market.