Yesterday's stock market decline was undoubtedly closely linked to the dynamics of U.S. Treasury bonds. Let's review and sort out the key information in recent times and think deeply. 💥

Fed Chairman Powell briefly and clearly pointed out in public: "The continued growth of U.S. Treasury bonds will come to an end." As soon as this statement came out, the market immediately fell into panic selling, and this round of decline has not yet bottomed out. It is expected to continue at least until the 7th of this month, when the U.S. Congress will announce a specific plan for issuing new debt to repay old debt. 💥

Combined with the news of the previous two days, it is not difficult to find that the government has expressed its commitment to keeping the inflation rate within 2%, but around July 8, the market is expected to adopt an easing policy again to digest new and old debts by increasing the money supply. However, this move is likely to push up inflation again. In order to appease market sentiment in advance, the official released relevant signals in advance. 🔥

For investors seeking high returns, the best time to enter the market may be to buy the bottom when these negative news are fully released and market sentiment reaches a low point. But what cannot be ignored is that there is an extreme risk, that is, if the United States allows the collapse of the dollar credit system, it will trigger an unprecedented bear market storm, the market will suffer a huge impact, and form a super plunge. This is a vivid manifestation of the coexistence of risks and opportunities in investment. 🔥

Originally, this bull market was highly anticipated and expected to continue to set new highs. Unfortunately, the US dollar played a destroyer role in it and became a key factor hindering the continued rise of the market.

If someone thinks that my analysis is creating market panic, it will be a misunderstanding of my intention. Time will be the best witness, and my article, even if it is read by only tens of thousands of people, has little influence on the huge market. 🚀

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