
【Four core techniques for short-term trading】

First point: Don’t be greedy when the short-term peaks.

Short-term trading is trading the short-term upward trend. If the trend begins to peak at a high level, you must not harbor illusions or be overly greedy. You should follow the principles of the short-term trading system and sell in time. It is not too late to enter the market again when new opportunities arise later.

Second point: Hold on to strong coins and enter and exit quickly.

The key to short-term trading is to select strong coins. Strong coins have good liquidity. As long as the trend has not peaked, there will be a steady stream of relay funds to push its trend upward.

Third point: Grab the absolute leading coins in the hot sector, which peak slowly and gain quickly.

When a hot sector is formed, if a new wave of market conditions begins, and a new absolute leading coin appears, you can intervene. The leading coin without competitors will often rise more rapidly.

Fourth point: Stop trading when your short-term model has no money-making effect

When the market lacks hot spots, or your short-term model has no money-making effect, the best choice is to go short. Going short is to wait for a better short-term strong coin to appear. Have you learned it?