Key points
The Binance Women in Technology Academy, organized in collaboration with the Women in Technology Association (WTech), has expanded its training programs to include women in the earthquake-affected areas of Turkey.
80 young women from the earthquake zone took part in a series of educational courses held in the city of Hatay on March 26-27.
The academy was created to increase the presence of women in the fields of cryptocurrency, blockchain and Web3, promoting gender equality in the industry and the growth of the high-tech sector of the Turkish economy.
In order to promote equal opportunities in the cryptocurrency sector and increase the financial literacy of women, Binance has partnered with the Turkish Women in Technology Association (Wtech) to launch the Binance Women in Technology Academy. Through its educational programs in Hatay, the academy has engaged young female university students living in earthquake-affected areas.
The program was held in the Antakya district of the city of Hatay on March 26-27, 2024. The program included training in financial literacy, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, NFT, cyber security, and more to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in the Web3 world. At the end of the program, 80 participants were awarded certificates. Binance also provided 270 Ramadan food kits to families living in the container city where the courses were held.
Training women for leadership
The Binance Women in Technology Academy, launched in January 2024, recently completed its 8-week pilot program and graduated its first batch of students. The collaboration between Binance and Wtech aims not only to introduce young women to the world of technology, but also to empower them to take leadership positions both at work and in society. The initiative aims to increase the presence of women in the fields of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and Web3, as well as to overcome gender inequality in the industry. Building on the success of the initial group of 50 students, the team decided to host the program in Hatay.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony at the end of the two-day intensive education course in Hatay, Mujahit Donmez, CEO of Binance Turkey, highlighted Binance's relief efforts following the February 6 earthquake: "At Binance Turkey, we have taken important steps to show our support to those affected by earthquake.Binance donated $100 in BNB to each of its users in the earthquake-affected regions.In addition, donations collected through Binance Charity were sent to the Turkish Red Crescent to support the earthquake victims, and thanks to our donations to AHBAP, metal frame houses used as schools".
Turkey is not only a country with a level of adoption of cryptocurrencies of about 40%, but also one of the world leaders in terms of the popularity of cryptocurrencies and new technologies. However, as Donmez emphasized, despite the positive global trend regarding gender equality in the cryptocurrency sector that can be observed in recent years, inequality still persists. Binance is committed to promoting equality and diversity both within the company and throughout the ecosystem. Our mission goes beyond education, and we strive to empower our students to shape their future by helping them be more courageous.
"More than an educational program"
Zehra Oni, founder of the Women in Technology Association, which is a partner of the Binance Women in Technology Academy, also spoke at the ceremony, noting that: "The main goal of the Women in Technology Association has always been to educate experts and competent people in the field of technology , as well as making a concerted effort to increase the number of women in the workplace, in the manufacturing process and in entrepreneurship.The program has been very strong. ".
Finally, Harika Eldogan, Marketing Director of Binance in Turkey, emphasized that the goal of the project is to provide training to 5,000 women within 5 years. She said: "We are working to expand the cryptocurrency ecosystem in Turkey. It is especially important for us to attract young men and women to this ecosystem. We help women appreciate new opportunities on the way to financial freedom and support their development in these areas." Eldogan also added that the Binance Academy "Women in Technology" is not only an educational program, but also a community building initiative. Thanks to this program, women working in different fields can come together, communicate and share knowledge and experience.
The program ended with a graduation ceremony where more than 80 students received certificates of completion and gift tablets from Lenovo that will support them in their educational and professional journey. In addition, the Binance team showed support for the local Hataya community by donating 270 Ramadan food kits to families living in a container city in the area instead of hosting the annual Iftar in Istanbul. The container city, built by the organization Needs Map, was built last year after the earthquake for families who lost their homes, and it hosted educational courses.
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