This year, retail investors have indeed had good opportunities to earn money in several projects:

- Manta: In just half a month, the rate of return reached 72%.

- Jupiter: Through several interactions with the SOL chain, I earned 200 $JUP and 100u of $WEN.

- SOL Phone: I bought the phone and participated in the early airdrop, and the cost has almost been recovered.

- Runestone: Hold 3 NFTs to participate in the 5000u rune stone airdrop.

- Dog: Hold the rune stone to get at least 5000u of $Dog.

- Etherfi: Deposit 0.01E on the last day to get 900u of $ETHFI.

- Eigenlayer: Deposit 10u to get at least 110 $EIGEN.

- Pizza: As long as you have used unisat, you can get 800u of $Pizza.

- Not: You can earn about 200u of $Not by clicking the button every day.

These projects attract users to participate through incentives. Be sure to verify the security and reliability of the project before participating to avoid investment risks.

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