Although many people expect the bull market to be a smooth and straight-line process, they eagerly look forward to continuous rise and are unwilling to face any fluctuations.

There is a common vision that is to be able to accurately buy at every trough of the market and sell at the peak, so as to achieve the so-called perfect band operation.

But in actual investment, even in a bull market, it is not easy for many investors to hold assets for a long time. Some people even find it unbearable to hold them for a short period of time.

Behind these phenomena actually reflects the truth of a market: in a bull market, only a few people can really make profits, about only 10% to 20% of investors.

The reason why these successful investors can make money in the bull market is not because they can frequently carry out band operations, but because they have enough patience and determination to persist until the final stage of the bull market.

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