Federal Reserve: All 31 banks tested passed the annual stress test, and the US stock market is not afraid of a halving

He has the final say on whether the banking industry passes or fails the stress test

Is he afraid of the U.S. stock market being cut in half? Does he want the votes of the beautiful voters?

The Fed said this to express that it can handle high interest rates.


Europe cuts interest rates to get cheap money for capital. One of the operations for those willing to go overseas for arbitrage is to short US stocks

Since the United States has decided to maintain a high interest rate policy

Then the opponent’s defense line is established: buyback!

It is also a way to indirectly convey the risks of US stocks

This is consistent with one of the possible negative factors mentioned in my article "Overnight, the price of pie fell sharply, what will happen next?"

The continued depreciation of the euro will accelerate the outflow of hot money from Europe

Expectation management of US stocks is an expectation guide for hot money

This transmission is smoother in markets with more mature financial systems.

It can also be seen as the Fed showing its sword before the war even begins.

Japan is in a worse situation. The exchange rate is depreciating rapidly and has fallen below the point where the Bank of Japan intervened in April.

Then the probability of this round of dollar tide bursting in Japan, Europe and the United States will also increase

The winner must be decided before the interest rate cut

Speaking of Japan's participation in the China-Japan-ROK Free Trade Area negotiations

The Chinese calligraphy of "解衣" (unbuttoning clothes) has been displayed in the central hall of the reception room, hinting at Japan's strategic intentions. So when will Japan sell off its 1.1 trillion U.S. debts in large quantities to resist the depreciation of the yen?

Or just surrender and wait for the explosion?

PS: The story of giving up one's clothes and food comes from the Chu-Han period and is also the reason why Han Xin died.

Looking back at the younger brothers in the Confucian cultural circle, they have been struggling for hundreds of years: Meiji Restoration, leaving Asia and joining Europe...

Cultural core and strategic thinking are inseparable from the Confucian cultural genes of the Celestial Empire.

[Originally published by Weibo of the same name]

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