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接下来是山寨表演的时候,选好山寨很重要: 首先大家要明白,大饼高点已经拉至73000一线,就目前67000美元左右,翻一倍到13万需要巨额资金,相比之下造福效应减弱,山寨币拉升更容易、涨幅更大。 再者项目方倾向于在牛市后半场拉盘山寨币,换取投资者手中的大饼和美元,因为大饼在牛市后期更容易出货。 还有一点牛市通常在疯狂中落幕,而这种疯狂往往来自山寨币的大涨,而不是大饼,山寨的疯狂涨幅会让投资者感到焦虑,不断加仓。 zui重要的是拉盘大饼可以吸引散户入场,而拉盘山寨则可以让散户在追涨杀跌中难以离场,这样割韭菜的速度zui快,利润zui高。 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币季节 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注海绵,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。





#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币季节
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It is useless to listen to the truth, you can only understand it through your own experience. We all know that extreme market conditions in the cryptocurrency circle occur frequently, and black swans are common. On May 19, 2021, I couldn’t withdraw u from Binance to the chain, and faced the possibility of a large amount of eth being liquidated. At that time, I was numb and didn’t even feel panic. Fortunately, Brother Sun replenished the eth pledged by the liquidity with u and didn’t liquidate it. Otherwise, I would have died with Brother Sun. Only by experiencing it personally can you understand what extreme market conditions are. #RWA板块涨势强劲 #山寨币热点 #519
It is useless to listen to the truth, you can only understand it through your own experience.

We all know that extreme market conditions in the cryptocurrency circle occur frequently, and black swans are common.

On May 19, 2021, I couldn’t withdraw u from Binance to the chain, and faced the possibility of a large amount of eth being liquidated. At that time, I was numb and didn’t even feel panic.

Fortunately, Brother Sun replenished the eth pledged by the liquidity with u and didn’t liquidate it. Otherwise, I would have died with Brother Sun.

Only by experiencing it personally can you understand what extreme market conditions are.

#RWA板块涨势强劲 #山寨币热点 #519
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24-hour global currency circle latest information: 1. PYTH worth more than 460 million US dollars is in the pledge state On May 19, Dune data showed that there are currently 1,060,325,980 PYTH in the pledge state, with a total pledge value of 467,513,629 US dollars. The number of PYTH pledgers is 146,114. 2. The number of unconfirmed transactions in the entire Bitcoin network is 104,291 gold According to data, the current number of unconfirmed transactions in the entire Bitcoin network is 104,291, the total network computing power is 582.76EH/s, and the 24-hour transaction rate is 4.67 transactions/s. The current network difficulty is 83.15T, and the next difficulty is predicted to be reduced by 2.11% to 81.40T, and there are 4 days and 18 hours left before the adjustment. 3. The total value of Starknet bridge storage exceeds 900,000 ETH Dune data shows that the total value of zkSync bridge storage is 3,682,002 ETH, the total value of Starknet bridge storage (TVB) is 902,964 ETH, and the total number of bridge user addresses is 1,225,270; the total value of Arbitrum bridge storage is 3,752,252 ETH, the total value of Optimism bridge storage is 766,937 ETH, and the total value of Base bridge storage is 594,611 ETH. 4. 3806.78 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 24 hours According to the latest data, 3806.78 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 24 hours, 24727.92 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 7 days, and 8368.89 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 30 days. As of press time, the total balance of exchange wallets is 1,725,150.11 BTC. 5. Long ETH/BTC exchange rate loss of $22.45 million The whale bought 1,069 ETH again According to the on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, the whale that has lost $22.45 million in long ETH/BTC exchange rate since 2024 has increased its position again. In the past 2 hours, the whale borrowed 50 WBTC from Aave again and bought 1,069 ETH, worth $3.34 million, with a current health of 1.07. 6. GME fell below $0.0045, with a daily decline of 34.35% The market shows that Meme coin GME fell below $0.0045 and is now at $0.00473, with a daily increase of 34.35%. The market fluctuates greatly, so please do a good job of risk control. #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件
24-hour global currency circle latest information:

1. PYTH worth more than 460 million US dollars is in the pledge state

On May 19, Dune data showed that there are currently 1,060,325,980 PYTH in the pledge state, with a total pledge value of 467,513,629 US dollars. The number of PYTH pledgers is 146,114.

2. The number of unconfirmed transactions in the entire Bitcoin network is 104,291 gold

According to data, the current number of unconfirmed transactions in the entire Bitcoin network is 104,291, the total network computing power is 582.76EH/s, and the 24-hour transaction rate is 4.67 transactions/s. The current network difficulty is 83.15T, and the next difficulty is predicted to be reduced by 2.11% to 81.40T, and there are 4 days and 18 hours left before the adjustment.

3. The total value of Starknet bridge storage exceeds 900,000 ETH

Dune data shows that the total value of zkSync bridge storage is 3,682,002 ETH, the total value of Starknet bridge storage (TVB) is 902,964 ETH, and the total number of bridge user addresses is 1,225,270; the total value of Arbitrum bridge storage is 3,752,252 ETH, the total value of Optimism bridge storage is 766,937 ETH, and the total value of Base bridge storage is 594,611 ETH.

4. 3806.78 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 24 hours

According to the latest data, 3806.78 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 24 hours, 24727.92 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 7 days, and 8368.89 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 30 days. As of press time, the total balance of exchange wallets is 1,725,150.11 BTC.

5. Long ETH/BTC exchange rate loss of $22.45 million

The whale bought 1,069 ETH again
According to the on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, the whale that has lost $22.45 million in long ETH/BTC exchange rate since 2024 has increased its position again. In the past 2 hours, the whale borrowed 50 WBTC from Aave again and bought 1,069 ETH, worth $3.34 million, with a current health of 1.07.

6. GME fell below $0.0045, with a daily decline of 34.35%
The market shows that Meme coin GME fell below $0.0045 and is now at $0.00473, with a daily increase of 34.35%. The market fluctuates greatly, so please do a good job of risk control.

#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件
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In a bull market, the adjustment time of Shanzhai is generally not too long, as long as 3 months, and as short as 3 to 4 weeks. This is fundamentally different from the monthly adjustment of more than 1 year in the bear market cycle. So, we won't hold on for too long. In principle, the main force will neither let us easily achieve our profit expectations nor exhaust the market sentiment. To put it bluntly, the main force wants to cut leeks, but it will not cut the leeks completely. It will explode and pull up again in the future to cut the next batch of leeks. The main force will repeat this cycle and take the long-term sustainable development path. At present, we have no other way but to move forward firmly. We always believe that we will eventually get through it, break through the siege of sluggish prices, walk out of the darkness of washing, and usher in the light of a sharp rise in prices!
In a bull market, the adjustment time of Shanzhai is generally not too long, as long as 3 months, and as short as 3 to 4 weeks.
This is fundamentally different from the monthly adjustment of more than 1 year in the bear market cycle.
So, we won't hold on for too long.
In principle, the main force will neither let us easily achieve our profit expectations nor exhaust the market sentiment.
To put it bluntly, the main force wants to cut leeks, but it will not cut the leeks completely. It will explode and pull up again in the future to cut the next batch of leeks. The main force will repeat this cycle and take the long-term sustainable development path.
At present, we have no other way but to move forward firmly. We always believe that we will eventually get through it, break through the siege of sluggish prices, walk out of the darkness of washing, and usher in the light of a sharp rise in prices!
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A sharp rise and slow fall is a shipment. A sharp fall and slow rise is a wash. A large volume without an increase means the top is formed. A small volume without a decrease means the bottom is formed. A large volume rise will inevitably fall. A large volume decrease will inevitably rebound.
A sharp rise and slow fall is a shipment. A sharp fall and slow rise is a wash. A large volume without an increase means the top is formed. A small volume without a decrease means the bottom is formed. A large volume rise will inevitably fall. A large volume decrease will inevitably rebound.
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How much money is needed to get started in the cryptocurrency world? The threshold of the cryptocurrency world is actually quite high. Let’s not talk about the funding issue. Most apps are not supported for download in China. Airplanes, Bluebird, VPN, Discord, exchanges, wallets, Google Mailbox, these are enough to toss for a long time. Most of the people who enter the cryptocurrency world want to make big money and make quick money. A very small number of people do so because they understand and then invest in value. Often, such people do not have a large amount of funds, or the amount of funds they are willing to invest is not large. The ancients said it well, money does not come in a rush. The capital and project parties in the cryptocurrency world make money like you. 350 million yuan rushed in, and it returned to zero in three or five days. There are many such cases. If you are willing to lose this money, you might as well call me directly. If you call them, they will laugh at you and scold you for being stupid. If you call me, I will call you a big brother. I digress. Let’s talk about how much money is needed. If you are playing the second level, at least 5w, otherwise it is difficult to roll. It is really difficult to have a full position every time. A set may take several years. If you buy less, you will feel that it is meaningless to earn 300-500. If you are playing the first level, 1w is more than enough. If you see it, you will have a heavy position, either A8 or A0. But remember to keep 2000 to buy an electric car, and continue to work after delivering food. #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 If you also want to dig deep in the currency circle and want to maximize investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the spot password, bull market layout strategy, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
How much money is needed to get started in the cryptocurrency world?
The threshold of the cryptocurrency world is actually quite high. Let’s not talk about the funding issue. Most apps are not supported for download in China. Airplanes, Bluebird, VPN, Discord, exchanges, wallets, Google Mailbox, these are enough to toss for a long time.
Most of the people who enter the cryptocurrency world want to make big money and make quick money. A very small number of people do so because they understand and then invest in value. Often, such people do not have a large amount of funds, or the amount of funds they are willing to invest is not large. The ancients said it well, money does not come in a rush. The capital and project parties in the cryptocurrency world make money like you. 350 million yuan rushed in, and it returned to zero in three or five days. There are many such cases. If you are willing to lose this money, you might as well call me directly. If you call them, they will laugh at you and scold you for being stupid. If you call me, I will call you a big brother.
I digress. Let’s talk about how much money is needed.
If you are playing the second level, at least 5w, otherwise it is difficult to roll. It is really difficult to have a full position every time. A set may take several years. If you buy less, you will feel that it is meaningless to earn 300-500.
If you are playing the first level, 1w is more than enough. If you see it, you will have a heavy position, either A8 or A0. But remember to keep 2000 to buy an electric car, and continue to work after delivering food.
#BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点
If you also want to dig deep in the currency circle and want to maximize investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the spot password, bull market layout strategy, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
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Once the market gets a little better, there will be countless people who will buy more and want to earn more. In the end, they will take over. Greed will be backfired. There is no doubt about this. As I said, the best way to mix in the cryptocurrency circle is to forget about the cryptocurrency circle, hold the coins, wait for the bull market, and come back to sell. Some people say that if you share all these experiences of hoarding coins, who will lose money? Don't worry, few people can persist in hoarding coins. There are too many temptations in the cryptocurrency circle. Today, you can get rich by rubbing fur, and tomorrow, you can get rich by buying local dogs. We all know that it is fake. After seeing too much, we always want to try it. As a result, we are deceived and develop bad habits. How to restrain desire? Minimize expectations, block all cryptocurrency advertisements, work hard, return to life, and let the coins in your hands slowly take root and sprout. But don't, just plant the seeds yesterday, dig them out today to see, and change places tomorrow. Put them in the cold palace, and the bull market will come again. #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 If you also want to dig deep in the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
Once the market gets a little better, there will be countless people who will buy more and want to earn more. In the end, they will take over. Greed will be backfired. There is no doubt about this.
As I said, the best way to mix in the cryptocurrency circle is to forget about the cryptocurrency circle, hold the coins, wait for the bull market, and come back to sell.
Some people say that if you share all these experiences of hoarding coins, who will lose money?
Don't worry, few people can persist in hoarding coins.
There are too many temptations in the cryptocurrency circle. Today, you can get rich by rubbing fur, and tomorrow, you can get rich by buying local dogs. We all know that it is fake. After seeing too much, we always want to try it. As a result, we are deceived and develop bad habits.
How to restrain desire?
Minimize expectations, block all cryptocurrency advertisements, work hard, return to life, and let the coins in your hands slowly take root and sprout.
But don't, just plant the seeds yesterday, dig them out today to see, and change places tomorrow. Put them in the cold palace, and the bull market will come again. #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件
If you also want to dig deep in the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
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🌐Specific analysis of World Currency WLD🌐 WLD (World Currency) belongs to the L2 and AI sectors. It is currently launched on the OP mainnet. Its main functions are privacy and digital payment. I won’t talk much about the fundamentals. Let’s analyze whether the trend has changed and how it will go in the short term from the market. Analyze the big trend weekly trend: 1. After breaking through the previous historical high, it ushered in a wave of retracement to support. It is currently near the support level and has not effectively broken the support, indicating that the support below is very strong. 2. The entire market is still on the right side of the long-term rising trend line, and the high and low points are constantly moving up, indicating that the big trend has not changed. It is still an upward trend in the bull market. 3. After stepping back to the support level range below, it began to oscillate after stopping the decline and formed a slightly upward parallel channel. 4. At present, the high and low points in the oscillation zone are rising, but from the perspective of volume, the current volume of long and short is relatively balanced, and there is no obvious strength of long and short. 5. Last week's K-line broke the previous high and also increased in volume, but the amplitude of breaking the previous high was not obvious, and the body of the K-line was very small, which shows that the pressure from above is very strong. From the above analysis, it can be seen that WLD has pressure from above and support from below. There is no obvious signal of long and short strength, and it is likely to continue to fluctuate in the near future. Although the overall trend is an upward trend, the huge selling pressure from the project party is bearish, which will affect the trend of the market in the short term. These two points are equivalent to a combination. #WLD🔥🔥🔥 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 Through the above analysis, the short-term trend of WLD belongs to the weakening of shorts, but the bulls have not become stronger, and there will be a oscillation callback. Waiting for another callback to appear a reversal signal is a good short-term entry point. If you also want to deepen your investment in the currency circle and want to maximize your investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and coins with hundredfold potential for free every day!
🌐Specific analysis of World Currency WLD🌐

WLD (World Currency) belongs to the L2 and AI sectors. It is currently launched on the OP mainnet. Its main functions are privacy and digital payment. I won’t talk much about the fundamentals. Let’s analyze whether the trend has changed and how it will go in the short term from the market.

Analyze the big trend weekly trend:

1. After breaking through the previous historical high, it ushered in a wave of retracement to support. It is currently near the support level and has not effectively broken the support, indicating that the support below is very strong.

2. The entire market is still on the right side of the long-term rising trend line, and the high and low points are constantly moving up, indicating that the big trend has not changed. It is still an upward trend in the bull market.

3. After stepping back to the support level range below, it began to oscillate after stopping the decline and formed a slightly upward parallel channel.

4. At present, the high and low points in the oscillation zone are rising, but from the perspective of volume, the current volume of long and short is relatively balanced, and there is no obvious strength of long and short.

5. Last week's K-line broke the previous high and also increased in volume, but the amplitude of breaking the previous high was not obvious, and the body of the K-line was very small, which shows that the pressure from above is very strong.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that WLD has pressure from above and support from below. There is no obvious signal of long and short strength, and it is likely to continue to fluctuate in the near future.

Although the overall trend is an upward trend, the huge selling pressure from the project party is bearish, which will affect the trend of the market in the short term. These two points are equivalent to a combination.

#WLD🔥🔥🔥 #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿
Through the above analysis, the short-term trend of WLD belongs to the weakening of shorts, but the bulls have not become stronger, and there will be a oscillation callback. Waiting for another callback to appear a reversal signal is a good short-term entry point.

If you also want to deepen your investment in the currency circle and want to maximize your investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and coins with hundredfold potential for free every day!
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I suggest everyone to read Vitalik’s speech today. It doesn’t matter whether you understand the content or not. What’s important is that he is no longer silent. From 2023 to May 2024, for a full year and a half, Vitalik has been working for the entire blockchain industry. He is thinking about the world. Until today, he chose this node, this price, and this environment to speak publicly, and announced a major breakthrough in eth technology. Those who understand will understand. Those who don’t understand are advised to look at the eth development roadmap from 2020 to 2021. There will definitely be an answer. Only capital can make Bitcoin take off, but only Ethereum can make Shanzhai take off. The performance has officially begun, and the drama is ready. Whether to be an audience or a participant, let’s witness the 2024 of the currency circle together. #BTC走势分析 #V神 #5月市场关键事件 If you are losing money now and don’t know what to do, you can click me to follow and click my avatar to find me at any time. All contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
I suggest everyone to read Vitalik’s speech today. It doesn’t matter whether you understand the content or not. What’s important is that he is no longer silent.

From 2023 to May 2024, for a full year and a half, Vitalik has been working for the entire blockchain industry. He is thinking about the world.

Until today, he chose this node, this price, and this environment to speak publicly, and announced a major breakthrough in eth technology.

Those who understand will understand. Those who don’t understand are advised to look at the eth development roadmap from 2020 to 2021. There will definitely be an answer.

Only capital can make Bitcoin take off, but only Ethereum can make Shanzhai take off.

The performance has officially begun, and the drama is ready. Whether to be an audience or a participant, let’s witness the 2024 of the currency circle together.

#BTC走势分析 #V神 #5月市场关键事件
If you are losing money now and don’t know what to do, you can click me to follow and click my avatar to find me at any time. All contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
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As for the idea of ​​which phase the current market is in, 1. From the macro cycle, it is always a question of where the water comes from: a. After the domestic withdrawal and the obvious reasons such as the current housing prices, there is no water from China b. Europe has agreed to start cutting interest rates in June, so there may be water from Europe from June, and now there may be smart money entering the market c. The United States is still the conventional path to cut interest rates in September, and the unconventional path before September is unpredictable "Plan B". But from the beginning of QT reduction, it can be regarded as the tap of water starting to close, so the amount of water in the pool will also increase (at least it will not drop too fast). In May, crude oil prices fell, rents, and used car prices were all sluggish. It can be expected that when the May CPI is announced in June, the data will definitely be lower than 3.4%. If it is given as 3.3%-3.2%, market confidence will be further boosted. 2. In terms of the mesocycle (red frame), the current sentiment is very similar to the correction after the approval of the ETF on January 10, which is the weakening sentiment correction cycle after the BTC halving. 3. In terms of the microcycle (blue frame), the rise this weekend is very similar to the rise at the beginning of this month, that is, from May 4 to May 6. There is no selling pressure at the weekend. Although it has risen, it is more of a contract short harvest. The specific direction will have to wait until the US goes to work on Monday to determine. #新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件 Major events to pay attention to in the future: 5.21 Yellen's speech 5.23 Unemployment benefits and Fed meeting minutes 5.24 University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Index and inflation rate expectations 5.30 Unemployment benefits 5.31 Core PCE If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow. Click my avatar to find me at any time. All contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
As for the idea of ​​which phase the current market is in,
1. From the macro cycle, it is always a question of where the water comes from:
a. After the domestic withdrawal and the obvious reasons such as the current housing prices, there is no water from China
b. Europe has agreed to start cutting interest rates in June, so there may be water from Europe from June, and now there may be smart money entering the market
c. The United States is still the conventional path to cut interest rates in September, and the unconventional path before September is unpredictable "Plan B". But from the beginning of QT reduction, it can be regarded as the tap of water starting to close, so the amount of water in the pool will also increase (at least it will not drop too fast). In May, crude oil prices fell, rents, and used car prices were all sluggish. It can be expected that when the May CPI is announced in June, the data will definitely be lower than 3.4%. If it is given as 3.3%-3.2%, market confidence will be further boosted.

2. In terms of the mesocycle (red frame), the current sentiment is very similar to the correction after the approval of the ETF on January 10, which is the weakening sentiment correction cycle after the BTC halving.

3. In terms of the microcycle (blue frame), the rise this weekend is very similar to the rise at the beginning of this month, that is, from May 4 to May 6. There is no selling pressure at the weekend. Although it has risen, it is more of a contract short harvest. The specific direction will have to wait until the US goes to work on Monday to determine.
#新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件
Major events to pay attention to in the future:
5.21 Yellen's speech
5.23 Unemployment benefits and Fed meeting minutes
5.24 University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Index and inflation rate expectations
5.30 Unemployment benefits
5.31 Core PCE

If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow. Click my avatar to find me at any time. All contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
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5.18 BTC, ETH market analysis: BTC: 4-hour level correction and adjustment, various indicators still need to be adjusted, 4-hour dead cross is about to form, there is still a need for correction and adjustment during the day, laying a good foundation for subsequent rise, pay attention to the 65000-65500 support level, and the upper resistance is in the 67500-68500 range ETH: Successfully broke through the key resistance level, 4-hour and 1-hour indicators have slightly exceeded the standard, there is a need for adjustment during the day, laying a good foundation for subsequent rise, and opening the ETH catch-up mode. The lower support during the day is 3020-3050, accumulating power and waiting to be launched, and the upper resistance is 3200-3250 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
5.18 BTC, ETH market analysis:
BTC: 4-hour level correction and adjustment, various indicators still need to be adjusted, 4-hour dead cross is about to form, there is still a need for correction and adjustment during the day, laying a good foundation for subsequent rise, pay attention to the 65000-65500 support level, and the upper resistance is in the 67500-68500 range

ETH: Successfully broke through the key resistance level, 4-hour and 1-hour indicators have slightly exceeded the standard, there is a need for adjustment during the day, laying a good foundation for subsequent rise, and opening the ETH catch-up mode. The lower support during the day is 3020-3050, accumulating power and waiting to be launched, and the upper resistance is 3200-3250

#BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
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A sharp rise and a slow fall is a shipment A sharp fall and a slow rise is a wash With a large volume but no rise, the top is revealed With a small volume but no fall, the bottom is formed With a large volume rise, it will definitely fall back With a large volume fall, it will definitely rebound If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
A sharp rise and a slow fall is a shipment
A sharp fall and a slow rise is a wash

With a large volume but no rise, the top is revealed
With a small volume but no fall, the bottom is formed

With a large volume rise, it will definitely fall back
With a large volume fall, it will definitely rebound

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
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There are too many people who can make money in the bull market, and there is nothing to be proud of, but don't think you are the god of trading. This is all brought to you by the trend. Only those who can keep the money they earn are masters. Most newcomers can't make money in the first round of bull market cycle they experience. Even if they make money, they will lose it in the end because human nature is greedy. ​​​ Each round of the currency circle has four stages. The first stage is the oscillation waiting period, the second stage is the rising outbreak period, the third stage is the chip distribution period, and the fourth stage is the decline cycle and the period of retail investors cutting each other. Most retail investors can't bear the profit taking and floating losses during the oscillation period, so they can only start buying in the early stage of the second stage. Which period do you think we are in now? #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点
There are too many people who can make money in the bull market, and there is nothing to be proud of, but don't think you are the god of trading. This is all brought to you by the trend. Only those who can keep the money they earn are masters. Most newcomers can't make money in the first round of bull market cycle they experience. Even if they make money, they will lose it in the end because human nature is greedy. ​​​
Each round of the currency circle has four stages. The first stage is the oscillation waiting period, the second stage is the rising outbreak period, the third stage is the chip distribution period, and the fourth stage is the decline cycle and the period of retail investors cutting each other. Most retail investors can't bear the profit taking and floating losses during the oscillation period, so they can only start buying in the early stage of the second stage. Which period do you think we are in now?
#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点
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ETH is just a little weaker than BTC and SOL, but from the perspective of technical analysis, it is actually quite regular... ETH has fallen to the daily support zone No. 1 and has been tested many times. This position has strong support. With BTC having left the bottom oscillation zone, ETH is forced to drive the rise. It is very likely that this is the bottom oscillation zone of this round Position 2 is the downward channel of this round of adjustment. As a relatively weak technical perspective of bottoming out, it is unlikely to break through the support zone No. 1 at present Position 3 is the trend pressure position of this small-level bottom. This is the contract for the rise The price breakthrough here can provide a higher rebound height, so as to test the resistance zone at position 4. The resistance at position 4 is the most critical resistance zone in this round of falling channel. If the price confirms the breakthrough, it is likely that this wave of adjustment will end and rebound. But if you wait for the price to break through the resistance at position 4, BTC and SOL will have pulled higher than ETH... ETH is weak, but it is mainly due to the fact that ETF is unlikely to pass this fundamental. No one said that the rising market in February was weak, and it also took advantage of the hype expectations of ETF. Its rise was just not yet time! If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
ETH is just a little weaker than BTC and SOL, but from the perspective of technical analysis, it is actually quite regular...

ETH has fallen to the daily support zone No. 1 and has been tested many times. This position has strong support. With BTC having left the bottom oscillation zone, ETH is forced to drive the rise. It is very likely that this is the bottom oscillation zone of this round

Position 2 is the downward channel of this round of adjustment. As a relatively weak technical perspective of bottoming out, it is unlikely to break through the support zone No. 1 at present

Position 3 is the trend pressure position of this small-level bottom. This is the contract for the rise The price breakthrough here can provide a higher rebound height, so as to test the resistance zone at position 4.

The resistance at position 4 is the most critical resistance zone in this round of falling channel. If the price confirms the breakthrough, it is likely that this wave of adjustment will end and rebound.

But if you wait for the price to break through the resistance at position 4, BTC and SOL will have pulled higher than ETH...

ETH is weak, but it is mainly due to the fact that ETF is unlikely to pass this fundamental.

No one said that the rising market in February was weak, and it also took advantage of the hype expectations of ETF. Its rise was just not yet time!

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
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How many people own 1 Bitcoin? Let me tell you slowly! First, the conclusion: There are about 420 million cryptocurrency users in the world in 2024, and about 1.5 million people own more than 1 Bitcoin, accounting for only 0.36% of cryptocurrency users. As we all know, the total amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, and 93.32% of Bitcoin has been mined, about 19.59 million. There are also 6.68% of Bitcoin (1.41 million) that will be mined slowly in the next 100 years, until 2140, when all 21 million Bitcoins will be mined. At that time, the rewards received by miners will no longer include block rewards, but only the transaction fees of users on the chain. And of the 19.59 million Bitcoins that have been mined, about 6 million have been lost! What is lost? It means that the people who once owned these 6 million Bitcoins have forgotten their private keys, or their hardware wallets have been lost, resulting in no one being able to operate on these 6 million Bitcoins, and no one being able to recover them. This leaves only 13.59 million bitcoins to circulate in the market, so at most 13.59 million people own 1 bitcoin, 1 per capita, which is easy to understand! But the reality is not that simple, because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few people. We can see from the information on the chain that 1.94% of the wallet addresses hold 92.76% of the bitcoins, and the total number of these wallet addresses is: 1,020,070, or 1.02 million. But the number of 1.02 million still cannot be used as the final conclusion, because a person can hold many wallet addresses, and some addresses holding huge amounts of bitcoins are cold wallets of exchanges and various financial institutions, and the bitcoins in these wallets are jointly owned by many users. Because financial institutions basically only serve large households, and these large households are few and far between, let's first analyze the number of users holding more than 1 bitcoin in the exchange. At present, the exchanges hold a total of about 1.89 million, so at most 1.89 million people in the exchange own 1 bitcoin, which is only a theoretical number, and it is actually much less than this. For these 1.89 million bitcoins, we roughly use the Pareto Principle: 80% of retail investors in the exchange only own 20% of 1.89 million bitcoins, 189×20% ≈ 379,000. So the number of retail investors who own 1 bitcoin must be less than 378,000 (1 bitcoin per retail investor). Under the Pareto Principle, the ratio of large investors to retail investors is 1:4, so the number of large investors is 37.1/4 of 80,000 is 94,500, and the average number of large users is 16. 378,000 + 94,500 = 472,500 people. Then the number of users with more than 1 bitcoin in the exchange is about 472,500. Assuming that the on-chain addresses and exchange users do not overlap (in fact, there is a high possibility of overlap), the number of people with more than 1 bitcoin is: 102 + 47.25 = 149.25. Taking financial institutions and bitcoins packaged into other public chains into account, we can conservatively say that there are about 1.5 million people with more than 1 bitcoin, accounting for only 0.36% of the 420 million users in the currency circle. It can be said that this number is rare in the currency circle! If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
How many people own 1 Bitcoin? Let me tell you slowly!

First, the conclusion: There are about 420 million cryptocurrency users in the world in 2024, and about 1.5 million people own more than 1 Bitcoin, accounting for only 0.36% of cryptocurrency users.

As we all know, the total amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, and 93.32% of Bitcoin has been mined, about 19.59 million.

There are also 6.68% of Bitcoin (1.41 million) that will be mined slowly in the next 100 years, until 2140, when all 21 million Bitcoins will be mined. At that time, the rewards received by miners will no longer include block rewards, but only the transaction fees of users on the chain.

And of the 19.59 million Bitcoins that have been mined, about 6 million have been lost! What is lost? It means that the people who once owned these 6 million Bitcoins have forgotten their private keys, or their hardware wallets have been lost, resulting in no one being able to operate on these 6 million Bitcoins, and no one being able to recover them. This leaves only 13.59 million bitcoins to circulate in the market, so at most 13.59 million people own 1 bitcoin, 1 per capita, which is easy to understand!

But the reality is not that simple, because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few people. We can see from the information on the chain that 1.94% of the wallet addresses hold 92.76% of the bitcoins, and the total number of these wallet addresses is: 1,020,070, or 1.02 million.

But the number of 1.02 million still cannot be used as the final conclusion, because a person can hold many wallet addresses, and some addresses holding huge amounts of bitcoins are cold wallets of exchanges and various financial institutions, and the bitcoins in these wallets are jointly owned by many users. Because financial institutions basically only serve large households, and these large households are few and far between, let's first analyze the number of users holding more than 1 bitcoin in the exchange.

At present, the exchanges hold a total of about 1.89 million, so at most 1.89 million people in the exchange own 1 bitcoin, which is only a theoretical number, and it is actually much less than this. For these 1.89 million bitcoins, we roughly use the Pareto Principle: 80% of retail investors in the exchange only own 20% of 1.89 million bitcoins, 189×20% ≈ 379,000.

So the number of retail investors who own 1 bitcoin must be less than 378,000 (1 bitcoin per retail investor). Under the Pareto Principle, the ratio of large investors to retail investors is 1:4, so the number of large investors is 37.1/4 of 80,000 is 94,500, and the average number of large users is 16. 378,000 + 94,500 = 472,500 people.

Then the number of users with more than 1 bitcoin in the exchange is about 472,500.

Assuming that the on-chain addresses and exchange users do not overlap (in fact, there is a high possibility of overlap), the number of people with more than 1 bitcoin is: 102 + 47.25 = 149.25. Taking financial institutions and bitcoins packaged into other public chains into account, we can conservatively say that there are about 1.5 million people with more than 1 bitcoin, accounting for only 0.36% of the 420 million users in the currency circle. It can be said that this number is rare in the currency circle!

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me, and publish market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day.
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If you are looking for a sword by carving a boat, May and June are the best time to increase your position. 1. Historical experience shows that the market usually fluctuates sharply within about three months after the Bitcoin halving. 2. The US presidential election will be held on November 5 this year. Previous presidential elections have led to a sharp rise in the cryptocurrency market. 3. The United States is expected to cut interest rates this year. Although the specific time has not been determined, it is likely to be between September and November. The expectation of a rate cut itself will have a positive impact on the market. 4. June and July are the peak season for fan coins, and various sports events will also be held, which may trigger a wave of market gains. 5. The Federal Reserve's balance sheet has dropped from a peak of $2 trillion to the current $486 billion. Past data show that interest rate cuts are usually implemented shortly after the balance sheet is stopped. If you also want to cross the bull and bear markets, watch others sink to the bottom in the bear market, double your income, and get rid of the shackles of bull and bear markets, click on the avatar to follow me
If you are looking for a sword by carving a boat, May and June are the best time to increase your position.

1. Historical experience shows that the market usually fluctuates sharply within about three months after the Bitcoin halving.

2. The US presidential election will be held on November 5 this year. Previous presidential elections have led to a sharp rise in the cryptocurrency market.

3. The United States is expected to cut interest rates this year. Although the specific time has not been determined, it is likely to be between September and November. The expectation of a rate cut itself will have a positive impact on the market.

4. June and July are the peak season for fan coins, and various sports events will also be held, which may trigger a wave of market gains.

5. The Federal Reserve's balance sheet has dropped from a peak of $2 trillion to the current $486 billion. Past data show that interest rate cuts are usually implemented shortly after the balance sheet is stopped.

If you also want to cross the bull and bear markets, watch others sink to the bottom in the bear market, double your income, and get rid of the shackles of bull and bear markets, click on the avatar to follow me
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A new wave of Bitcoin surge is about to start! ! From the daily trend of Bitcoin, after the K-line broke through MA60, it fell back last night, indicating that the bulls are exhausted and need to accumulate momentum before they can rise again With its MACD completely back on the zero axis, a new wave of impact is about to start. It is expected to challenge the 70,000 mark next week. The short-term correction focuses on the 64,000 support level. If it is close, you can increase your spot positions in batches. The low point of Bitcoin is the low point of the cottage. Find money-making opportunities in the trend. Long-term trend: in months, such as 27,000 to 48,700, 39,000 to 73,700 before. Short-term trend: in days, such as 56,500 to 65,500, 60,200 to 66,666 before. Yesterday, Bitcoin did not fall back much, but because of the continuous decline in the exchange rate of Ethereum, some altcoins still collapsed. STRK hit a new historical low of around 1.07, LDO also continued to fall, and the lowest was hit around 1.5, and ENA also hit a new low again, around 0.65, etc. However, it can be noted that some public chain projects SOL, FTM, ADA, AVAX, LINK, IMX, CFX, MATIC, ETC, CHZ, DOT and other old public chains or mainstream performances are still relatively strong! I don’t know if this trend is familiar to everyone. At the beginning of this year, there was also a wave of mainstream compensatory market conditions. Perhaps the current main force has begun to quietly lay out! Because Bitcoin is currently at a relatively high level, I personally think it is actually difficult to have a large increase in the short term. Therefore, in the short term, it should be mainly wide-range fluctuations, that is, even if it breaks through the historical high, it will not go too high! On the contrary, there are signs of capital overflow and it is shifting to the mainstream sector. You can make your own layout of the projects listed above according to your understanding. I recommend MATIC, ETC, IMX, LINK, and SOL. The second is the old AI sector. This sector can be used as the focus of continuous fixed investment, and it will be invested until the big bull market comes. That is, when you see that the previous trend of many varieties is just a straight line at that time, it means that the bull market has arrived and the pull-up is about to end. At that time, you can sell the chips in your hands! Focus on layout, LPT, ARKM, RNDR! When the overall environment is not good, there are unlocked projects, which have a relatively large impact on the short-term trend, such as STRK and ARB, which have been weak at present. The second is the AEVO, which has fallen. These event-driven declines should not fight against the trend, but follow the trend and gradually layout!#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #美国4月CPI数据回落 If you also want to dig deep in the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
A new wave of Bitcoin surge is about to start! !

From the daily trend of Bitcoin, after the K-line broke through MA60, it fell back last night, indicating that the bulls are exhausted and need to accumulate momentum before they can rise again

With its MACD completely back on the zero axis, a new wave of impact is about to start. It is expected to challenge the 70,000 mark next week. The short-term correction focuses on the 64,000 support level. If it is close, you can increase your spot positions in batches.

The low point of Bitcoin is the low point of the cottage. Find money-making opportunities in the trend.

Long-term trend: in months, such as 27,000 to 48,700, 39,000 to 73,700 before.

Short-term trend: in days, such as 56,500 to 65,500, 60,200 to 66,666 before.

Yesterday, Bitcoin did not fall back much, but because of the continuous decline in the exchange rate of Ethereum, some altcoins still collapsed. STRK hit a new historical low of around 1.07, LDO also continued to fall, and the lowest was hit around 1.5, and ENA also hit a new low again, around 0.65, etc. However, it can be noted that some public chain projects SOL, FTM, ADA, AVAX, LINK, IMX, CFX, MATIC, ETC, CHZ, DOT and other old public chains or mainstream performances are still relatively strong!

I don’t know if this trend is familiar to everyone. At the beginning of this year, there was also a wave of mainstream compensatory market conditions. Perhaps the current main force has begun to quietly lay out!

Because Bitcoin is currently at a relatively high level, I personally think it is actually difficult to have a large increase in the short term. Therefore, in the short term, it should be mainly wide-range fluctuations, that is, even if it breaks through the historical high, it will not go too high! On the contrary, there are signs of capital overflow and it is shifting to the mainstream sector. You can make your own layout of the projects listed above according to your understanding. I recommend MATIC, ETC, IMX, LINK, and SOL.

The second is the old AI sector. This sector can be used as the focus of continuous fixed investment, and it will be invested until the big bull market comes. That is, when you see that the previous trend of many varieties is just a straight line at that time, it means that the bull market has arrived and the pull-up is about to end. At that time, you can sell the chips in your hands! Focus on layout, LPT, ARKM, RNDR!

When the overall environment is not good, there are unlocked projects, which have a relatively large impact on the short-term trend, such as STRK and ARB, which have been weak at present. The second is the AEVO, which has fallen. These event-driven declines should not fight against the trend, but follow the trend and gradually layout!#BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #美国4月CPI数据回落

If you also want to dig deep in the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!
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The end of May to June may be a good time to buy in batches and build positions! ! ! 1. According to historical experience, the market often fluctuates greatly about three months after the halving. 2. The US presidential election will be held on November 5 this year. In previous presidential elections, the currency circle has skyrocketed. 3. The United States is expected to cut interest rates this year. Although it is not certain whether it will be in September or later, it is likely to be in September-November. The expectation of a rate cut will have a positive impact on the market. 4. June-July is the season for fan coins, and various sports games will also be held, which may drive a wave of market gains. 5. The Federal Reserve's balance sheet has increased from a peak of 2 trillion to about 486 billion at present. According to previous data, it is speculated that the interest rate cut came shortly after the balance sheet was stopped. If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and all contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
The end of May to June may be a good time to buy in batches and build positions! ! !

1. According to historical experience, the market often fluctuates greatly about three months after the halving.
2. The US presidential election will be held on November 5 this year. In previous presidential elections, the currency circle has skyrocketed.
3. The United States is expected to cut interest rates this year. Although it is not certain whether it will be in September or later, it is likely to be in September-November. The expectation of a rate cut will have a positive impact on the market.
4. June-July is the season for fan coins, and various sports games will also be held, which may drive a wave of market gains.
5. The Federal Reserve's balance sheet has increased from a peak of 2 trillion to about 486 billion at present. According to previous data, it is speculated that the interest rate cut came shortly after the balance sheet was stopped.

If you are losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and all contract spot gameplay is shared. Just for fans
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When the capital is small, it is very important to see the right direction, and heavy positions are a must. In fact, there is no absolute way to see the right direction, and a little luck is needed. The most feared thing is that you have no research on the project, and you just go for it when you see others mention it, regardless of how much others cost or the size of their positions, and just go all in - most people are like this, and then they start to criticize when they lose money. In fact, this circle changes so fast, a 100x coin may become a garbage coin in a month, and going all in with your eyes closed will eventually return to zero. If you are losing money now and don’t know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and all the contract spot gameplay is shared. Just to increase fans
When the capital is small, it is very important to see the right direction, and heavy positions are a must.
In fact, there is no absolute way to see the right direction, and a little luck is needed.

The most feared thing is that you have no research on the project, and you just go for it when you see others mention it, regardless of how much others cost or the size of their positions, and just go all in - most people are like this, and then they start to criticize when they lose money.

In fact, this circle changes so fast, a 100x coin may become a garbage coin in a month, and going all in with your eyes closed will eventually return to zero.

If you are losing money now and don’t know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and all the contract spot gameplay is shared. Just to increase fans
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Shiba Inu: When will SHIB reach $1?In March of this year, Shiba Inu once again removed the fifth zero, surging by nearly 280 in the same month. The price of SHIB hit a yearly high of $0.000044 in mid-March, attracting strong bullish sentiment. The price surged after the Bitcoin halving event, with the major cryptocurrency rising in the charts. While these are considered small victories, the community hopes that Shiba Inu will reach $0.01 and then $1 to achieve financial freedom. Therefore, the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind is “When will Shiba Inu reach $0.01 and $1?” When these two milestones are achieved, today’s investors can become millionaires or even billionaires depending on the number of tokens they hold. Considering that SHIB is very affordable right now, most holders will likely make at least $1 million when it reaches 1 cent.

Shiba Inu: When will SHIB reach $1?

In March of this year, Shiba Inu once again removed the fifth zero, surging by nearly 280 in the same month. The price of SHIB hit a yearly high of $0.000044 in mid-March, attracting strong bullish sentiment. The price surged after the Bitcoin halving event, with the major cryptocurrency rising in the charts. While these are considered small victories, the community hopes that Shiba Inu will reach $0.01 and then $1 to achieve financial freedom.
Therefore, the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind is “When will Shiba Inu reach $0.01 and $1?” When these two milestones are achieved, today’s investors can become millionaires or even billionaires depending on the number of tokens they hold. Considering that SHIB is very affordable right now, most holders will likely make at least $1 million when it reaches 1 cent.
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