Binance Square
微博同名:财经论李赢 请同我一起见证币圈崛起
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In the afternoon, we gave a long idea again. It can be seen that today's shipping situation is mainly expressed in a narrow range of fluctuations. The continuity of long and short is not great, which is also the case on previous weekends. This kind of shipping situation can be said to be very easy to grasp. There is a relatively good operating space for both long and short positions. At noon, our short-term long position also perfectly won nearly 300 points of space, 25 points. Regarding the recent shipping situation, I want to say to those friends who are still struggling underwater, I have been here, waiting for you all the time. #BTC走势分析 #BTC☀️ At present, from the overall structure, the continuous sideways shock adjustment during the day can be said to be a strong structural performance, and the retracement is weak and lacks a certain continuity. In particular, the price ratio will take a certain amount of time to correct after such a large drop in the previous period. Therefore, the current sideways is the best correction opportunity. I am still optimistic about the new round of price recovery after the correction. Therefore, for the subsequent Buju, we still focus on the long side. Big pancake around 56700-56300 duo, target 58000 Auntie around 2980-2970 duo, target 3080
In the afternoon, we gave a long idea again. It can be seen that today's shipping situation is mainly expressed in a narrow range of fluctuations. The continuity of long and short is not great, which is also the case on previous weekends. This kind of shipping situation can be said to be very easy to grasp. There is a relatively good operating space for both long and short positions. At noon, our short-term long position also perfectly won nearly 300 points of space, 25 points. Regarding the recent shipping situation, I want to say to those friends who are still struggling underwater, I have been here, waiting for you all the time. #BTC走势分析 #BTC☀️

At present, from the overall structure, the continuous sideways shock adjustment during the day can be said to be a strong structural performance, and the retracement is weak and lacks a certain continuity. In particular, the price ratio will take a certain amount of time to correct after such a large drop in the previous period. Therefore, the current sideways is the best correction opportunity. I am still optimistic about the new round of price recovery after the correction. Therefore, for the subsequent Buju, we still focus on the long side.

Big pancake around 56700-56300 duo, target 58000
Auntie around 2980-2970 duo, target 3080
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At present, the overall air situation is also running in a narrow range of fluctuations. Both long and short positions lack a certain continuation. However, this kind of air situation is often the best time for everyone to accumulate space. Both long and short positions have the opportunity to be given. Before there is an obvious unilateral signal, we still focus on the Silk Road with low-long as the main and high-altitude as the auxiliary. There is no problem. Because the recent correction space is also quite large! In the four-hour view, the price ratio is still running around the middle track. As the bottom of the retracement is gradually raised, the rebound high is also decreasing. The overall situation is in the shock repair stage after the sharp drop. The Bollinger Bands are slowly shrinking. The short-term trend is relatively stable without much change. In addition, the current rest day fluctuations are not large, and it is not expected to fluctuate too much. Although the overall trend is in a shock trend, the general direction is still a bullish recovery trend. The possibility of continuing to step back is not great, and there is a high probability that it will continue to recover first in the future. #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #BTC☀ Big pancake around 56400-56100 duo, target 58000 Auntie around 2990-2980 duo, target 3080
At present, the overall air situation is also running in a narrow range of fluctuations. Both long and short positions lack a certain continuation. However, this kind of air situation is often the best time for everyone to accumulate space. Both long and short positions have the opportunity to be given. Before there is an obvious unilateral signal, we still focus on the Silk Road with low-long as the main and high-altitude as the auxiliary. There is no problem. Because the recent correction space is also quite large! In the four-hour view, the price ratio is still running around the middle track. As the bottom of the retracement is gradually raised, the rebound high is also decreasing. The overall situation is in the shock repair stage after the sharp drop. The Bollinger Bands are slowly shrinking. The short-term trend is relatively stable without much change. In addition, the current rest day fluctuations are not large, and it is not expected to fluctuate too much. Although the overall trend is in a shock trend, the general direction is still a bullish recovery trend. The possibility of continuing to step back is not great, and there is a high probability that it will continue to recover first in the future. #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #BTC☀

Big pancake around 56400-56100 duo, target 58000
Auntie around 2990-2980 duo, target 3080
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The recent fluctuations in the air traffic situation are quite large. After the exchange rate fluctuated by several thousand points in the past few days, it was adjusted to nearly 5,000 points again from yesterday morning to afternoon. I believe that this wave of deep adjustment also caught many friends off guard. Some people made a lot of money, while others were completely bruised. Our recent two-day trading can be said to have won a great victory. At present, the overall trend of the exchange rate is also showing a fluctuating trend. From yesterday to now, our big cake has won more than 3,600 points of space, and the aunt has won more than 400 points. The fluctuations in this market are like the ups and downs of life. The road will not be straight, and there will always be ups and downs and twists and turns. What we can do is to accept new challenges with a good attitude. From the current market structure, the exchange rate has been going down all the way, and the space for callback release is unreasonable. The overall upward structure has been completely disrupted. From the 4-hour chart, the exchange rate has once again entered a narrow range of fluctuations. The rhythm of the small cycle has been weak. Although there is a short-term repair, it is also too weak. Although the overall situation is weak, the bottom has been reached at present, and there is not much room. On the contrary, the space above is relatively wide, so we can still focus on the retracement and take more silk roads. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #BTC走势分析 Big cake around 56200-55900 Duo, target at 59000 Auntie around 2950-2940 Duo, target at 3080
The recent fluctuations in the air traffic situation are quite large. After the exchange rate fluctuated by several thousand points in the past few days, it was adjusted to nearly 5,000 points again from yesterday morning to afternoon. I believe that this wave of deep adjustment also caught many friends off guard. Some people made a lot of money, while others were completely bruised. Our recent two-day trading can be said to have won a great victory. At present, the overall trend of the exchange rate is also showing a fluctuating trend. From yesterday to now, our big cake has won more than 3,600 points of space, and the aunt has won more than 400 points. The fluctuations in this market are like the ups and downs of life. The road will not be straight, and there will always be ups and downs and twists and turns. What we can do is to accept new challenges with a good attitude.

From the current market structure, the exchange rate has been going down all the way, and the space for callback release is unreasonable. The overall upward structure has been completely disrupted. From the 4-hour chart, the exchange rate has once again entered a narrow range of fluctuations. The rhythm of the small cycle has been weak. Although there is a short-term repair, it is also too weak. Although the overall situation is weak, the bottom has been reached at present, and there is not much room. On the contrary, the space above is relatively wide, so we can still focus on the retracement and take more silk roads. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #BTC走势分析

Big cake around 56200-55900 Duo, target at 59000
Auntie around 2950-2940 Duo, target at 3080
昨日午夜我们给出看空思路,整个行情也是在凌晨至早间这个时间段呈现偏弱的结构运行,时间来到早间,在经过一夜的运行后,比价在早间也是给到一波进3000点的跌幅空间,最低下探至57600一线后以一个探底回升收尾,而我们的空单布局早就在60500附近就已经入场,这点我已经在午夜的思路给到过提示,我们空单在59000附近离场,完美拿下近1500点的空间,以太也是保持同步运行,同时拿下70余点的空间。市场的波动就像人生的起伏,路不会是笔直的,总是会有起伏和波折。我们能做到的就是以一个好的心态去接受新的挑战。 从目前四小时图结构来看,比价在经过连续不断地下探以后,迟迟未有有效地反弹给到,上方压力位置也是在逐步不断地下移。种种迹象表明,多头已经走到尽头。近几日的连续下探,给到地空间也是相当的大,目前比价已经进入盘中节奏中,但是这也是空头正在蓄势的阶段,横有多长,竖就有多长,目前空头能量柱也是持续放量当中,向上插针的点位也正不断下移。小时图来看,比价也是一直围绕于下轨运行,并未给到反弹,短线来看预计还是会先走震荡,再走下行,那么等待后续修正结束,我们依旧看好空头进一步下探。#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走勢分析 大饼围绕58800-59200空 目标看57000 以太围绕3220-3240空 目标看3150

从目前四小时图结构来看,比价在经过连续不断地下探以后,迟迟未有有效地反弹给到,上方压力位置也是在逐步不断地下移。种种迹象表明,多头已经走到尽头。近几日的连续下探,给到地空间也是相当的大,目前比价已经进入盘中节奏中,但是这也是空头正在蓄势的阶段,横有多长,竖就有多长,目前空头能量柱也是持续放量当中,向上插针的点位也正不断下移。小时图来看,比价也是一直围绕于下轨运行,并未给到反弹,短线来看预计还是会先走震荡,再走下行,那么等待后续修正结束,我们依旧看好空头进一步下探。#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走勢分析

大饼围绕58800-59200空 目标看57000
以太围绕3220-3240空 目标看3150
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The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but of surrendering; the sail of life is not afraid of strong winds and huge waves, but of not having the courage! If there is a road, go boldly; if there is a dream, fly boldly. Looking back at the overall market yesterday, it can be said that the bulls suffered a lot. The intraday decline was nearly 3,000 points. Since the morning, it has been going down all the way. The lowest point fell to 59,600 in the evening, and then bottomed out and rebounded, opening a long-short tug-of-war. However, our thinking today still maintains a complete victory. Whether it is the morning short or the short-term long, we have taken them one by one. This is obvious to all. During the day, we have laid out 2 long and 2 short orders for pie, a total of more than 2,250 points of space, 1 long and 1 short for ether, a total of 70 points of space! If you are still hesitating and miss the flight situation, then you may lose an opportunity for wealth and freedom. There is no shortage of miracles in the currency circle, but courage and boldness. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #以太坊ETF批准预期  From the overall structure of the current market, today's continuous decline and pin-pointing have spit back the recent rise, directly piercing the lower track from the middle track, and the price ratio has also fallen very quickly. Although the bottom was reached in the evening, it also gave corresponding rebound space. However, this downward trend has disrupted the overall trend, not to mention the overall weak structure. The previous rise was spit out one by one within a day, and the trend structure obviously tended to the weak link. The decline broke down in the evening, forming a new low. The trend structure has rebounded upward after stopping at the previous low, and the short-term rebound is currently a time and space conversion for the subsequent decline. Therefore, for the subsequent layout, we can first focus on the upper suppression to arrange the short order. Pie around 60500-60800 short target 59000 Ether around 3320-3340 short target 3230
The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but of surrendering; the sail of life is not afraid of strong winds and huge waves, but of not having the courage! If there is a road, go boldly; if there is a dream, fly boldly. Looking back at the overall market yesterday, it can be said that the bulls suffered a lot. The intraday decline was nearly 3,000 points. Since the morning, it has been going down all the way. The lowest point fell to 59,600 in the evening, and then bottomed out and rebounded, opening a long-short tug-of-war. However, our thinking today still maintains a complete victory. Whether it is the morning short or the short-term long, we have taken them one by one. This is obvious to all. During the day, we have laid out 2 long and 2 short orders for pie, a total of more than 2,250 points of space, 1 long and 1 short for ether, a total of 70 points of space! If you are still hesitating and miss the flight situation, then you may lose an opportunity for wealth and freedom. There is no shortage of miracles in the currency circle, but courage and boldness. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #以太坊ETF批准预期

 From the overall structure of the current market, today's continuous decline and pin-pointing have spit back the recent rise, directly piercing the lower track from the middle track, and the price ratio has also fallen very quickly. Although the bottom was reached in the evening, it also gave corresponding rebound space. However, this downward trend has disrupted the overall trend, not to mention the overall weak structure. The previous rise was spit out one by one within a day, and the trend structure obviously tended to the weak link. The decline broke down in the evening, forming a new low. The trend structure has rebounded upward after stopping at the previous low, and the short-term rebound is currently a time and space conversion for the subsequent decline. Therefore, for the subsequent layout, we can first focus on the upper suppression to arrange the short order.

Pie around 60500-60800 short target 59000
Ether around 3320-3340 short target 3230
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According to the bull-bear phase, we are currently in the middle of the bull market. According to the past, there were three years of bear market and one year of bull market. In the one-year bull market, the first eight months were basically a slow wash-out decline. The next two months were a rush, and the last two months were a peak. This is just a point of view I came up with based on history. At the beginning of the month, I dared to make a prediction about the future trend. It is expected that the price of Bitcoin will fall to around 60,000 in early or mid-July, while ETH may reach 3,100. Subsequently, the market will fall into a slow downward trend. However, in late July, when the price of Bitcoin is close to the 55,000 mark, a crazy bull market will sweep in. This bull market is expected to last for one and a half months, pushing the price of BTC to around 73,000 to 81,000, and then the increase will gradually slow down. Driven by this wave of bull market, various sectors will also rise one after another, and the market enthusiasm will be high. This prosperity is expected to continue until 2025, when the price of BTC is expected to reach a new high near 90,000. Of course, this is just my prediction, and the persimmon market is always full of uncertainty and variables. However, for those investors who dare to take risks and are good at seizing opportunities, this is undoubtedly an era full of opportunities.
According to the bull-bear phase, we are currently in the middle of the bull market. According to the past, there were three years of bear market and one year of bull market. In the one-year bull market, the first eight months were basically a slow wash-out decline. The next two months were a rush, and the last two months were a peak. This is just a point of view I came up with based on history.

At the beginning of the month, I dared to make a prediction about the future trend. It is expected that the price of Bitcoin will fall to around 60,000 in early or mid-July, while ETH may reach 3,100. Subsequently, the market will fall into a slow downward trend.

However, in late July, when the price of Bitcoin is close to the 55,000 mark, a crazy bull market will sweep in. This bull market is expected to last for one and a half months, pushing the price of BTC to around 73,000 to 81,000, and then the increase will gradually slow down.

Driven by this wave of bull market, various sectors will also rise one after another, and the market enthusiasm will be high. This prosperity is expected to continue until 2025, when the price of BTC is expected to reach a new high near 90,000.

Of course, this is just my prediction, and the persimmon market is always full of uncertainty and variables. However, for those investors who dare to take risks and are good at seizing opportunities, this is undoubtedly an era full of opportunities.
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Extreme air conditions lead to being trapped, so how to get out of the trap? I have summarized the following points:  1. When the price ratio is high, according to the chart analysis, it is necessary to take immediate measures to stop losses to avoid further losses.  2. If the price of the big cake is in the middle, you can wait and see for a while, and flexibly adjust the strategy according to the market situation to seek the best time to get out of the trap or reduce losses.  3. For the currency bought at a low price, there is no need to rush to stop loss. After the price falls and stabilizes, you can add positions at the low level of important support to reduce the average cost. When the market rebounds, it is expected to rescue the positions that are trapped at high levels.  4. If the price of the currency shows an upward trend, it is recommended to hold it patiently and do not rush to stop loss. As the market rises, it is expected to achieve unwinding and even gain considerable power.  5. In the balanced shock trend, there is no need to stop loss immediately. You should wait patiently for the price to enter the high level of the shock cycle. Once the unwinding or the loss is small, you should leave the market decisively. 6. If the price is in a downward trend, once the trend is confirmed, you should stop immediately to avoid excessive lock-in. Hesitation and hesitation can lead to more serious losses and make it difficult to extricate yourself. Because I don’t know the specific positions and positions of the orders. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测      I can’t understand the positions or positions of everyone’s lock-in one by one      If you need to get out of the trap, you can contact me through a single line
Extreme air conditions lead to being trapped, so how to get out of the trap? I have summarized the following points:

 1. When the price ratio is high, according to the chart analysis, it is necessary to take immediate measures to stop losses to avoid further losses.

 2. If the price of the big cake is in the middle, you can wait and see for a while, and flexibly adjust the strategy according to the market situation to seek the best time to get out of the trap or reduce losses.

 3. For the currency bought at a low price, there is no need to rush to stop loss. After the price falls and stabilizes, you can add positions at the low level of important support to reduce the average cost. When the market rebounds, it is expected to rescue the positions that are trapped at high levels.

 4. If the price of the currency shows an upward trend, it is recommended to hold it patiently and do not rush to stop loss. As the market rises, it is expected to achieve unwinding and even gain considerable power.

 5. In the balanced shock trend, there is no need to stop loss immediately. You should wait patiently for the price to enter the high level of the shock cycle. Once the unwinding or the loss is small, you should leave the market decisively.

6. If the price is in a downward trend, once the trend is confirmed, you should stop immediately to avoid excessive lock-in. Hesitation and hesitation can lead to more serious losses and make it difficult to extricate yourself. Because I don’t know the specific positions and positions of the orders. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测

     I can’t understand the positions or positions of everyone’s lock-in one by one

     If you need to get out of the trap, you can contact me through a single line
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At noon, we gave a bearish idea. The price ratio has been in a low-level oscillation after the decline. There is no continuity for both long and short positions. Our short Dan Buju has entered the market near 60900 after giving the idea at noon. The price ratio has just stepped back again. Our Kongdan left the market near 60500, and Luodai has more than 300 points of space. The market is like a moving car. We must respond to changes in road conditions in a timely manner. We cannot just accelerate or decelerate. We must always concentrate on analyzing the market. Sometimes a small trend can determine the direction of the day! From the current overall structure, the price ratio is still maintaining a narrow range of fluctuations after a certain decline. It should be noted here: in the previous rising market, after a period of rise or fall, the market price will enter the adjustment and correction stage. This correction usually has two forms to complete. One is time correction, which is to exchange time for space, which is often called oscillation; the other is to accumulate energy through stepping back to prepare for a new rise. Obviously, the current market price is time-corrected, and it will rebound after adjusting through sideways trading. Although it is volatile at present, as the time cycle and pattern cycle are broken, we need to re-sort out the market rhythm and adjust the layout direction. Since we have given the second retracement to test the support below, for the subsequent layout, we can layout around the recovery of the Duo head. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #非农就业数据即将公布 Big cake around 60400-60300 Duo, target 62500 Auntie around 3330-3320 Duo, target 3460
At noon, we gave a bearish idea. The price ratio has been in a low-level oscillation after the decline. There is no continuity for both long and short positions. Our short Dan Buju has entered the market near 60900 after giving the idea at noon. The price ratio has just stepped back again. Our Kongdan left the market near 60500, and Luodai has more than 300 points of space. The market is like a moving car. We must respond to changes in road conditions in a timely manner. We cannot just accelerate or decelerate. We must always concentrate on analyzing the market. Sometimes a small trend can determine the direction of the day!

From the current overall structure, the price ratio is still maintaining a narrow range of fluctuations after a certain decline. It should be noted here: in the previous rising market, after a period of rise or fall, the market price will enter the adjustment and correction stage. This correction usually has two forms to complete. One is time correction, which is to exchange time for space, which is often called oscillation; the other is to accumulate energy through stepping back to prepare for a new rise. Obviously, the current market price is time-corrected, and it will rebound after adjusting through sideways trading. Although it is volatile at present, as the time cycle and pattern cycle are broken, we need to re-sort out the market rhythm and adjust the layout direction. Since we have given the second retracement to test the support below, for the subsequent layout, we can layout around the recovery of the Duo head. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #非农就业数据即将公布

Big cake around 60400-60300 Duo, target 62500
Auntie around 3330-3320 Duo, target 3460
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When all seeds break out of their cocoons, they will not think about whether they will encounter wind, rain or sunshine. Do not imagine the ending of anything you do. Only after you do it will you know what the next stage is! The main thing is to take the first step! Looking back at the midnight flight situation, after we gave the idea of ​​​​Duotou, the price ratio returned to the form of slow fluctuations after going down. Our Duodan had already entered the market near 61,800, which I have mentioned in the strategy. Then the price ratio rose slowly all the way, and the highest rose to around 62,400. Our Duodan also left the market quickly. In this morning period, the price ratio gave a wave of more than 1,000 points of downward pins, which coincided with our thinking, and perfectly gave us 1,000 points of holding space. I never give illusory promises, and turning the blue is not an unattainable dream. Please witness it with me. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #非农就业数据即将公布 From the current overall trend, the rebound is not enough to change the trend structure. If it occurs, it will be a definite opportunity to lure more investors. Therefore, the short-term structure is still biased towards a weak continuation trend. Although the decline has stopped at present, it is expected that the rebound will not be strong, and there is still a possibility of continued decline in the short term. The trend structure tends to be in the weak link. The decline in the morning broke down and formed a low position in the past two days. The trend structure has rebounded upward after stopping in the early stage, and the short-term rebound is currently a time and space conversion for the second decline. In terms of thinking, in the short term, pay attention to the strength of the rebound upward, followed by the rebound stagnation, and then the market trend structure. While leaning towards the weak link, if there is no large rebound expectation, the market will still continue to decline in the future. Pay attention to the continuation of the decline. Big pancakes are around 61400-61700 kongs, with a target of 60000 kongs Aunties are around 3390-3410 kongs, with a target of 3300 kongs
When all seeds break out of their cocoons, they will not think about whether they will encounter wind, rain or sunshine. Do not imagine the ending of anything you do. Only after you do it will you know what the next stage is! The main thing is to take the first step! Looking back at the midnight flight situation, after we gave the idea of ​​​​Duotou, the price ratio returned to the form of slow fluctuations after going down. Our Duodan had already entered the market near 61,800, which I have mentioned in the strategy. Then the price ratio rose slowly all the way, and the highest rose to around 62,400. Our Duodan also left the market quickly. In this morning period, the price ratio gave a wave of more than 1,000 points of downward pins, which coincided with our thinking, and perfectly gave us 1,000 points of holding space. I never give illusory promises, and turning the blue is not an unattainable dream. Please witness it with me. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #非农就业数据即将公布

From the current overall trend, the rebound is not enough to change the trend structure. If it occurs, it will be a definite opportunity to lure more investors. Therefore, the short-term structure is still biased towards a weak continuation trend. Although the decline has stopped at present, it is expected that the rebound will not be strong, and there is still a possibility of continued decline in the short term. The trend structure tends to be in the weak link. The decline in the morning broke down and formed a low position in the past two days. The trend structure has rebounded upward after stopping in the early stage, and the short-term rebound is currently a time and space conversion for the second decline. In terms of thinking, in the short term, pay attention to the strength of the rebound upward, followed by the rebound stagnation, and then the market trend structure. While leaning towards the weak link, if there is no large rebound expectation, the market will still continue to decline in the future. Pay attention to the continuation of the decline.

Big pancakes are around 61400-61700 kongs, with a target of 60000 kongs
Aunties are around 3390-3410 kongs, with a target of 3300 kongs
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In the evening, Powell gave a speech. The aviation market also gave nearly 1,000 points of downward space after a day of volatility. The overall performance during the day was volatile, and there was no room for too much interpretation. We participated in both long and short positions during the day. Whether it was the empty Dan in the early morning or the Duo Dan in the short term, we controlled it quite well. During the day, we placed 2 long Dan and 2 empty Dan in Orange Cake, and won more than 1,800 points in total. Auntie placed 1 empty Dan in Orange, and won 60 points of space. At present, our Duo Dan is still being held. Affected by the news, the overall structure has broken the intraday oscillation structure, but from the perspective of the 4-hour line structure, the retracement was also affected by the support of the middle track, and the decline stopped. Although the retracement is large, there is not much space left below at present. It is a bit irrational to go short here, and it is easy to enter at a low point. The space will not be too large, and the amplitude of the retracement is there, and it will eventually stabilize above the support line of the middle track without destroying the overall shape. The continuation of the trend is a process of rising and falling. There are callbacks in the rise and rebounds in the fall. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to over-interpret and follow your own rhythm to make oranges. Then for the subsequent oranges, we can focus on the bulls. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 Midnight Cake is around 61900-61800, and the target is 64000 Auntie is around 3400-3390, and the target is 3500
In the evening, Powell gave a speech. The aviation market also gave nearly 1,000 points of downward space after a day of volatility. The overall performance during the day was volatile, and there was no room for too much interpretation. We participated in both long and short positions during the day. Whether it was the empty Dan in the early morning or the Duo Dan in the short term, we controlled it quite well. During the day, we placed 2 long Dan and 2 empty Dan in Orange Cake, and won more than 1,800 points in total. Auntie placed 1 empty Dan in Orange, and won 60 points of space.

At present, our Duo Dan is still being held. Affected by the news, the overall structure has broken the intraday oscillation structure, but from the perspective of the 4-hour line structure, the retracement was also affected by the support of the middle track, and the decline stopped. Although the retracement is large, there is not much space left below at present. It is a bit irrational to go short here, and it is easy to enter at a low point. The space will not be too large, and the amplitude of the retracement is there, and it will eventually stabilize above the support line of the middle track without destroying the overall shape. The continuation of the trend is a process of rising and falling. There are callbacks in the rise and rebounds in the fall. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to over-interpret and follow your own rhythm to make oranges. Then for the subsequent oranges, we can focus on the bulls. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测

Midnight Cake is around 61900-61800, and the target is 64000
Auntie is around 3400-3390, and the target is 3500
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Don't panic about the current short-term downturn! It's just a normal accumulation action in the process of rushing up. We can see that the shorts have not been able to continue. From the hourly chart, it is still a multi-head trend, but there is a small retracement in the short term! At present, the downward trend is also delayed by repeated shocks, so that the moving average will return to the bull track as soon as possible. Friends who have already entered the multi-head market don't need to worry, just hold on patiently! #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测
Don't panic about the current short-term downturn! It's just a normal accumulation action in the process of rushing up. We can see that the shorts have not been able to continue. From the hourly chart, it is still a multi-head trend, but there is a small retracement in the short term! At present, the downward trend is also delayed by repeated shocks, so that the moving average will return to the bull track as soon as possible. Friends who have already entered the multi-head market don't need to worry, just hold on patiently! #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测
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In the morning, we gave the idea of ​​watching Duo. The price ratio has been in a low-level shock. The long and short positions have not continued. Instead, they have been showing a triangular shock. The shock range is treated in a short-term form. We are still the main long position during the day. Although the current retracement has a certain continuity, it has bottomed out at present. Many people feel that the market has turned when they see the market fall, and they hurriedly follow the short position. As a result, the retracement failed to continue and had no strength. The rebound fell into the state of helmet bamboo shoots again. Secondly, many people began to guess the top and short at this time, but they did not know that the market would not change direction because of your feelings. Therefore, we should not be disrupted by this short-term decline, nor be blinded by the illusion of decline. In the future, we can mainly use Duodan's idea to arrange the orange. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #以太坊ETF批准预期 Big pancake around 62600-62300 duo, target 65000 Auntie around 3430-3420 duo, target 3560
In the morning, we gave the idea of ​​watching Duo. The price ratio has been in a low-level shock. The long and short positions have not continued. Instead, they have been showing a triangular shock. The shock range is treated in a short-term form. We are still the main long position during the day. Although the current retracement has a certain continuity, it has bottomed out at present. Many people feel that the market has turned when they see the market fall, and they hurriedly follow the short position. As a result, the retracement failed to continue and had no strength. The rebound fell into the state of helmet bamboo shoots again. Secondly, many people began to guess the top and short at this time, but they did not know that the market would not change direction because of your feelings. Therefore, we should not be disrupted by this short-term decline, nor be blinded by the illusion of decline. In the future, we can mainly use Duodan's idea to arrange the orange. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #以太坊ETF批准预期

Big pancake around 62600-62300 duo, target 65000
Auntie around 3430-3420 duo, target 3560
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Up to now, the overall trend has developed into a situation of long and short battles. The price ratio has been under pressure since it reached the highest level of 63,800 at midnight and fell back to the current level of 63,000. After the decline, the entire market has been in a rhythm of shocks. Our short Danbuju also held the power perfectly in the morning. The fluctuations in this market are like the ups and downs of life. The road will not be straight, and there will always be ups and downs and twists and turns. What we can do is to accept new challenges with a good attitude. Up to now, we have won more than 1,400 points of the big cake and more than 80 points of space. From the current market, after the continuous correction in the early stage, the price ratio will also recover the lost ground in a slow rise. Although there is room for correction, it still shows the method of consolidation and accumulation. According to the recent structural form, the market will still have a rising momentum in the future, but the overall performance of the bulls has some signs of weakness, and the air situation has some slow rises and sharp falls. So although the follow-up will continue to revolve around the bulls, we still have to wait for the subsequent retracement to stabilize before looking at the bulls. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 # Pancake around 62800-62500 Duo, target 65000 Aunt around 3440-3420 Duo, target 3600
Up to now, the overall trend has developed into a situation of long and short battles. The price ratio has been under pressure since it reached the highest level of 63,800 at midnight and fell back to the current level of 63,000. After the decline, the entire market has been in a rhythm of shocks. Our short Danbuju also held the power perfectly in the morning. The fluctuations in this market are like the ups and downs of life. The road will not be straight, and there will always be ups and downs and twists and turns. What we can do is to accept new challenges with a good attitude. Up to now, we have won more than 1,400 points of the big cake and more than 80 points of space.

From the current market, after the continuous correction in the early stage, the price ratio will also recover the lost ground in a slow rise. Although there is room for correction, it still shows the method of consolidation and accumulation. According to the recent structural form, the market will still have a rising momentum in the future, but the overall performance of the bulls has some signs of weakness, and the air situation has some slow rises and sharp falls. So although the follow-up will continue to revolve around the bulls, we still have to wait for the subsequent retracement to stabilize before looking at the bulls. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #

Pancake around 62800-62500 Duo, target 65000
Aunt around 3440-3420 Duo, target 3600
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After we gave the idea of ​​looking at Duo in the afternoon, we are currently entering the market near 60800 and are still holding it. From the current technical level, although there is a continuous downward shock in the short term, it is not difficult to find that this shock performance is just a behavior of Duo head accumulation. After the upward touch of 63800 this morning, we are still bullish on the upward trend of the shock. So in the short term, we still look at the rebound. As long as the support is maintained, there is still room for bulls in the future market. After all, the air situation will not always fluctuate, and there will be unilaterality again after the shock. In general, the price ratio has experienced ups and downs, and the trend is stationed at 63800. The trend structure itself is a strong Duo head performance, but it has fallen back after a short-term high, and it has stopped after the current decline, and has not formed a continuous downward exploration. Then the future market is still mainly viewed as a structure with the help of a large trend structure. Staying at the key position support at night to continue to see the increase. In the future, we will continue to treat it as a Duo idea! #BTC☀ #BTC走勢分析 Big pancake around 62600-62300 duo, target 65000 Auntie around 3450-3440 duo, target 3600
After we gave the idea of ​​looking at Duo in the afternoon, we are currently entering the market near 60800 and are still holding it. From the current technical level, although there is a continuous downward shock in the short term, it is not difficult to find that this shock performance is just a behavior of Duo head accumulation. After the upward touch of 63800 this morning, we are still bullish on the upward trend of the shock. So in the short term, we still look at the rebound. As long as the support is maintained, there is still room for bulls in the future market. After all, the air situation will not always fluctuate, and there will be unilaterality again after the shock. In general, the price ratio has experienced ups and downs, and the trend is stationed at 63800. The trend structure itself is a strong Duo head performance, but it has fallen back after a short-term high, and it has stopped after the current decline, and has not formed a continuous downward exploration. Then the future market is still mainly viewed as a structure with the help of a large trend structure. Staying at the key position support at night to continue to see the increase. In the future, we will continue to treat it as a Duo idea! #BTC☀ #BTC走勢分析

Big pancake around 62600-62300 duo, target 65000
Auntie around 3450-3440 duo, target 3600
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Four major events are coming this week! 1. Powell will speak on Tuesday. 2. The US ADP employment figures for June will be released at 20:15 on Wednesday. 3. The US non-farm payrolls for June will be released at 20:30 on Friday. 4. Most importantly, there should be further news about Mentougou before July 15. The best situation at present is that the Mentougou incident will be properly resolved in early July, compensation will be delayed or paid in batches, inflation data will decline, and the Fed's expectations of rate cuts will increase, then a new round of bull market will start.
Four major events are coming this week!
1. Powell will speak on Tuesday.
2. The US ADP employment figures for June will be released at 20:15 on Wednesday.
3. The US non-farm payrolls for June will be released at 20:30 on Friday.
4. Most importantly, there should be further news about Mentougou before July 15.
The best situation at present is that the Mentougou incident will be properly resolved in early July, compensation will be delayed or paid in batches, inflation data will decline, and the Fed's expectations of rate cuts will increase, then a new round of bull market will start.
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Judging from the current rhythm of the entire market, the price ratio has returned to the volatile shipping situation after a slight increase. Of course, this is not too surprising. At present, although the overall trend is in a process of repeated fluctuations, the bulls will still dominate. The multiple retracements have not continued. Relatively speaking, the support will become stronger and stronger, and the overall retracement strength is not large. The four-hour structure chart shows a continuous rise, and shows the state of consolidation and correction after a strong rise. The overall shipping situation is also quite easy to understand. It rises after consolidation, and then rises again after consolidation. With the increase in the price ratio, the entire support is gradually moving up. In the strong correction market, time will inevitably be exchanged for space consolidation. It is expected that the market will continue to strengthen and rise. After the bottom is stabilized, it will continue to increase in volume and switch to slow rise. We can continue to watch the subsequent distribution. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #美联储何时降息? Big pancake around 63200-63000 duo, target 65000 Auntie around 3480-3460 duo, target 3600
Judging from the current rhythm of the entire market, the price ratio has returned to the volatile shipping situation after a slight increase. Of course, this is not too surprising. At present, although the overall trend is in a process of repeated fluctuations, the bulls will still dominate. The multiple retracements have not continued. Relatively speaking, the support will become stronger and stronger, and the overall retracement strength is not large. The four-hour structure chart shows a continuous rise, and shows the state of consolidation and correction after a strong rise. The overall shipping situation is also quite easy to understand. It rises after consolidation, and then rises again after consolidation. With the increase in the price ratio, the entire support is gradually moving up. In the strong correction market, time will inevitably be exchanged for space consolidation. It is expected that the market will continue to strengthen and rise. After the bottom is stabilized, it will continue to increase in volume and switch to slow rise. We can continue to watch the subsequent distribution. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #美联储何时降息?

Big pancake around 63200-63000 duo, target 65000
Auntie around 3480-3460 duo, target 3600
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True courage is not not being afraid, but moving forward when you are afraid. Don't let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams, believe in your ability, and move forward! After midnight, the big cake rushed to the 63,000 line and then was under pressure and stagnant. It has now been pulled up to the 63,500 line again. This wave of pull-up is undoubtedly another verification of our recent Duodan ideas. Our midnight Duodan is also perfect as the established ideas! The big cake has won more than 1,400 points of space in total, and the aunt has kept pace and won more than 60 points. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 From the overall current market, the price ratio in the small cycle has also risen after a series of negatives. After the pull-up, the entire shipping situation has repeatedly tested the upper pressure of 64,000. Although the retracement has been given, the bulls have also quickly recovered. The overall air situation is also quite strong. In a strong air situation, multiple pressure tests on the upper pressure level will also make the resistance at this position weaker and weaker. It is only a matter of time before the subsequent breakout. It is also highly likely that the price will continue to rise or continue to rise after consolidation. We only need to follow the trend. After the shock correction in the past few days, before there is an obvious short signal, the general direction is still to look at the trend. The price of the big cake is around 63300-63000, and the target is 65000 The price of the concubine is around 3480-3460, and the target is 3600
True courage is not not being afraid, but moving forward when you are afraid. Don't let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams, believe in your ability, and move forward! After midnight, the big cake rushed to the 63,000 line and then was under pressure and stagnant. It has now been pulled up to the 63,500 line again. This wave of pull-up is undoubtedly another verification of our recent Duodan ideas. Our midnight Duodan is also perfect as the established ideas! The big cake has won more than 1,400 points of space in total, and the aunt has kept pace and won more than 60 points. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测

From the overall current market, the price ratio in the small cycle has also risen after a series of negatives. After the pull-up, the entire shipping situation has repeatedly tested the upper pressure of 64,000. Although the retracement has been given, the bulls have also quickly recovered. The overall air situation is also quite strong. In a strong air situation, multiple pressure tests on the upper pressure level will also make the resistance at this position weaker and weaker. It is only a matter of time before the subsequent breakout. It is also highly likely that the price will continue to rise or continue to rise after consolidation. We only need to follow the trend. After the shock correction in the past few days, before there is an obvious short signal, the general direction is still to look at the trend.

The price of the big cake is around 63300-63000, and the target is 65000
The price of the concubine is around 3480-3460, and the target is 3600
See original
The market on Sunday ushered in a wave of highs in the afternoon. The price of the big cake reached the highest level of 61798 and stopped there. We continued to keep the idea of ​​watching and arranging the big cake during the day. The big cake entered the market with long orders near 60800, and the concubine kept in sync. When it went up to around 61600, it left the market in time and took more than 800 points of space. The concubine took more than 30 points of space. From the current overall market rhythm, the air situation is in a horizontal consolidation rhythm. We have repeatedly reminded in the early stage that if the price ratio wants to continue to achieve a breakthrough and rise, it must first experience a shock adjustment and consolidation to expand the upward space in the future. It can be seen that the entire air situation is not a unilateral upward movement, but a gradual upward movement. It first oscillates and then adjusts. The short-term is stepping back and forth, and the trend is so cyclical. The current shock of the air situation is the short-term adjustment stage after the previous round of small pull-ups. It is a natural process of exchanging time for space, so for the subsequent arrangement of oranges. At midnight, we can first look at the extent of the retracement and then make subsequent multi-dans. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 The price of the big cake is around 61400-61000, and the target is 62500 The price of the concubine is around 3380-3360, and the target is 3500
The market on Sunday ushered in a wave of highs in the afternoon. The price of the big cake reached the highest level of 61798 and stopped there. We continued to keep the idea of ​​watching and arranging the big cake during the day. The big cake entered the market with long orders near 60800, and the concubine kept in sync. When it went up to around 61600, it left the market in time and took more than 800 points of space. The concubine took more than 30 points of space.

From the current overall market rhythm, the air situation is in a horizontal consolidation rhythm. We have repeatedly reminded in the early stage that if the price ratio wants to continue to achieve a breakthrough and rise, it must first experience a shock adjustment and consolidation to expand the upward space in the future. It can be seen that the entire air situation is not a unilateral upward movement, but a gradual upward movement. It first oscillates and then adjusts. The short-term is stepping back and forth, and the trend is so cyclical. The current shock of the air situation is the short-term adjustment stage after the previous round of small pull-ups. It is a natural process of exchanging time for space, so for the subsequent arrangement of oranges. At midnight, we can first look at the extent of the retracement and then make subsequent multi-dans. #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测

The price of the big cake is around 61400-61000, and the target is 62500
The price of the concubine is around 3380-3360, and the target is 3500
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At present, the overall rhythm is still in a narrow range of fluctuations, and the overall range is around 60500-61000. There is no need to interpret the weekend's shipping situation too much. It's just that after the decline in the previous few days, the entire market just used the weekend to digest it. From the technical structure, the subsequent bullish momentum still shows a strong signal, and there is no obvious turning signal. The sideways stagnation can still be regarded as a correction. There may be a second retracement to reconfirm the support. So we can keep stepping back here to carry out the subsequent layout. #美联储何时降息? #BTC☀️ #BTC走勢分析 Pie is around 60600-60500 and the target is 62500 Aunt is around 3370-3360 and the target is 3500
At present, the overall rhythm is still in a narrow range of fluctuations, and the overall range is around 60500-61000. There is no need to interpret the weekend's shipping situation too much. It's just that after the decline in the previous few days, the entire market just used the weekend to digest it. From the technical structure, the subsequent bullish momentum still shows a strong signal, and there is no obvious turning signal. The sideways stagnation can still be regarded as a correction. There may be a second retracement to reconfirm the support. So we can keep stepping back here to carry out the subsequent layout. #美联储何时降息? #BTC☀️ #BTC走勢分析

Pie is around 60600-60500 and the target is 62500
Aunt is around 3370-3360 and the target is 3500
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