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公众号:老崔说币 腾讯财经认证大v 币圈小学十年经历 微博:老崔说币
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For everyone's approach to the contract level, the most important indicator in the near future is always the price of USDT. As long as this exchange rate remains in a downward phase, the market will steadily rise. The change of this indicator has always been a short-term direction decision. It has been said many times that when Ethereum's lowest point was 2800, the USDT price had already reached a high of around 7.35. At this stage, it has reached 7.28 again. The market has also warmed up to 3200 and Bitcoin's 60,000 mark. The trends of the two are inversely proportional. Everyone cannot grasp the choice of the market, just look at the exchange rate indicator. At present, the USDT exchange rate is the target of the market trend. Don't think too much. The implementation of all measures will affect USDT, and this reaction is also a short-term trend. Today's explanation is at this position. At the end of the article, everyone has a market choice that cannot be determined. It is best to communicate with Lao Cui before drawing a conclusion. Lao Cui concluded: For spot users, if they want to have considerable returns in the short term, they still need to hold for a long time and wait for the arrival of good news. They will definitely see the returns within the year, but for contract users, after the short-term repair, combined with the good news of Ethereum's listing, it can give users with multiple orders a chance to exit. Of course, this does not mean that everyone should blindly go long. The return of going long is just that there may be a wave of profits in the short term. + Lao Cuitanhua2209 Waiting for the good news to dissipate at the mid-term level, the bears will eventually dominate, so users with short orders in the market can hold but ensure the safety of their positions. If there is no good news after the short-term bulls, the bears will appear! Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps, while those with low chess skills can only see two or three steps. The high-level ones take the overall situation into consideration and seek the general trend. They do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. The low-level ones fight for every inch of land, frequently transform between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term, but are frequently trapped. This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. If you buy or sell based on this material, you will be responsible for the consequences!
For everyone's approach to the contract level, the most important indicator in the near future is always the price of USDT. As long as this exchange rate remains in a downward phase, the market will steadily rise. The change of this indicator has always been a short-term direction decision. It has been said many times that when Ethereum's lowest point was 2800, the USDT price had already reached a high of around 7.35. At this stage, it has reached 7.28 again. The market has also warmed up to 3200 and Bitcoin's 60,000 mark. The trends of the two are inversely proportional. Everyone cannot grasp the choice of the market, just look at the exchange rate indicator. At present, the USDT exchange rate is the target of the market trend. Don't think too much. The implementation of all measures will affect USDT, and this reaction is also a short-term trend. Today's explanation is at this position. At the end of the article, everyone has a market choice that cannot be determined. It is best to communicate with Lao Cui before drawing a conclusion.

Lao Cui concluded: For spot users, if they want to have considerable returns in the short term, they still need to hold for a long time and wait for the arrival of good news. They will definitely see the returns within the year, but for contract users, after the short-term repair, combined with the good news of Ethereum's listing, it can give users with multiple orders a chance to exit. Of course, this does not mean that everyone should blindly go long. The return of going long is just that there may be a wave of profits in the short term. + Lao Cuitanhua2209 Waiting for the good news to dissipate at the mid-term level, the bears will eventually dominate, so users with short orders in the market can hold but ensure the safety of their positions. If there is no good news after the short-term bulls, the bears will appear!

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps, while those with low chess skills can only see two or three steps. The high-level ones take the overall situation into consideration and seek the general trend. They do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. The low-level ones fight for every inch of land, frequently transform between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term, but are frequently trapped.
This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. If you buy or sell based on this material, you will be responsible for the consequences!
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The chaos in the political world is transmitted to the financial level, which means that there is no possibility of a bull market. Especially in the US stock market, which has taken the lead and has formed a completely opposite state with the cryptocurrency market since its growth, there has been no obvious pullback after a wave of pulling. The same is true for the gold market at the beginning of the year. The phenomenon of pullback after setting several historical highs is not obvious. The lack of signs of pullback shows that the amount of funds has not fled, and a large amount of funds have poured into other markets, which is a manifestation of anxiety. The current strategy of the US crazy interest rate hike has indeed made the US dollar appreciate again, and the appreciation of the US dollar is bound to cause the decline of other markets. The impact of the cryptocurrency market basically comes from these two points. It can be said that if Bitcoin was listed 19 years ago, the historical high would not have stopped at around 70,000. It is the sluggish amount of funds that has affected the recent growth of the cryptocurrency market. This can also be regarded as a side limit. No one wants to see emerging markets grasp the fate of the world. In short, the big trends are basically listened to by spot users. Yesterday, I also forgot to talk to contract users about the mid-line situation. Today, we still focus on contract users. For contracts, the current stage is in a state of repair after a downward exploration. The capital volume and technical level are basically in a state of slow growth. The growth is not strong. On the contrary, the rate of decline is more rapid when the market reverses. This is a mid-line trend. For contracts, you only need to find the support and pressure positions to enter the market. + Lao Cui tanhua2209 Bitcoin's 6W mark and Ethereum's 3200 position will be in a state of repair as long as they stand firm in the later period. Overall, it is still a box shock. At this stage, both long and short positions will not suffer too much loss. For Bitcoin, even if the 60,000 mark stands firm, there will be good news in the short-term situation, and it will still fall below this position. At this stage, there is no good news for trading, which means that there will be a short position.
The chaos in the political world is transmitted to the financial level, which means that there is no possibility of a bull market. Especially in the US stock market, which has taken the lead and has formed a completely opposite state with the cryptocurrency market since its growth, there has been no obvious pullback after a wave of pulling. The same is true for the gold market at the beginning of the year. The phenomenon of pullback after setting several historical highs is not obvious. The lack of signs of pullback shows that the amount of funds has not fled, and a large amount of funds have poured into other markets, which is a manifestation of anxiety. The current strategy of the US crazy interest rate hike has indeed made the US dollar appreciate again, and the appreciation of the US dollar is bound to cause the decline of other markets. The impact of the cryptocurrency market basically comes from these two points. It can be said that if Bitcoin was listed 19 years ago, the historical high would not have stopped at around 70,000. It is the sluggish amount of funds that has affected the recent growth of the cryptocurrency market. This can also be regarded as a side limit. No one wants to see emerging markets grasp the fate of the world.

In short, the big trends are basically listened to by spot users. Yesterday, I also forgot to talk to contract users about the mid-line situation. Today, we still focus on contract users. For contracts, the current stage is in a state of repair after a downward exploration. The capital volume and technical level are basically in a state of slow growth. The growth is not strong. On the contrary, the rate of decline is more rapid when the market reverses. This is a mid-line trend. For contracts, you only need to find the support and pressure positions to enter the market. + Lao Cui tanhua2209 Bitcoin's 6W mark and Ethereum's 3200 position will be in a state of repair as long as they stand firm in the later period. Overall, it is still a box shock. At this stage, both long and short positions will not suffer too much loss. For Bitcoin, even if the 60,000 mark stands firm, there will be good news in the short-term situation, and it will still fall below this position. At this stage, there is no good news for trading, which means that there will be a short position.
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Finally, I have time to share the recent trend with you recently. I would like to communicate with you again. If you just want to join the group, you don’t need to find Lao Cui. Lao Cui has always been a stock user for the operation of the circle, so those who want to join the group can skip Lao Cui directly. The recent trend has shown signs of fatigue for Lao Cui, so don’t waste the time of both parties. Next, let’s get to the point. Many friends are paying attention to whether Ethereum will really go public in July. There may be a conclusion in July for the listing results, but there is no definite notification of the specific listing time. I hope everyone can have a clear understanding of this point. The appearance of the result can only bring short-term growth. For the long-term, the specific breakthrough still needs to be officially listed, attracting foreign funds with a breakthrough volume, and then it will officially enter a long-term upward trend. The impact on the next trend is actually still within the controllable range. For the daily line, the past two days have been in a stage of repair after a downward trend. The overall trend in the later period depends on the repair situation. Germany’s shipments have not stopped, which will affect the increase in Ethereum listing to a certain extent. The entire cryptocurrency market has entered a state of repair. +Lao Cuitanhua2209's departure from the market is understandable, especially with a large amount of funds behind it. The speed of shipment will affect the entire battle. Everyone is still wondering whether the current financial situation will show signs of improvement. In fact, from Lao Cui's perspective, this has become a conclusion, that is, the entire world is basically in a state of chaos. From the assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister to the shooting of the former US President today, the political arena can be said to be completely off track.
Finally, I have time to share the recent trend with you recently. I would like to communicate with you again. If you just want to join the group, you don’t need to find Lao Cui. Lao Cui has always been a stock user for the operation of the circle, so those who want to join the group can skip Lao Cui directly. The recent trend has shown signs of fatigue for Lao Cui, so don’t waste the time of both parties. Next, let’s get to the point. Many friends are paying attention to whether Ethereum will really go public in July. There may be a conclusion in July for the listing results, but there is no definite notification of the specific listing time. I hope everyone can have a clear understanding of this point. The appearance of the result can only bring short-term growth. For the long-term, the specific breakthrough still needs to be officially listed, attracting foreign funds with a breakthrough volume, and then it will officially enter a long-term upward trend.

The impact on the next trend is actually still within the controllable range. For the daily line, the past two days have been in a stage of repair after a downward trend. The overall trend in the later period depends on the repair situation. Germany’s shipments have not stopped, which will affect the increase in Ethereum listing to a certain extent. The entire cryptocurrency market has entered a state of repair. +Lao Cuitanhua2209's departure from the market is understandable, especially with a large amount of funds behind it. The speed of shipment will affect the entire battle. Everyone is still wondering whether the current financial situation will show signs of improvement. In fact, from Lao Cui's perspective, this has become a conclusion, that is, the entire world is basically in a state of chaos. From the assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister to the shooting of the former US President today, the political arena can be said to be completely off track.
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Combined with the recent hot issue, that is, Germany has begun to sell off digital currency assets, in the short term, there will definitely be new lows, because this volume is difficult to swallow in the current currency circle. For all friends, they all want to recover some of the recent spot losses in the short term. Lao Cui currently has no better way. For the short-term trend, it can only be said that the shorts are still the main force. The loss of spot needs to be compensated by the extension of the timeline. For contract users, the short-term will definitely make a lot of money. The 3,000 mark of Ethereum is currently difficult to hold. There is a high probability that there will be one or two new lows before the interest rate cut. This will definitely have an impact on the psychology of spot users. I hope you can hold back. Lao Cui concluded: The overall market trend is basically still running within the range we analyzed. The most important issue for contract and spot users is patience. In fact, the recent trend is relatively clear. Contract users can just focus on the short position. Although the space below is not strong, it is still the main force of short-term. For the space above, the short-term rebound is suppressed to a certain extent. At least it is difficult to organize an effective counterattack before all shipments in Germany are completed. In addition to the suppression at the exchange rate level, you don’t have to consider that there will be a large rebound. Users who want to get out of the trap should pay attention to the listing announcement of Ethereum. Good news is the time for everyone to get out of the trap. Of course, for the exchange rate level, we will have corresponding strategies for such an increase. As long as the exchange rate drops, it will also bring a wave of growth in the currency circle. At this time point, Lao Cui will notify everyone as soon as he receives it. That’s it for today. You should ask Lao Cui for the specific timing. Don’t act rashly, especially spot users. Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend. + Lao Cui tanhua2207 does not focus on one piece or one place, but aims to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks. This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
Combined with the recent hot issue, that is, Germany has begun to sell off digital currency assets, in the short term, there will definitely be new lows, because this volume is difficult to swallow in the current currency circle. For all friends, they all want to recover some of the recent spot losses in the short term. Lao Cui currently has no better way. For the short-term trend, it can only be said that the shorts are still the main force. The loss of spot needs to be compensated by the extension of the timeline. For contract users, the short-term will definitely make a lot of money. The 3,000 mark of Ethereum is currently difficult to hold. There is a high probability that there will be one or two new lows before the interest rate cut. This will definitely have an impact on the psychology of spot users. I hope you can hold back.

Lao Cui concluded: The overall market trend is basically still running within the range we analyzed. The most important issue for contract and spot users is patience. In fact, the recent trend is relatively clear. Contract users can just focus on the short position. Although the space below is not strong, it is still the main force of short-term. For the space above, the short-term rebound is suppressed to a certain extent. At least it is difficult to organize an effective counterattack before all shipments in Germany are completed. In addition to the suppression at the exchange rate level, you don’t have to consider that there will be a large rebound. Users who want to get out of the trap should pay attention to the listing announcement of Ethereum. Good news is the time for everyone to get out of the trap. Of course, for the exchange rate level, we will have corresponding strategies for such an increase. As long as the exchange rate drops, it will also bring a wave of growth in the currency circle. At this time point, Lao Cui will notify everyone as soon as he receives it. That’s it for today. You should ask Lao Cui for the specific timing. Don’t act rashly, especially spot users.

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend. + Lao Cui tanhua2207 does not focus on one piece or one place, but aims to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks.
This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
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Delay does not mean that it will not come, and the delay will not be too bad. Before the Americans repay the bank, they will definitely cut interest rates. According to the current repayment pressure, it is still difficult for the Americans to cut painlessly. They will definitely choose to repay after the interest rate cut. Now it is July, and the date of the interest rate cut is getting closer and closer. As long as the interest rate cut comes, all industries will get some relief. Especially the financial-related industries will also usher in a blowout growth, and of course our currency circle will definitely be among them. From a long-term perspective, this year is still a year of growth. It may not be a historical high, but compared with the previous two years, it is a better side. But for its short-term level, it is in a downward stage in the short term. This issue has been discussed with everyone since June. As long as there is no good news, it will definitely fall. I still hope that everyone can listen to this point. At this stage, the currency circle is definitely not as competitive as the real and traditional economic industries. The impact of the macro environment is extremely strong for the currency circle. After all, all the attributes of the currency circle are still in a beautiful vision. It’s still the old saying that for investment in technology and the future, it must first solve the problem of people’s livelihood. The unemployment rate is still very high, and the employment rate cannot be increased. +Lao Cuitanhua2209There is no need to talk about GDP. The world economy is currently in an overall downward trend. We will not participate in the political aspects. Let’s just talk about the economy. If we want to return to the situation before the epidemic, it will take at least three to five years. The interest rate cut is only a turning point for repair, not a charge for a bull market.
Delay does not mean that it will not come, and the delay will not be too bad. Before the Americans repay the bank, they will definitely cut interest rates. According to the current repayment pressure, it is still difficult for the Americans to cut painlessly. They will definitely choose to repay after the interest rate cut. Now it is July, and the date of the interest rate cut is getting closer and closer. As long as the interest rate cut comes, all industries will get some relief. Especially the financial-related industries will also usher in a blowout growth, and of course our currency circle will definitely be among them. From a long-term perspective, this year is still a year of growth. It may not be a historical high, but compared with the previous two years, it is a better side. But for its short-term level, it is in a downward stage in the short term. This issue has been discussed with everyone since June. As long as there is no good news, it will definitely fall.

I still hope that everyone can listen to this point. At this stage, the currency circle is definitely not as competitive as the real and traditional economic industries. The impact of the macro environment is extremely strong for the currency circle. After all, all the attributes of the currency circle are still in a beautiful vision. It’s still the old saying that for investment in technology and the future, it must first solve the problem of people’s livelihood. The unemployment rate is still very high, and the employment rate cannot be increased. +Lao Cuitanhua2209There is no need to talk about GDP. The world economy is currently in an overall downward trend. We will not participate in the political aspects. Let’s just talk about the economy. If we want to return to the situation before the epidemic, it will take at least three to five years. The interest rate cut is only a turning point for repair, not a charge for a bull market.
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Many friends are asking Lao Cui if he has retired. It's too early. The price of coins has fluctuated violently recently. Basically, Lao Cui will choose to bring some users to the article after publishing it for a period of time. As the market becomes more and more intense, it will definitely exploit some of the time for publishing articles. Please bear with me. If you have specific questions, it is best to ask Lao Cui directly. Continuing from the previous article, Lao Cui can't remember when he published an article. The last time the Ethereum point was still at the beginning of 3300, and the recent lowest position has reached around 2800. The price of U is still growing (users who often follow Lao Cui must know why the exchange rate issue is mentioned). Today's article will focus on the trend in the later period. The theme view is still clear. Before the listing of Ethereum and the interest rate cut strategy come, it is basically difficult to stir up waves. As for the overall trend, Lao Cui has always felt that there is nothing to say. If you have been following Lao Cui since the beginning of the year, in fact, the overall trend of this year has been basically explained clearly in April. Combined with the recent trend, the overall trend is still within the scope of what we are talking about. The only nodes that need everyone's attention are the interest rate cut strategies in each round and the announcement of Ethereum's listing. The speeches of these two will cause short-term fluctuations. For the long-term level, the only point you need to pay attention to is the fluctuation of the amount of funds. +Lao Cuitanhua2209 At this stage, the flow of basically all large funds is very clear. The funds absorbed by the US stock market are ranked first, followed by the funds in Europe, which basically flow to local companies. The overall capital movement is also in the stage of rescuing the market. Everyone is busy saving their own economy, and the intention to harm others can be temporarily stopped for a while. The funds absorbed by the old Americans have already relieved the operation this year, and the strategy of delaying interest rate cuts is likely to come.
Many friends are asking Lao Cui if he has retired. It's too early. The price of coins has fluctuated violently recently. Basically, Lao Cui will choose to bring some users to the article after publishing it for a period of time. As the market becomes more and more intense, it will definitely exploit some of the time for publishing articles. Please bear with me. If you have specific questions, it is best to ask Lao Cui directly. Continuing from the previous article, Lao Cui can't remember when he published an article. The last time the Ethereum point was still at the beginning of 3300, and the recent lowest position has reached around 2800. The price of U is still growing (users who often follow Lao Cui must know why the exchange rate issue is mentioned). Today's article will focus on the trend in the later period.

The theme view is still clear. Before the listing of Ethereum and the interest rate cut strategy come, it is basically difficult to stir up waves. As for the overall trend, Lao Cui has always felt that there is nothing to say. If you have been following Lao Cui since the beginning of the year, in fact, the overall trend of this year has been basically explained clearly in April. Combined with the recent trend, the overall trend is still within the scope of what we are talking about. The only nodes that need everyone's attention are the interest rate cut strategies in each round and the announcement of Ethereum's listing. The speeches of these two will cause short-term fluctuations. For the long-term level, the only point you need to pay attention to is the fluctuation of the amount of funds. +Lao Cuitanhua2209 At this stage, the flow of basically all large funds is very clear. The funds absorbed by the US stock market are ranked first, followed by the funds in Europe, which basically flow to local companies. The overall capital movement is also in the stage of rescuing the market. Everyone is busy saving their own economy, and the intention to harm others can be temporarily stopped for a while. The funds absorbed by the old Americans have already relieved the operation this year, and the strategy of delaying interest rate cuts is likely to come.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: the downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come? Therefore, if you have multiple orders in your hands, there is still a chance to get out of the trap. The strength of the rebound will be maintained at most between 150-200 points, and the opportunity to get out of the trap will still be given to everyone. Finally, let me give you a summary: the recent fluctuations are definitely dominated by shorts. In the short term, if you want to do short orders, you can maintain the overall profit space of about 50-100 points. If there is profit, exit in time. The rebound space of long orders depends on whether the news level on July 2nd announces whether Ethereum's listing is still smooth. If it is smooth, the rebound trend will also come very fiercely. For the overall trend, spot users can buy the bottom at any time and wait for the right time. + Lao Cui shi9527111 Ethereum's 4,000 can still be reached within 1 year, and Bitcoin's 70,000 should not be considered too far away, but the short-term and jade forms should try to go around the short trend. Overall, there will not be too much deviation, and there is not much room below! Before the article was finished, a wave of shorts had already arrived. The market was moving so fast. If you have any specific questions, it is best to communicate with Lao Cui first! Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps, while low-level chess players can only see two or three steps. The experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. The low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent traps. This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying and selling based on this is at your own risk!
Lao Cui talks about coins: the downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come?

Therefore, if you have multiple orders in your hands, there is still a chance to get out of the trap. The strength of the rebound will be maintained at most between 150-200 points, and the opportunity to get out of the trap will still be given to everyone. Finally, let me give you a summary: the recent fluctuations are definitely dominated by shorts. In the short term, if you want to do short orders, you can maintain the overall profit space of about 50-100 points. If there is profit, exit in time. The rebound space of long orders depends on whether the news level on July 2nd announces whether Ethereum's listing is still smooth. If it is smooth, the rebound trend will also come very fiercely. For the overall trend, spot users can buy the bottom at any time and wait for the right time. + Lao Cui shi9527111 Ethereum's 4,000 can still be reached within 1 year, and Bitcoin's 70,000 should not be considered too far away, but the short-term and jade forms should try to go around the short trend. Overall, there will not be too much deviation, and there is not much room below! Before the article was finished, a wave of shorts had already arrived. The market was moving so fast. If you have any specific questions, it is best to communicate with Lao Cui first!

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps, while low-level chess players can only see two or three steps. The experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. The low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent traps.
This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying and selling based on this is at your own risk!
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Lao Cui talks about currency: the downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come? The gradual rise of the exchange rate has made the entire market worse. For the later trend, the impact of the exchange rate will definitely determine the short-term trend. At the exchange rate level, many friends are asking Lao Cui how to observe the next trend of the exchange rate. Everyone needs to observe this. Our export behavior, as long as the data at the foreign trade level is better, the basic exchange rate will be adjusted upward in the later period. The appreciation of the US dollar is linked to the interest rate cut. At the same time, the acceleration of our economic growth level will also drive the appreciation of the RMB. The most obvious point is that the exchange rate will once reach 6.1 from 16 to 19, which is the performance of the peak of national strength. However, the current exchange rate is likely to remain above 7. The share of the entire manufacturing market has indeed declined. The flight of foreign capital and the loss of international capital will lead to the depreciation of the RMB. The fundamental of currency is still the credit system. Therefore, in the short term, as long as the exchange rate rises, the appreciation of the US dollar will drive the entire US dollar-linked market to appreciate as a whole. However, the US dollar will flow away and funds will flee, which has formed a short-term downward trend in the currency circle. As for the overall range trend, there will definitely be a short-term rebound trend. After all, there is still support from traditional capital in the circle. The focus is still on the actual implementation policy of the US interest rate cut. From Lao Cui's perspective, it is difficult for the US to support the interest rate cut until the end of the year. It will still be maintained around October. The interest rate cut at the end of the year will weaken the economic start-up a lot. So everyone will be concerned about the trend before the interest rate cut. Before the arrival of these two pieces of news, it will definitely go around the oscillating downward trend. For this, everyone can pay attention to the fluctuation of the exchange rate. + Lao Cui shi9527111 The rest is to look at the fluctuation at the news level, that is, the implementation of major financial policies, such as interest rate cuts in various places, changes in the US stock market, etc. As long as there is no impact in this regard, the fluctuations in the market outlook will inevitably follow the downward fluctuations, but this does not mean that there will be downward space in the short term. The depth of this round of correction is still visible, and there will not be room for continuous downward movement. There is also room for rebound in the downward movement.
Lao Cui talks about currency: the downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come?

The gradual rise of the exchange rate has made the entire market worse. For the later trend, the impact of the exchange rate will definitely determine the short-term trend. At the exchange rate level, many friends are asking Lao Cui how to observe the next trend of the exchange rate. Everyone needs to observe this. Our export behavior, as long as the data at the foreign trade level is better, the basic exchange rate will be adjusted upward in the later period. The appreciation of the US dollar is linked to the interest rate cut. At the same time, the acceleration of our economic growth level will also drive the appreciation of the RMB. The most obvious point is that the exchange rate will once reach 6.1 from 16 to 19, which is the performance of the peak of national strength. However, the current exchange rate is likely to remain above 7. The share of the entire manufacturing market has indeed declined. The flight of foreign capital and the loss of international capital will lead to the depreciation of the RMB. The fundamental of currency is still the credit system. Therefore, in the short term, as long as the exchange rate rises, the appreciation of the US dollar will drive the entire US dollar-linked market to appreciate as a whole. However, the US dollar will flow away and funds will flee, which has formed a short-term downward trend in the currency circle.

As for the overall range trend, there will definitely be a short-term rebound trend. After all, there is still support from traditional capital in the circle. The focus is still on the actual implementation policy of the US interest rate cut. From Lao Cui's perspective, it is difficult for the US to support the interest rate cut until the end of the year. It will still be maintained around October. The interest rate cut at the end of the year will weaken the economic start-up a lot. So everyone will be concerned about the trend before the interest rate cut. Before the arrival of these two pieces of news, it will definitely go around the oscillating downward trend. For this, everyone can pay attention to the fluctuation of the exchange rate. + Lao Cui shi9527111 The rest is to look at the fluctuation at the news level, that is, the implementation of major financial policies, such as interest rate cuts in various places, changes in the US stock market, etc. As long as there is no impact in this regard, the fluctuations in the market outlook will inevitably follow the downward fluctuations, but this does not mean that there will be downward space in the short term. The depth of this round of correction is still visible, and there will not be room for continuous downward movement. There is also room for rebound in the downward movement.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: The downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come? With an article on Tuesday, I let everyone go long, and I believe that everyone got the due reward on the 19th. As a result, many users hope that Lao Cui will talk more about the short-term trend. This accuracy of Lao Cui's short-term judgment has made everyone misjudge. Lao Cui is not always so accurate, and Lao Cui's article only gives everyone a directional reference, and does not have investment advice. Therefore, for everyone who hopes that Lao Cui will analyze more things at the contract level, Lao Cui still does not have this ability. I hope that everyone can use their own thinking to assist in judgment after reading the article, and don't trust Lao Cui's analysis too much. Back to our topic, the market has returned to the starting point of Tuesday again. Many friends have begun to be confused about the trend in the later period. For the future market, there is actually no change in direction. Overall, there is not much difference from our previous analysis. Let's start with the overall amount of funds. With the opening of the European Cup, a large number of gamblers have been attracted. It can be said that the retail investors in the current contract market are visible to the naked eye. This has not changed anything. Therefore, at the linear level, the market gradually began to fluctuate downward, which is due to the gradual withdrawal of retail investors' funds. +老崔shi9527111 Looking at the entire currency circle, there are not many factors that stimulate growth at present, and more of them rely on short-term capital flows to produce subsequent trends, so there is basically nothing to say about this market. However, as we enter the end of June, we need to pay attention to the events in July. According to Bloomberg, the news of Ethereum's listing is likely to be confirmed on July 2, which is an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to. Once the listing is confirmed, the previous fluctuations will definitely go out of the bull trend, and at least 500-1000 points of profit space will exist.
Lao Cui talks about coins: The downward space is completely opened, when will the low point of Ethereum come?

With an article on Tuesday, I let everyone go long, and I believe that everyone got the due reward on the 19th. As a result, many users hope that Lao Cui will talk more about the short-term trend. This accuracy of Lao Cui's short-term judgment has made everyone misjudge. Lao Cui is not always so accurate, and Lao Cui's article only gives everyone a directional reference, and does not have investment advice. Therefore, for everyone who hopes that Lao Cui will analyze more things at the contract level, Lao Cui still does not have this ability. I hope that everyone can use their own thinking to assist in judgment after reading the article, and don't trust Lao Cui's analysis too much. Back to our topic, the market has returned to the starting point of Tuesday again. Many friends have begun to be confused about the trend in the later period. For the future market, there is actually no change in direction. Overall, there is not much difference from our previous analysis.

Let's start with the overall amount of funds. With the opening of the European Cup, a large number of gamblers have been attracted. It can be said that the retail investors in the current contract market are visible to the naked eye. This has not changed anything. Therefore, at the linear level, the market gradually began to fluctuate downward, which is due to the gradual withdrawal of retail investors' funds. +老崔shi9527111 Looking at the entire currency circle, there are not many factors that stimulate growth at present, and more of them rely on short-term capital flows to produce subsequent trends, so there is basically nothing to say about this market. However, as we enter the end of June, we need to pay attention to the events in July. According to Bloomberg, the news of Ethereum's listing is likely to be confirmed on July 2, which is an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to. Once the listing is confirmed, the previous fluctuations will definitely go out of the bull trend, and at least 500-1000 points of profit space will exist.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: US stocks grow strongly, has the bear market in the coin circle started? Lao Cui concludes: Based on the above, the current trend of the coin circle is very unfavorable, and it is basically dominated by a bearish trend. Users who are trapped in long orders should try to catch the rebound trend and untie the trap. If there is a profit, they must exit in time. Don't think that one order can solve all the troubles. Try to be rational about this. The same is true for short sellers. Try to make a profit. For the later period, there will not be too much space below. The overall trend will definitely rise again due to the impact of interest rate cuts and listing. There is no need to explain too much for spot users. At this stage, you can start and wait at the big trend level. As long as there is a decline, you can enter the market directly and wait for the right time. Ethereum's 4000 and Bitcoin's 70,000 will definitely come. At this stage, you can intervene in batches. Contract users are currently in a state of short positions, and you can ambush ant positions (just for the trend). Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks. This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
Lao Cui talks about coins: US stocks grow strongly, has the bear market in the coin circle started?

Lao Cui concludes: Based on the above, the current trend of the coin circle is very unfavorable, and it is basically dominated by a bearish trend. Users who are trapped in long orders should try to catch the rebound trend and untie the trap. If there is a profit, they must exit in time. Don't think that one order can solve all the troubles. Try to be rational about this. The same is true for short sellers. Try to make a profit. For the later period, there will not be too much space below. The overall trend will definitely rise again due to the impact of interest rate cuts and listing. There is no need to explain too much for spot users. At this stage, you can start and wait at the big trend level. As long as there is a decline, you can enter the market directly and wait for the right time. Ethereum's 4000 and Bitcoin's 70,000 will definitely come. At this stage, you can intervene in batches. Contract users are currently in a state of short positions, and you can ambush ant positions (just for the trend).

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks.
This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
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Lao Cui talks about currency: US stocks grow strongly, and the bear market in the currency circle starts? Only the US dollar exchange rate and the trend of gold are left. You can look at the overall performance of gold. Since the beginning of this year, the performance of gold has basically been the financial market, like a cliff. It is not an exaggeration to call it a leader. The end of the war impact means the silence of the gold market. There has been no decline, but it is very difficult to maintain the overall operation. Gold performance has not escalated in the second half of the year. It is difficult to break through the existing balance. Retail investors will not sell, and capital will not fall. The gold market can basically be ignored. Finally, there is the issue of the US dollar exchange rate. The interest rate cut in Europe has indeed given the Americans a sigh of relief. This is very easy to understand. The above question is why the American technology tree has a spark after the interest rate cut. This is also unquestionable. It must be the capital flow in Europe, and most of it has gathered on the American side. The time of the interest rate cut may be postponed, but it does not mean that there will be no interest rate cut this year. The interest rate cut will definitely happen this year, and there is no need to discuss this again. The inflow of funds will inevitably make the US dollar appreciate again, and the price of USDT will also rise accordingly. +Lao Cuishi9527111 Currently, Lao Cui sees that the highest point has recovered to around 7.28. As long as the exchange rate reaches around 7.3, it may still take some effort for Ethereum and Bitcoin to recover to their previous highs. Therefore, for users who want to see more in the currency circle, they can catch a rebound. There is still a rebound opportunity of one or two hundred. With the support of traditional capital, there will be no unilateral market, and there will definitely be a decline.
Lao Cui talks about currency: US stocks grow strongly, and the bear market in the currency circle starts?

Only the US dollar exchange rate and the trend of gold are left. You can look at the overall performance of gold. Since the beginning of this year, the performance of gold has basically been the financial market, like a cliff. It is not an exaggeration to call it a leader. The end of the war impact means the silence of the gold market. There has been no decline, but it is very difficult to maintain the overall operation. Gold performance has not escalated in the second half of the year. It is difficult to break through the existing balance. Retail investors will not sell, and capital will not fall. The gold market can basically be ignored.

Finally, there is the issue of the US dollar exchange rate. The interest rate cut in Europe has indeed given the Americans a sigh of relief. This is very easy to understand. The above question is why the American technology tree has a spark after the interest rate cut. This is also unquestionable. It must be the capital flow in Europe, and most of it has gathered on the American side. The time of the interest rate cut may be postponed, but it does not mean that there will be no interest rate cut this year. The interest rate cut will definitely happen this year, and there is no need to discuss this again. The inflow of funds will inevitably make the US dollar appreciate again, and the price of USDT will also rise accordingly. +Lao Cuishi9527111 Currently, Lao Cui sees that the highest point has recovered to around 7.28. As long as the exchange rate reaches around 7.3, it may still take some effort for Ethereum and Bitcoin to recover to their previous highs. Therefore, for users who want to see more in the currency circle, they can catch a rebound. There is still a rebound opportunity of one or two hundred. With the support of traditional capital, there will be no unilateral market, and there will definitely be a decline.
See original
Lao Cui talks about coins: US stocks are growing strongly, and the bear market in the coin circle has started? This round of decline has left many users at a loss. Lao Cui also took the time to look at the overall data yesterday and the views of major analysts. For everyone, the overall market behavior is not only confusing for coin friends, but also incomprehensible to institutions and even platforms. In terms of the amount of funds, there is almost no big movement. Why did this round of relatively large declines occur? Everyone ignores the overall financial market. Since entering June, the hottest signal in the financial market is the interest rate cut in Europe, and the United States has also shown a signal of interest rate cuts, causing everyone to forget a few more important things, that is, the growth of other markets in the coin circle. The first to bear the brunt is the opening of the European Cup, which can be said to have attracted a large number of gamblers in the coin circle to try it out. The largest component of the coin circle is gamblers, and rational and clear users are still a minority after all. Especially the old capital in Europe and the United States prefers traditional methods. Capital is easier to make profits (compared to the coin circle) and the results are basically within a controllable range. There will definitely be competition between markets. The coin circle in this round of competition is temporarily unable to pull the market. Secondly, you can pay attention to the US stock market. The recent performance of giant technology companies is extremely eye-catching. The reason behind this rapid growth is actually after the interest rate cut in Europe. The interest rate cut in Europe has brought a two-point drop in its economy. Although it has been repaired at present. But the overall result is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. It has fallen instead of increased. This is almost the same as Japan's interest rate cut. +Lao Cui shi9527111 In such a difficult situation, no effective measures have been introduced to prevent it. You can figure out the reason yourself. The factors that can affect the situation of the entire currency circle economy are nothing more than the US stock market, the US dollar exchange rate and the gold trend. Finally, the performance of other markets, and the performance of the US stock market is almost completely contrary to that of other markets. The technology industry of the US stock market is booming, while the performance of other markets is basically downward.
Lao Cui talks about coins: US stocks are growing strongly, and the bear market in the coin circle has started?

This round of decline has left many users at a loss. Lao Cui also took the time to look at the overall data yesterday and the views of major analysts. For everyone, the overall market behavior is not only confusing for coin friends, but also incomprehensible to institutions and even platforms. In terms of the amount of funds, there is almost no big movement. Why did this round of relatively large declines occur? Everyone ignores the overall financial market. Since entering June, the hottest signal in the financial market is the interest rate cut in Europe, and the United States has also shown a signal of interest rate cuts, causing everyone to forget a few more important things, that is, the growth of other markets in the coin circle.

The first to bear the brunt is the opening of the European Cup, which can be said to have attracted a large number of gamblers in the coin circle to try it out. The largest component of the coin circle is gamblers, and rational and clear users are still a minority after all. Especially the old capital in Europe and the United States prefers traditional methods. Capital is easier to make profits (compared to the coin circle) and the results are basically within a controllable range. There will definitely be competition between markets. The coin circle in this round of competition is temporarily unable to pull the market. Secondly, you can pay attention to the US stock market. The recent performance of giant technology companies is extremely eye-catching. The reason behind this rapid growth is actually after the interest rate cut in Europe. The interest rate cut in Europe has brought a two-point drop in its economy. Although it has been repaired at present. But the overall result is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. It has fallen instead of increased. This is almost the same as Japan's interest rate cut. +Lao Cui shi9527111 In such a difficult situation, no effective measures have been introduced to prevent it. You can figure out the reason yourself.

The factors that can affect the situation of the entire currency circle economy are nothing more than the US stock market, the US dollar exchange rate and the gold trend. Finally, the performance of other markets, and the performance of the US stock market is almost completely contrary to that of other markets. The technology industry of the US stock market is booming, while the performance of other markets is basically downward.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month, and interest rate cuts lead the bull market in the coin circle? Why does Bitcoin have a trend of forging ahead this year? Most users may attribute the reason to the impact of the listing level. Although Lao Cui agrees with this view, he is not blindly following it. From Lao Cui's perspective, it is the war level that affects the economic level. For example, the United States freezes Russia's overseas assets, causing Russia to use the coin circle channel to transfer domestic assets. This also includes some of our domestic capital operation methods. It can be said that the coin circle has been affected by all the wars at present. Without talking about political influence, only talking about the strengths of the coin circle at this time is a unique attribute that all financial markets cannot have. This is the value of the existence of the coin circle. Through this operation in our country, it can be said that it has helped a lot of capital escape from domestic supervision. Although it has created the glory of the coin circle in the short term, it is not a good thing in the long run. Lao Cui concluded: In the end, it is back to our current trend. Last night's decision was very beneficial to the financial level. With the micro-operations of the United States, Lao Cui is no longer concerned about the interest rate cut at the meeting level. The recent speech of the old American seems to be deeply guided by the guidance of an expert. In the past, interest rate cuts were basically aligned with the European level. One meeting solved all the troubles. However, this round of interest rate cuts is a process that makes everyone guess. The internal struggle on whether to cut interest rates and when to cut interest rates is also very intense. It can be said that they have not formed a unified view internally. The feeling given to us is that we are uncertain. Even slightly favorable news may cause them to delay the decision to cut interest rates. +Lao Cui shi9527111 The only thing that is certain is that there will definitely be an interest rate cut this year, so at all meetings, unless the old American determines when to cut interest rates, we can get long-term benefits. In summary, the time of interest rate cuts still affects whether the bull market in all markets can really come. The two must be linked. At the same time, only interest rate cuts will cause the US dollar exchange rate to fall, at least falling below the 7 mark is achievable. Remind everyone that although short orders are good, don't be greedy!
Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month, and interest rate cuts lead the bull market in the coin circle?

Why does Bitcoin have a trend of forging ahead this year? Most users may attribute the reason to the impact of the listing level. Although Lao Cui agrees with this view, he is not blindly following it. From Lao Cui's perspective, it is the war level that affects the economic level. For example, the United States freezes Russia's overseas assets, causing Russia to use the coin circle channel to transfer domestic assets. This also includes some of our domestic capital operation methods. It can be said that the coin circle has been affected by all the wars at present. Without talking about political influence, only talking about the strengths of the coin circle at this time is a unique attribute that all financial markets cannot have. This is the value of the existence of the coin circle. Through this operation in our country, it can be said that it has helped a lot of capital escape from domestic supervision. Although it has created the glory of the coin circle in the short term, it is not a good thing in the long run.

Lao Cui concluded: In the end, it is back to our current trend. Last night's decision was very beneficial to the financial level. With the micro-operations of the United States, Lao Cui is no longer concerned about the interest rate cut at the meeting level. The recent speech of the old American seems to be deeply guided by the guidance of an expert. In the past, interest rate cuts were basically aligned with the European level. One meeting solved all the troubles. However, this round of interest rate cuts is a process that makes everyone guess. The internal struggle on whether to cut interest rates and when to cut interest rates is also very intense. It can be said that they have not formed a unified view internally. The feeling given to us is that we are uncertain. Even slightly favorable news may cause them to delay the decision to cut interest rates. +Lao Cui shi9527111 The only thing that is certain is that there will definitely be an interest rate cut this year, so at all meetings, unless the old American determines when to cut interest rates, we can get long-term benefits. In summary, the time of interest rate cuts still affects whether the bull market in all markets can really come. The two must be linked. At the same time, only interest rate cuts will cause the US dollar exchange rate to fall, at least falling below the 7 mark is achievable. Remind everyone that although short orders are good, don't be greedy!
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Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month and October is the silver month. Will the interest rate cut lead the bull market in the coin circle? Today, Lao Cui will focus on how we should deal with the economic downturn. The economic downturn does not mean that everyone cannot make money. The economic downturn will also create a group of epoch-making figures and represent the emergence of opportunities. The end of the American real estate bubble era led to the glory of the Internet, and a series of high-tech companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook also emerged. The times will not stop progressing because of the decline of a certain industry, and the coin circle is here to show its head. Under all the economic downturns, the performance of the coin circle this year is completely contrary to the overall economic trend. The coin circle may become the next outlet. You will find that all current high-tech products will have blockchains, and the coin circle will almost appear in artificial intelligence and the strategic level of various countries. From this trend, the existence of the coin circle is still a crucial link. As for the current economic trend, why is this situation caused? Lao Cui will give a general list. First, the US interest rate hike, serious capital outflow, RMB depreciation, stock market turmoil, negative export growth resulting in weak investment, overcapacity, sluggish real economy, and commodity price plunge (only domestic) resulting in insufficient confidence among entrepreneurs. The economic slowdown in emerging countries, the capacity of the environment has reached its limit, and the haze is getting worse. + Author shi9527111 In summary, no industry feels that it is easy. Combining the above, the first problem to be solved is the US interest rate hike. This year, it can be seen that there is a trend of interest rate cuts. However, other aspects have not been effectively solved, and even the mitigation has not received the proper strategy. In terms of the financial crisis, it is also the first time in human history that we have faced such a big impact, so there is no need to ask Lao Cui when we can get back on track. Lao Cui really does not have the ability to predict this matter at present.
Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month and October is the silver month. Will the interest rate cut lead the bull market in the coin circle?

Today, Lao Cui will focus on how we should deal with the economic downturn. The economic downturn does not mean that everyone cannot make money. The economic downturn will also create a group of epoch-making figures and represent the emergence of opportunities. The end of the American real estate bubble era led to the glory of the Internet, and a series of high-tech companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook also emerged. The times will not stop progressing because of the decline of a certain industry, and the coin circle is here to show its head. Under all the economic downturns, the performance of the coin circle this year is completely contrary to the overall economic trend. The coin circle may become the next outlet. You will find that all current high-tech products will have blockchains, and the coin circle will almost appear in artificial intelligence and the strategic level of various countries. From this trend, the existence of the coin circle is still a crucial link.

As for the current economic trend, why is this situation caused? Lao Cui will give a general list. First, the US interest rate hike, serious capital outflow, RMB depreciation, stock market turmoil, negative export growth resulting in weak investment, overcapacity, sluggish real economy, and commodity price plunge (only domestic) resulting in insufficient confidence among entrepreneurs. The economic slowdown in emerging countries, the capacity of the environment has reached its limit, and the haze is getting worse. + Author shi9527111 In summary, no industry feels that it is easy. Combining the above, the first problem to be solved is the US interest rate hike. This year, it can be seen that there is a trend of interest rate cuts. However, other aspects have not been effectively solved, and even the mitigation has not received the proper strategy. In terms of the financial crisis, it is also the first time in human history that we have faced such a big impact, so there is no need to ask Lao Cui when we can get back on track. Lao Cui really does not have the ability to predict this matter at present.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month, and October is the silver month. Will the interest rate cut lead the bull market in the coin circle? The market continues to go down, and everyone gradually becomes restless. Today, I will explain the recent trend in detail to avoid being disturbed. First of all, we start with the exchange rate as usual. At present, the U price has risen from 7.18 to around 7.25, followed by a short-term reversal of the market. In Lao Cui's eyes, this is not a reversal, but more of a callback. Everyone's requirements for the coin circle are a bit too high. Whether it is Ethereum or Bitcoin, it can be said that there are behaviors that have reached high points in the short term. In terms of all financial markets, the performance is still exceptionally bright. The previous articles mentioned the exchange rate a lot. Those who don't understand can take a look at Lao Cui's previous detailed explanation. The rise in the exchange rate and the overall decline in the financial market are inevitable results. Back to the traditional economic level, the traditional economy is still in a downward stage as a whole, and the recovery effect will gradually appear only when the Americans release water. Last night was another thrilling night. It coincided with the CPI and the Fed's interest rate decision. These two control the short-term and long-term trends respectively. Judging from the overall trend in the past two days, the things shown in the currency circle seem to indicate that the later results may not be satisfactory. We don't speculate too much on this point. Everything is waiting for the presentation of the later trend results. The prediction of the old Americans has brought the interest rate cut to September again. The currency circle in the second half of the golden September and silver October will inevitably create a historical high. Because Lao Cui talked too much, everyone overlooked the most important point at present, that is, the global economy is still in a downward state, not the so-called bull market stage. Looking at the currency circle alone, it is indeed a small bull market this year. But looking at the global economic market, it is still in the downward repair stage, which is of course a problem caused by multi-faceted influences.
Lao Cui talks about coins: September is the golden month, and October is the silver month. Will the interest rate cut lead the bull market in the coin circle?

The market continues to go down, and everyone gradually becomes restless. Today, I will explain the recent trend in detail to avoid being disturbed. First of all, we start with the exchange rate as usual. At present, the U price has risen from 7.18 to around 7.25, followed by a short-term reversal of the market. In Lao Cui's eyes, this is not a reversal, but more of a callback. Everyone's requirements for the coin circle are a bit too high. Whether it is Ethereum or Bitcoin, it can be said that there are behaviors that have reached high points in the short term. In terms of all financial markets, the performance is still exceptionally bright. The previous articles mentioned the exchange rate a lot. Those who don't understand can take a look at Lao Cui's previous detailed explanation. The rise in the exchange rate and the overall decline in the financial market are inevitable results.

Back to the traditional economic level, the traditional economy is still in a downward stage as a whole, and the recovery effect will gradually appear only when the Americans release water. Last night was another thrilling night. It coincided with the CPI and the Fed's interest rate decision. These two control the short-term and long-term trends respectively. Judging from the overall trend in the past two days, the things shown in the currency circle seem to indicate that the later results may not be satisfactory. We don't speculate too much on this point. Everything is waiting for the presentation of the later trend results. The prediction of the old Americans has brought the interest rate cut to September again. The currency circle in the second half of the golden September and silver October will inevitably create a historical high. Because Lao Cui talked too much, everyone overlooked the most important point at present, that is, the global economy is still in a downward state, not the so-called bull market stage. Looking at the currency circle alone, it is indeed a small bull market this year. But looking at the global economic market, it is still in the downward repair stage, which is of course a problem caused by multi-faceted influences.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle? Lao Cui’s summary: In summary, Lao Cui has always used the overall amount of funds as the basis for judgment since Bitcoin and Ethereum hit highs. Under the current strategy, it is definitely not possible to judge the overall trend with the previous perspective. Therefore, Lao Cui’s strategy has always been that it is difficult to create a new historical high, but it is not wise for everyone to be bearish. At this stage, the market will not break the historical high or the recent low, and the overall range operation has always been like this. No matter how the market changes, it cannot escape the overall wide range operation. For the later period, the market trend will continue this situation, but the interest rate cut point in Europe will guide the trend of the coin circle and will sooner or later make the market go up. In addition to the impact of the news of the listing of the United States and Ethereum, spot users must continue to be bullish, and users who enter the market at all points do not need to worry too much. + Lao Cui shi9527111 For contract users, if they want to do the trend, they must also be consistent with spot users. Long orders can expand profits and short orders must reduce risks. (Friendly reminder: pay attention to Lao Cui's last trend chart, it is worth having) Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level chess players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks. This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle?

Lao Cui’s summary: In summary, Lao Cui has always used the overall amount of funds as the basis for judgment since Bitcoin and Ethereum hit highs. Under the current strategy, it is definitely not possible to judge the overall trend with the previous perspective. Therefore, Lao Cui’s strategy has always been that it is difficult to create a new historical high, but it is not wise for everyone to be bearish. At this stage, the market will not break the historical high or the recent low, and the overall range operation has always been like this. No matter how the market changes, it cannot escape the overall wide range operation. For the later period, the market trend will continue this situation, but the interest rate cut point in Europe will guide the trend of the coin circle and will sooner or later make the market go up. In addition to the impact of the news of the listing of the United States and Ethereum, spot users must continue to be bullish, and users who enter the market at all points do not need to worry too much. + Lao Cui shi9527111 For contract users, if they want to do the trend, they must also be consistent with spot users. Long orders can expand profits and short orders must reduce risks. (Friendly reminder: pay attention to Lao Cui's last trend chart, it is worth having)

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while low-level chess players can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place, but aim to win the game in the end. Low-level players fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only fight for a short-term position, resulting in frequent setbacks.
This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute a buying or selling recommendation. Buying or selling based on this is at your own risk!
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Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle? Overall, we still return to our views on the later trend. For the later trend, Lao Cui's goal in the general trend has never changed, including the fact that the European interest rate cut has brought a wave of downward trend. Many users feel that the trend of the coin circle is about to reverse, and even think that the subsequent trend will revolve around shorts. Lao Cui does not agree with this. In the previous articles, I have been talking about the time difference with everyone. It takes a certain time difference for all funds to be transmitted to the current coin circle market. After the interest rate cut, funds will indeed flow into the financial market, but for European companies, the injection of funds must first revive their pillar industries. Only after the pillar industries have a virtuous cycle can they release their funds to flow into the investment type market. This principle is very easy to understand. Even if you know that the investment return rate of the coin circle market is higher, it is impossible to abandon your core industry and make a venture capital. This is just the strategy on the European side, not the interest rate cut of the United States; everyone should be clear that the coin circle market is more dependent on public opinion to boost the market. So you will find that the news of interest rate cuts in Europe will only lead to a wave of growth, but when the official interest rate cut comes, some funds will be withdrawn. This is the usual method used by bankers, and it is also a harvest of retail investors. There was no capital flowing into Europe during the entire fluctuation. Everything is just a hype by bankers, nothing more. +Lao Cuishi9527111 This is the time difference we mentioned, but this round of pull-ups is to point out the direction for everyone. Falling is the normal behavior of the market. The inflow of European funds will not only increase by a few hundred points.
Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle?

Overall, we still return to our views on the later trend. For the later trend, Lao Cui's goal in the general trend has never changed, including the fact that the European interest rate cut has brought a wave of downward trend. Many users feel that the trend of the coin circle is about to reverse, and even think that the subsequent trend will revolve around shorts. Lao Cui does not agree with this. In the previous articles, I have been talking about the time difference with everyone. It takes a certain time difference for all funds to be transmitted to the current coin circle market. After the interest rate cut, funds will indeed flow into the financial market, but for European companies, the injection of funds must first revive their pillar industries. Only after the pillar industries have a virtuous cycle can they release their funds to flow into the investment type market. This principle is very easy to understand. Even if you know that the investment return rate of the coin circle market is higher, it is impossible to abandon your core industry and make a venture capital.

This is just the strategy on the European side, not the interest rate cut of the United States; everyone should be clear that the coin circle market is more dependent on public opinion to boost the market. So you will find that the news of interest rate cuts in Europe will only lead to a wave of growth, but when the official interest rate cut comes, some funds will be withdrawn. This is the usual method used by bankers, and it is also a harvest of retail investors. There was no capital flowing into Europe during the entire fluctuation. Everything is just a hype by bankers, nothing more. +Lao Cuishi9527111 This is the time difference we mentioned, but this round of pull-ups is to point out the direction for everyone. Falling is the normal behavior of the market. The inflow of European funds will not only increase by a few hundred points.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle? The interest rate cuts in Europe do not seem to give you much surprise, and the market is also motionless, and even after the announcement, there was a correction. As a result, many friends seem to be more and more confused about Europe. Looking at everyone's questions, everyone is very powerful now, and they look down on the European economy more and more. Things may not be as bad as everyone thinks. The flow of funds needs a certain time difference to flow into the market, especially the non-agricultural data released a few days ago is not ideal. Although the reference significance of the data level is not great, it will also affect the trend in the medium term. This paragraph is to make everyone pay attention to the interest rate cut strategy at the financial level, which is related to the trend of the entire financial industry this year. The interest rate cuts in Europe and Canada will be the main theme this year, prompting the American interest rate cut to be put on the agenda. Once the American also joins the interest rate cut team, the bull market will definitely restart. (Not only for the coin circle but the entire financial market) It just so happens that today is also the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you all a happy holiday. The recent fluctuations have indeed given Lao Cui a headache. The overall range can be said to be getting bigger and bigger, resulting in Lao Cui being busy with the unwinding stage for nearly a week. Many friends have the habit of doing swing trading, especially spot users. In fact, swing trading is still a test of patience as a whole. Lao Cui generally does not recommend that you do this. The biggest problem with doing so is that it is very challenging. The challenge is not the market, but everyone's fear of the loss number. Most spot users who have investment experience have a certain grasp of short-term losses. However, if you cannot withstand the invasion of swing trading, it is best not to try short-term trading. + Lao Cui shi9527111 The best choice for spot users is always the trend. It is always more profitable to eat a whole wave of trends than to occupy short-term fluctuations. Many times, after spot users have eaten the short-term trend, they dare not enter the market at short-term highs. They always feel that they are already at high levels in the short term, so they watch the beginning and end of the entire bull market step by step. This is a typical case of losing the big for the small.
Lao Cui talks about coins: interest rate cuts cause declines, and the bear market leads the trend of the coin circle?

The interest rate cuts in Europe do not seem to give you much surprise, and the market is also motionless, and even after the announcement, there was a correction. As a result, many friends seem to be more and more confused about Europe. Looking at everyone's questions, everyone is very powerful now, and they look down on the European economy more and more. Things may not be as bad as everyone thinks. The flow of funds needs a certain time difference to flow into the market, especially the non-agricultural data released a few days ago is not ideal. Although the reference significance of the data level is not great, it will also affect the trend in the medium term. This paragraph is to make everyone pay attention to the interest rate cut strategy at the financial level, which is related to the trend of the entire financial industry this year. The interest rate cuts in Europe and Canada will be the main theme this year, prompting the American interest rate cut to be put on the agenda. Once the American also joins the interest rate cut team, the bull market will definitely restart. (Not only for the coin circle but the entire financial market)

It just so happens that today is also the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you all a happy holiday. The recent fluctuations have indeed given Lao Cui a headache. The overall range can be said to be getting bigger and bigger, resulting in Lao Cui being busy with the unwinding stage for nearly a week. Many friends have the habit of doing swing trading, especially spot users. In fact, swing trading is still a test of patience as a whole. Lao Cui generally does not recommend that you do this. The biggest problem with doing so is that it is very challenging. The challenge is not the market, but everyone's fear of the loss number. Most spot users who have investment experience have a certain grasp of short-term losses. However, if you cannot withstand the invasion of swing trading, it is best not to try short-term trading. + Lao Cui shi9527111 The best choice for spot users is always the trend. It is always more profitable to eat a whole wave of trends than to occupy short-term fluctuations. Many times, after spot users have eaten the short-term trend, they dare not enter the market at short-term highs. They always feel that they are already at high levels in the short term, so they watch the beginning and end of the entire bull market step by step. This is a typical case of losing the big for the small.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: Europe starts to cut interest rates, and the prelude to the bull market in the coin circle is opened? After reading the comments of all the coin friends, let's not talk about raising or lowering interest rates again. At present, the only choice given to the Americans is to lower interest rates. How can there be an option to raise interest rates? In fact, according to the current economic performance of the Americans, what they should do most is to cut interest rates in June. Of course, the extent to which the Americans can cut interest rates is not large. According to my personal estimate, it is at most 100-125 points. If it exceeds this range, we will lose to us in the new competition for liquidity. Simply put, it is uncomfortable to cut interest rates, painful not to cut interest rates, and death to raise interest rates. However, everyone's biggest argument is that interest rate cuts will only benefit us. At the same time, everyone also needs to pay attention to our strategic trends. We are still in the process of cutting interest rates. Isn't it wishful thinking that the Americans will continue to raise interest rates to pull us out? There is also a considerable reason for the real estate crisis. The upper level actively seeks to reduce leverage and make transformation. Whether the United States raises or lowers interest rates, it will continue to do so. We don't want the Americans to just give up, but hope that they will withdraw from the hegemony in an orderly manner, recognize the reality, and coexist in a friendly manner. Therefore, for the overall financial landscape, we must understand that the problems encountered by Europe and the United States are completely different from ours. Our biggest problem is deflation, while the United States has an inflation problem. The United States is under huge inflationary pressure, and the final development is stagflation, while our economy is deflation, with a reduction in demand across the whole society. The common point between the two is that there is no money and there are problems with market circulation. In terms of consumption, we are definitely superior. The most painful point for us is that the biochemical crisis has affected the decline in personal income. If it were not for the biochemical crisis, we might not be as difficult as we are now, but if we have to consume, we can still hold on for a year. The United States will definitely not be able to consume, and if it does not cut interest rates, it will be difficult to pay the interest on the national debt in the later period. The closer it is to the end of the year, the more panic they will be.
Lao Cui talks about coins: Europe starts to cut interest rates, and the prelude to the bull market in the coin circle is opened?

After reading the comments of all the coin friends, let's not talk about raising or lowering interest rates again. At present, the only choice given to the Americans is to lower interest rates. How can there be an option to raise interest rates? In fact, according to the current economic performance of the Americans, what they should do most is to cut interest rates in June. Of course, the extent to which the Americans can cut interest rates is not large. According to my personal estimate, it is at most 100-125 points. If it exceeds this range, we will lose to us in the new competition for liquidity. Simply put, it is uncomfortable to cut interest rates, painful not to cut interest rates, and death to raise interest rates. However, everyone's biggest argument is that interest rate cuts will only benefit us. At the same time, everyone also needs to pay attention to our strategic trends. We are still in the process of cutting interest rates. Isn't it wishful thinking that the Americans will continue to raise interest rates to pull us out? There is also a considerable reason for the real estate crisis. The upper level actively seeks to reduce leverage and make transformation. Whether the United States raises or lowers interest rates, it will continue to do so. We don't want the Americans to just give up, but hope that they will withdraw from the hegemony in an orderly manner, recognize the reality, and coexist in a friendly manner.

Therefore, for the overall financial landscape, we must understand that the problems encountered by Europe and the United States are completely different from ours. Our biggest problem is deflation, while the United States has an inflation problem. The United States is under huge inflationary pressure, and the final development is stagflation, while our economy is deflation, with a reduction in demand across the whole society. The common point between the two is that there is no money and there are problems with market circulation. In terms of consumption, we are definitely superior. The most painful point for us is that the biochemical crisis has affected the decline in personal income. If it were not for the biochemical crisis, we might not be as difficult as we are now, but if we have to consume, we can still hold on for a year. The United States will definitely not be able to consume, and if it does not cut interest rates, it will be difficult to pay the interest on the national debt in the later period. The closer it is to the end of the year, the more panic they will be.
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Lao Cui talks about coins: Europe has started to cut interest rates, and the prelude to the bull market in the coin circle has been opened? The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is going, all for profit! Hello everyone, I am your friend Lao Cui talking about coins, focusing on digital currency market analysis, striving to deliver the most valuable coin market information to the majority of coin friends, welcome the attention and praise of the majority of coin friends, and reject any market smoke bombs! Unexpectedly, Bitcoin fired the first shot of the counterattack, and the volatility of Ethereum is also a normal trend. As we expected in the early stage, as long as Ethereum breaks through or falls below the 3800 mark, there will be a short-term profit space of 20-30 points. Many friends are asking Lao Cui why he doesn't talk about the trend of Bitcoin. The trend of Bitcoin after listing is too volatile, so for the head trend, Lao Cui only recommends everyone to buy spot. For contracts, it is not the case that the greater the volatility, the easier it is to make a profit. Compared with each other, Ethereum is more stable. In addition, Ethereum has not been officially listed, and the range of fluctuations is basically within control. The more stable the trend, the normal profit of 20-30 points per day is also considerable. Therefore, at the contract level, Lao Cui will mainly analyze Ethereum. Of course, you should try not to refer to the trend of Bitcoin contracts, as the two are completely different. For the future market, Lao Cui always felt that it was still the end of May. After looking at the calendar, he suddenly realized that the interest rate cut in Europe was getting closer and closer. The central bank governors of Finland and France have clearly stated that the interest rate cut in June is basically a foregone conclusion. It depends on how the meeting will guide the direction. It can be said that this round of European interest rate cuts came very suddenly. The Americans have always advocated the first shot of interest rate cuts, so they let Europe wait for a long time, but in the end they still did not have such a thick foundation. According to previous data, the effect of the European interest rate cut may not be as great as the impact of the American interest rate cut, but it will also lead to a certain upward space in the financial market. For example, last night's Bitcoin, there will be a meeting on the 6th, and the growth of Bitcoin started on the 5th. These signs can basically confirm that the arrival of the European interest rate cut is not groundless. The interest rate cut in Europe in June was effective, and the American interest rate cut may be advanced for some time.
Lao Cui talks about coins: Europe has started to cut interest rates, and the prelude to the bull market in the coin circle has been opened?

The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is going, all for profit! Hello everyone, I am your friend Lao Cui talking about coins, focusing on digital currency market analysis, striving to deliver the most valuable coin market information to the majority of coin friends, welcome the attention and praise of the majority of coin friends, and reject any market smoke bombs!

Unexpectedly, Bitcoin fired the first shot of the counterattack, and the volatility of Ethereum is also a normal trend. As we expected in the early stage, as long as Ethereum breaks through or falls below the 3800 mark, there will be a short-term profit space of 20-30 points. Many friends are asking Lao Cui why he doesn't talk about the trend of Bitcoin. The trend of Bitcoin after listing is too volatile, so for the head trend, Lao Cui only recommends everyone to buy spot. For contracts, it is not the case that the greater the volatility, the easier it is to make a profit. Compared with each other, Ethereum is more stable. In addition, Ethereum has not been officially listed, and the range of fluctuations is basically within control. The more stable the trend, the normal profit of 20-30 points per day is also considerable. Therefore, at the contract level, Lao Cui will mainly analyze Ethereum. Of course, you should try not to refer to the trend of Bitcoin contracts, as the two are completely different.

For the future market, Lao Cui always felt that it was still the end of May. After looking at the calendar, he suddenly realized that the interest rate cut in Europe was getting closer and closer. The central bank governors of Finland and France have clearly stated that the interest rate cut in June is basically a foregone conclusion. It depends on how the meeting will guide the direction. It can be said that this round of European interest rate cuts came very suddenly. The Americans have always advocated the first shot of interest rate cuts, so they let Europe wait for a long time, but in the end they still did not have such a thick foundation. According to previous data, the effect of the European interest rate cut may not be as great as the impact of the American interest rate cut, but it will also lead to a certain upward space in the financial market. For example, last night's Bitcoin, there will be a meeting on the 6th, and the growth of Bitcoin started on the 5th. These signs can basically confirm that the arrival of the European interest rate cut is not groundless. The interest rate cut in Europe in June was effective, and the American interest rate cut may be advanced for some time.
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