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The market is unstable recently, so I will do less contracts and focus on spot trading.
The market is unstable recently, so I will do less contracts and focus on spot trading.
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After the market fluctuations in the past few days, market opportunities have gradually emerged. At present, the prices of many popular altcoins have fallen sharply, and the market has shown an accelerated downward trend, resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of chips in the hands of many investors, and the market is flooded with a large number of low-priced chips. Risks are also opportunities. Several currencies have shown signs of bottoming out and are beginning to show a bottoming trend. However, due to the sharp reduction in the overall trading volume of the market, coin friends buy high and do not buy low, and the market atmosphere is relatively tense. Although the current downward space is relatively limited, investors are still cautious about bottom-fishing and have a strong wait-and-see mood. In summary, although there are uncertainties in the current market, it also breeds investment opportunities. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics, rationally analyze market trends, seize investment opportunities, and make prudent decisions. #$BTC $ETH $USTC
After the market fluctuations in the past few days, market opportunities have gradually emerged. At present, the prices of many popular altcoins have fallen sharply, and the market has shown an accelerated downward trend, resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of chips in the hands of many investors, and the market is flooded with a large number of low-priced chips.

Risks are also opportunities. Several currencies have shown signs of bottoming out and are beginning to show a bottoming trend. However, due to the sharp reduction in the overall trading volume of the market, coin friends buy high and do not buy low, and the market atmosphere is relatively tense. Although the current downward space is relatively limited, investors are still cautious about bottom-fishing and have a strong wait-and-see mood.

In summary, although there are uncertainties in the current market, it also breeds investment opportunities. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics, rationally analyze market trends, seize investment opportunities, and make prudent decisions. #$BTC $ETH $USTC
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Yesterday was a 618 discount promotion, the once-a-year 618. Yesterday's copycats were really cheap and very attractive. To be honest, I still want the copycat price to be lower so that I can have a lower bargaining chip. As long as the price is low enough, your profit can be greater. The higher the rise, the greater the risk. Many new coins have been pushed up after they were launched. Billions or tens of billions of ordinary coins have been launched, and they have not been fully unlocked. They are not fully circulated. With such a high market value, the risk is too great. For old copycats, the only risk is the fear of being delisted. If there is no risk of being delisted, the copycat can double the price from a small cycle, and there is no problem. I bought the bottom of several copycats yesterday, including ether, ustc, knc, dydx, and luna. The rebound is also OK. $USTC $ETH $KNC
Yesterday was a 618 discount promotion, the once-a-year 618. Yesterday's copycats were really cheap and very attractive. To be honest, I still want the copycat price to be lower so that I can have a lower bargaining chip. As long as the price is low enough, your profit can be greater. The higher the rise, the greater the risk. Many new coins have been pushed up after they were launched. Billions or tens of billions of ordinary coins have been launched, and they have not been fully unlocked. They are not fully circulated. With such a high market value, the risk is too great. For old copycats, the only risk is the fear of being delisted. If there is no risk of being delisted, the copycat can double the price from a small cycle, and there is no problem. I bought the bottom of several copycats yesterday, including ether, ustc, knc, dydx, and luna. The rebound is also OK. $USTC $ETH $KNC
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Ustc successfully bottomed out and grew against the trend $USTC
Ustc successfully bottomed out and grew against the trend $USTC
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The ftt I recommended a few days ago pulled up today and rushed to the list of gainers $FTT
The ftt I recommended a few days ago pulled up today and rushed to the list of gainers $FTT
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The market fluctuated a bit at midnight yesterday. Bitcoin did not stand firm at 67,000. Bitcoin fell to 65,052. I stayed up late yesterday to catch a pin and let everyone place a long order in advance. In general, the position of Bitcoin and Ethereum is also good. Ethereum is 3,388 more. I stayed up late yesterday. I still had a headache when I woke up early in the morning. It is really not suitable for staying up late at my age. I understand why there is a mid-life crisis. This morning Bitcoin rebounded 66648#内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
The market fluctuated a bit at midnight yesterday. Bitcoin did not stand firm at 67,000. Bitcoin fell to 65,052. I stayed up late yesterday to catch a pin and let everyone place a long order in advance. In general, the position of Bitcoin and Ethereum is also good. Ethereum is 3,388 more. I stayed up late yesterday. I still had a headache when I woke up early in the morning. It is really not suitable for staying up late at my age. I understand why there is a mid-life crisis. This morning Bitcoin rebounded 66648#内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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I hope this pie can stand firm at 67000, and give our coin friends a chance to breathe. 67000 is a watershed that can go up or down. Breaking 67000 means that the market is unstable. Stabilizing 67000 means that there is a high probability that there will be another round of market. Recently, the volatility is large. Coin friends, play with small funds, and subscribers should not play with heavy positions. #内容挖矿 #IO $BTC $CRV $LEVER crv plummeted 35 points yesterday and had a small rebound today
I hope this pie can stand firm at 67000, and give our coin friends a chance to breathe. 67000 is a watershed that can go up or down. Breaking 67000 means that the market is unstable. Stabilizing 67000 means that there is a high probability that there will be another round of market. Recently, the volatility is large. Coin friends, play with small funds, and subscribers should not play with heavy positions. #内容挖矿 #IO $BTC $CRV $LEVER crv plummeted 35 points yesterday and had a small rebound today
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Although the spot of io 5 was sold out, the contract caught a high altitude. Contentment is the key to happiness. $IO
Although the spot of io 5 was sold out, the contract caught a high altitude. Contentment is the key to happiness. $IO
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Bake is so fierce, who is his subordinate?$BAKE
Bake is so fierce, who is his subordinate?$BAKE
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I'm talking about the next play. If the market stabilizes and the altcoins rise in turn, most people will have the opportunity. Buy some altcoins that have not been pulled up much, wait for the opportunity, and exchange time for space. The market will not pull back to where it is, and go home to buy more. It's not easy for the big cake to pull up, and then give you a sharp drop? Where is the good thing? At most, there will be a small correction to lure shorts, and then buy on dips. It's not a big problem. #内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH
I'm talking about the next play. If the market stabilizes and the altcoins rise in turn, most people will have the opportunity. Buy some altcoins that have not been pulled up much, wait for the opportunity, and exchange time for space. The market will not pull back to where it is, and go home to buy more. It's not easy for the big cake to pull up, and then give you a sharp drop? Where is the good thing? At most, there will be a small correction to lure shorts, and then buy on dips. It's not a big problem. #内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH
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Is this prediction OK? I said in the afternoon and evening that the short positions would be blown up. The price of bitcoin and ether has returned. The short positions are broken. Everything will turn around when it reaches its extreme. It has been falling in the past few days. It is meaningless for CPI to fall again today. Most of the short positions that have blown up the short positions are 3500 long orders for ether and 66923 long orders for bitcoin. The profit is $BTC $ETH #OMIN
Is this prediction OK? I said in the afternoon and evening that the short positions would be blown up. The price of bitcoin and ether has returned. The short positions are broken. Everything will turn around when it reaches its extreme. It has been falling in the past few days. It is meaningless for CPI to fall again today. Most of the short positions that have blown up the short positions are 3500 long orders for ether and 66923 long orders for bitcoin. The profit is $BTC $ETH #OMIN
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In fact, I have already talked about the future trend on May 23. The market is flat, copycats are everywhere, and the market is going downhill. The prediction is okay, right?
In fact, I have already talked about the future trend on May 23. The market is flat, copycats are everywhere, and the market is going downhill. The prediction is okay, right?
The future trend is that the big cake will go sideways, the copycats will fly wildly, and after the wild flying, the copycats will fall, oscillate back and forth, the market will be pinned, and the long army will be liquidated
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Is this a holiday sale? It's falling again
Is this a holiday sale? It's falling again
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I took some small orders for fun during the holiday. It was a busy Dragon Boat Festival and I didn't watch the market much. The cottage fell too much. During this period, I did less and watched more. Living is the hard truth. I played with a small position. The volatility is relatively large. If the cottage has not had the last drop, the short-term bottom would have been the previous few days. The profit ratio is still relatively high if you enter the market slowly. Set a stop loss, and don't be stubborn. $MEME $PYTH $LUNA #内容挖矿 For spot, you can slowly enter the cottage at the bottom, and for contracts, just play a little.
I took some small orders for fun during the holiday. It was a busy Dragon Boat Festival and I didn't watch the market much. The cottage fell too much. During this period, I did less and watched more. Living is the hard truth. I played with a small position. The volatility is relatively large. If the cottage has not had the last drop, the short-term bottom would have been the previous few days. The profit ratio is still relatively high if you enter the market slowly. Set a stop loss, and don't be stubborn. $MEME $PYTH $LUNA #内容挖矿 For spot, you can slowly enter the cottage at the bottom, and for contracts, just play a little.
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Yesterday I was still saying that the high position of the altcoins should pay attention to the risks, and today there was a big drop in the middle of the night. This is too accurate. I woke up last night and felt something was wrong. I opened my phone and looked at the market. There was blood everywhere. I looked at the data and found that too many long orders were liquidated. Everyone was in pain. People who don’t trade in cryptocurrencies are so happy. They don’t need to watch the market every day, and don’t need to worry about missing out on the surge or losing money due to the plunge. It’s not easy to make hard-earned money in our industry. Fortunately, I bought the bottom of several altcoins and they had a good rebound, nfp at 0.43, xvs at 9.6, btc at 69110, combo at 0.72, and made some money$NFP $COMBO $BTC
Yesterday I was still saying that the high position of the altcoins should pay attention to the risks, and today there was a big drop in the middle of the night. This is too accurate. I woke up last night and felt something was wrong. I opened my phone and looked at the market. There was blood everywhere. I looked at the data and found that too many long orders were liquidated. Everyone was in pain. People who don’t trade in cryptocurrencies are so happy. They don’t need to watch the market every day, and don’t need to worry about missing out on the surge or losing money due to the plunge. It’s not easy to make hard-earned money in our industry. Fortunately, I bought the bottom of several altcoins and they had a good rebound, nfp at 0.43, xvs at 9.6, btc at 69110, combo at 0.72, and made some money$NFP $COMBO $BTC
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I have said some time ago that the copycat season is coming. Copycats are now everywhere. It depends on who catches them faster and who is luckier. The more you catch, the greater the copycat risk will be. The higher it rises, the easier it is to be trapped. Ah Xi, while making money, you must also pay attention to risks. Buy some coins with a relatively large profit and loss ratio. Several coins that made profits today, high, uma, and fil, all fell sharply in the past few days, and they also pulled up today. There is not much technical support at this time. Buy oversold coins slowly and wait for opportunities$UMA $FIL $HIGH
I have said some time ago that the copycat season is coming. Copycats are now everywhere. It depends on who catches them faster and who is luckier. The more you catch, the greater the copycat risk will be. The higher it rises, the easier it is to be trapped. Ah Xi, while making money, you must also pay attention to risks. Buy some coins with a relatively large profit and loss ratio. Several coins that made profits today, high, uma, and fil, all fell sharply in the past few days, and they also pulled up today. There is not much technical support at this time. Buy oversold coins slowly and wait for opportunities$UMA $FIL $HIGH
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I remember a friend asked me what coin I opened on Monday, I said I opened Ordi, at that time Ordi was 46, today it is 63, not many days, the first square 30 called Ordi also got criticized, Audi pulled the market #内容挖矿 in the doubt, the air force exploded in the doubt
I remember a friend asked me what coin I opened on Monday, I said I opened Ordi, at that time Ordi was 46, today it is 63, not many days, the first square 30 called Ordi also got criticized, Audi pulled the market #内容挖矿 in the doubt, the air force exploded in the doubt
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After the five-wave decline of Bitcoin on May 11, Bitcoin has resumed its upward trend. The current market is only the first wave of the four-hour opening, and the second wave of adjustment has reached the end stage. There is nothing much to analyze about the current trend of Bitcoin. The positive data of the small non-agricultural directly stabilized at 7W. It has been sideways at this position for a day since it rose to 7W. It is likely to remain sideways in the daily market tomorrow. In the past two days of Bitcoin sideways trading, the cottage has performed fiercely. It is indeed because the funds flowing out of Ethereum and Bitcoin have entered the cottage, so the growth of the cottage is quite good. Everyone has made a lot of money in the past two days. In everyone's words, with such a good market, no one will lose money! Cutting people's point of view: Tomorrow is still an opportunity for cottages during the day, and the situation may be different after the non-agricultural data comes out in the evening. Personally, I think that tomorrow's data is positive, and Bitcoin will break through 7W2 due to fomo sentiment. Tomorrow night, the cottage may cause the situation of Bitcoin sucking the cottage because of the withdrawal of funds to Brother Bing. The data is negative, and it is understandable to insert a needle downward, but don't be afraid. As mentioned earlier, inserting a needle is to give the best opportunity to get on the train. The news can only bring a small-scale decline, and it cannot change the current upward trend of the big cake. Everyone should know that Europe has cut interest rates. Let's analyze what impact the European interest rate cut will have on the Federal Reserve, and what impact will it have on our currency circle? The interest rate hikes of the Federal Reserve in recent years have made countries around the world miserable. In the past, the interest rate hikes led everyone to offset the inflation of the United States, and then cut interest rates, but this round of interest rate hikes did not achieve the effect that the Federal Reserve wanted to achieve. On the contrary, inflation has been high. The European system can no longer bear it, and took the lead in saying to the United States, "I'm sorry, my brother can't bear it anymore," and took the lead in cutting interest rates. This may also cause the Federal Reserve to passively start cutting interest rates in advance, because once Europe starts to cut interest rates, the US dollar will be under tremendous pressure and the monetary system will suffer a huge impact. This is also greatly beneficial to the crypto market. Of course, regardless of whether the Fed cuts interest rates this year, judging from the situation in various countries around the world, this is a trend and an important support for the big bull market. Funds will continue to flow into the crypto market. $BTC $ETH
After the five-wave decline of Bitcoin on May 11, Bitcoin has resumed its upward trend. The current market is only the first wave of the four-hour opening, and the second wave of adjustment has reached the end stage. There is nothing much to analyze about the current trend of Bitcoin. The positive data of the small non-agricultural directly stabilized at 7W. It has been sideways at this position for a day since it rose to 7W. It is likely to remain sideways in the daily market tomorrow. In the past two days of Bitcoin sideways trading, the cottage has performed fiercely. It is indeed because the funds flowing out of Ethereum and Bitcoin have entered the cottage, so the growth of the cottage is quite good. Everyone has made a lot of money in the past two days. In everyone's words, with such a good market, no one will lose money! Cutting people's point of view: Tomorrow is still an opportunity for cottages during the day, and the situation may be different after the non-agricultural data comes out in the evening. Personally, I think that tomorrow's data is positive, and Bitcoin will break through 7W2 due to fomo sentiment. Tomorrow night, the cottage may cause the situation of Bitcoin sucking the cottage because of the withdrawal of funds to Brother Bing. The data is negative, and it is understandable to insert a needle downward, but don't be afraid. As mentioned earlier, inserting a needle is to give the best opportunity to get on the train. The news can only bring a small-scale decline, and it cannot change the current upward trend of the big cake.
Everyone should know that Europe has cut interest rates. Let's analyze what impact the European interest rate cut will have on the Federal Reserve, and what impact will it have on our currency circle? The interest rate hikes of the Federal Reserve in recent years have made countries around the world miserable. In the past, the interest rate hikes led everyone to offset the inflation of the United States, and then cut interest rates, but this round of interest rate hikes did not achieve the effect that the Federal Reserve wanted to achieve. On the contrary, inflation has been high. The European system can no longer bear it, and took the lead in saying to the United States, "I'm sorry, my brother can't bear it anymore," and took the lead in cutting interest rates. This may also cause the Federal Reserve to passively start cutting interest rates in advance, because once Europe starts to cut interest rates, the US dollar will be under tremendous pressure and the monetary system will suffer a huge impact. This is also greatly beneficial to the crypto market. Of course, regardless of whether the Fed cuts interest rates this year, judging from the situation in various countries around the world, this is a trend and an important support for the big bull market. Funds will continue to flow into the crypto market. $BTC $ETH
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The three coins recommended on June 3, burger, combo and others, two of them rose, only one loka did not pull up, I believe they are all lottery $BURGER $COMBO
The three coins recommended on June 3, burger, combo and others, two of them rose, only one loka did not pull up, I believe they are all lottery $BURGER $COMBO
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A few days ago I said I bought combo, burger, and loka. These two were on the list of rising stocks a few days ago. $COMBO $BURGER $LOKA
A few days ago I said I bought combo, burger, and loka. These two were on the list of rising stocks a few days ago. $COMBO $BURGER $LOKA
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