ETHFI will launch an airdrop in July. Will it have a big impact on the market? Is it still possible to make a layout now?

According to BlockBeats, ETHFI DAO announced that its project will launch the third quarter airdrop activity, and it is expected to airdrop 25 million ETHFI tokens to eligible stakers. The allocation will be based on community participation indicators and participation levels.

The proposal shows that the airdrop activity will start on July 1, 2024 and last until early September 2024. The airdrop distribution will be carried out shortly after the end of the third quarter.

In addition, a new participation incentive framework, Perks Passport, will be launched this quarter. The bull market is coming. Think about one thing, who will make money in the bull market, who will provide money, the big bull market is a big wealth transfer, and the greater probability is to transfer your only money to others. Retail investors should be more respectful of the bull market.

More bull market layout strategies, the main business is close to the cow house to achieve wealth!

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #ETHFI⁩ #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划