Can Lista still charge now? You will know the answer after reading what I said!

As the first coin after Binance changed the listing regulations, and also a stablecoin mechanism, the market has warmed up. The decline of Bitcoin led to the decline of the altcoin dollar. Some funds were released from Bitcoin to the altcoin. This is an obvious feature of the bull market. The altcoin rose generally when Bitcoin fell.

LISTA is the native token of Lista DAO, which focuses on liquidity pledge and decentralized stablecoins

Lista is a stablecoin and lending protocol of the BSC ecosystem. Lista's collateral includes slisBNB, STONE, WBETH, etc. Among them, slisBNB and WBETH are closely related to Binance. The BSC ecosystem lacks stablecoins, so one of the reasons why Binance supports Lista is to support the stablecoins of the BSC ecosystem.

Through lending and liquidity farming, users can obtain LISTA as a reward to increase their income.

Lista is a collateralized stablecoin, solely owned by Binance, and its future development is highly dependent on Binance. At present, the FDV is less than 1 billion, so it is not high overall.

The total issuance of LISTA tokens is 1 billion, the initial circulation is 230 million, and the issuance on the Megadrop platform is 100 million (accounting for 43% of the initial circulation). The market value is about 230 million, so it has great potential. As a stablecoin supported by Binance, Lista has a small market value and there is still a lot of room for growth.

In addition, its goal is ambitious and clear: to completely change the face of decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing liquidity staking solutions. LISTA is like a bridge between staking and liquidity, bringing win-win possibilities to crypto enthusiasts.

At the same time, Lista users can borrow lisUSD at extremely low prices, and can use a variety of collateral, with extremely low or even zero fees. This is also the reason why Lista can be used by more people, and it is bound to stand behind the big tree of Binance.

#Lista启航新纪元 #ListaDAO