You should buy at the bottom when it is time to buy at the bottom.

A lukewarm investment can only get mixed results.

Everyone is afraid, I am greedy, everyone is greedy, I am afraid - a famous theory.

The real bottom of the callback must be when everyone flees in panic.

The greatest fun of trading is:

When buying lottery tickets, although the probability is so small, everyone thinks that they will win;

When running a red light, although the probability is also small, everyone thinks that it is not themselves who are hit.

Keep cashing out, a countermeasure to this paradox.

Find something you are good at and find a way to make a living from it.

The meaning of life is to find something you love and are good at, and do it to the extreme.

It is easy to make money from trading, but it is easier to lose money from trading. It is the most difficult to keep profits. If you have made money through trading, please cherish the profits; if you currently have other sources of income or other ways to make money, please cherish them. You must cherish the principal, and it must be a principle to keep the principal at any time.
