My personal judgment is as follows:

1. It is currently in the mid-term correction stage of the bull market. It is expected that there will be a big market in the next 3-6 months, and it may enter the super violent bull market stage in the next year.

2. The altcoin season is coming, and there may be an outbreak period of altcoins, but this stage may only have 1-2 months to escape the top.

3. I am optimistic about many assets in the fields of rune heads, inscription heads and small pictures of Bitcoin. There may be 10 to 50 times growth opportunities in the future, such as pizza dog, rsic, sats, rats, ordi, wzrd, pups, small frogs, node monkeys and puppets.

Operation suggestions:

1. Be cautious in position management and allocation. At least 50% of the positions should be allocated to Bitcoin or Ethereum.

2. 20%-30% of the positions can be allocated to the altcoins, inscription heads and rune head projects you are optimistic about.

3. Always keep about 10% of the positions for bottom-fishing, and be ready to participate in hot tracks and projects at any time.

4. Allocate 5-10% of your position to invest in meme coins, and be sure to develop a strict stop-profit and stop-loss strategy to ensure profitability.

5. When participating in airdrops, choose small and sophisticated projects and conduct in-depth investment research to obtain better returns.

For more currency circle operation strategies and market conditions, follow me and join my circle. There are contracts, spot and short-term gameplay. Free sharing, just to increase fans, see my brief level to find me

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