If you want to do big business with a small amount of capital, here are a few tips:

1. Choose popular currencies: follow the currencies with strong market momentum and avoid those that are unpopular and not paid attention to. Choose those currencies with an increase of no more than 7%, so that you can follow the pace of the market leaders.

2. Short-term trading: adopt a short-term operation strategy, just like fighting a guerrilla war, quickly enter and exit the market, avoid excessive delays and unnecessary risks.

3. Trend following: Don't be afraid because the price is high, or blindly buy because the price is low. You should always follow the market trend and avoid being swayed by emotions.

4. Effective position management: The starting position should be controlled between 20% and 30%. If the market performs well, you can gradually increase your position, but be cautious when increasing your position, like a pyramid, with a wide bottom and a narrow top.

5. Use of moving average indicators: Pay attention to the 10-day moving average as the main reference line for operation. When the price pulls back to the vicinity of the moving average but does not fall below it, it is usually a good time to enter the market.

6. Transaction review: record each transaction and analyze the reasons for losses, such as entering the market too early, being too nervous, holding the position for too long or having too large a position, etc. Through this review analysis, you can continuously improve your trading skills and strategies. 🆓👗➕🌍BNB1850

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