
Analysis of altcoin investment in the current bull market:

Yesterday I asked everyone: "Which coin do you regret buying the most in this bull market?" Everyone's answer was similar, saying that they regretted buying altcoins.

Whether it is the old-fashioned coins in the previous bull market, such as UNI, DOT, DOGE, or the newly emerged ORDI, BB, and WLD in this round, they all lost a lot of money. The prices of these coins have been falling continuously.

Have you noticed that there are too many new coins issued in the market now, just like new projects in the stock market one after another. As a result, funds are concentrated on a few good projects, and those less famous altcoins are even more out of the question.

If altcoins want to make money, they have to wait until the market is particularly enthusiastic. At that time, the greed index must exceed 80, mainstream coins must set new highs, and the market share of the top five coins must drop a lot.

But now, the top five coins account for more than 80% of the market share, and the remaining 20% ​​is all altcoins. At the end of the bull market, some second-tier coins will rise to attract retail investors, but they often lock them up.

Therefore, the market is not so enthusiastic now, and it is still too early for altcoins to turn around.

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