What are those who made a fortune from virtual currency doing now?

One of my neighbors. He happened to make a fortune by selling coins. He bought a townhouse in Shenzhen two years ago, and paid in full without mortgage. He was born in the 1990s.

This neighbor was originally a programmer. He earned a lot of BTC by playing games in his early years. Later, he sold them one after another and sold them all in 2020. According to a friend's description, he made a total of more than 5000w by selling coins. The real number is probably unknown except for his family. After making money, he also sent his younger brother who was in college to the UK for gilding.

I had a meal with him some time ago. He was very low-key. He had been driving a Crown car for 6 years and never changed it. He didn't have any luxury goods on him.

When I asked about some ideas about playing coins and stocks, his words enlightened me: Don't envy those who became rich overnight in the coin circle. They are all chosen ones. It is destined that playing coins to make money is half technology and half luck. What you have to do is to have a correct mentality. He was very glad that he sold the coins in advance, otherwise the risk of large-scale coin issuance in recent years would be very high.

At present, his investment portfolio is: 50% bank regular financial management + 30% stocks + 20% active cash. A state of complete wealth freedom.

I want to tell you this example: Speculation or investment determines the risk level of your funds. Playing with less than 20% of your assets is not a big deal even if you lose money. When you encounter a big market, you will act decisively and stop profit and stop loss immediately. Maybe one day the goddess of luck will come to you again.

I have 8 years of experience in cryptocurrency trading. I am not a big shot, but I have fallen into many pits. I paid a lot of tuition fees and made a brilliant 7-digit profit overnight.

I never follow the trend. In the cryptocurrency circle, experience > fundamentals.

I will not make any predictions about the trend of the cryptocurrency circle in 2025, because there are too many unknown factors and blind predictions are meaningless.

Always keep a respectful heart for future risks.

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle

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