Why are those pheasant exchanges more attractive in the cryptocurrency circle? Are those people going for high rebates, high multiples, and low profits?

Why are those pheasant exchanges more attractive?

Don't play with this kind of pheasant exchanges. Except for Binance and OK, don't touch other exchanges in the cryptocurrency circle. They run faster than rabbits.

Some pheasant exchanges have higher transaction fees, but they can also get higher rebates and commissions, which is more attractive. Many people have the mentality of taking advantage. They can't resist the repeated sales and brainwashing of the salesmen and are brought into pheasant exchanges.

In addition, it is to seize the psychology of leeks who want to get rich quickly, and can open 150 times, 200 times, 500 times, or even 1000 times. Generally, brainwash you and realize the dream of getting rich overnight by seizing the trend with high leverage.

In addition, some thresholds are relatively low, and basically no identity verification is required. On the other hand, it is also a higher risk.

I personally suggest that you don’t touch the fake exchange. When you are about to close your position and make a profit, the network cable will suddenly be pulled out and your account will pop up. You can log in after a few minutes or more than ten minutes. At this time, the account has basically fallen back, which means you have basically missed the profit.

Sometimes, when you plan to cover your position and want to trade spot, it will show that the account is being upgraded, and you just watch your account being closed.

You think the salesperson wants your profit transaction fee share, but you think too simply. In fact, he wants your principal.

In short, listen to me, don’t touch the fake exchange!

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