🔔 News from the world of cryptocurrencies! 💰 Billionaire and "Shark Tank" star Mark Cuban has sold more than 14 NFTs for over $38,500 despite his Gmail account being hacked.

🐧 One of the most notable NFTs sold was Pudgy Penguins NFT #6239, which sold for over $30,000.

🎨 Cuban has also sold NFTs of projects such as EulerBeats Genesis and DeepBlack, EtherIslands and Wrapped MoonCats at prices ranging from $22 to $1846.

📈 If the sale goes through, Cuban will sell over $100,000 worth of NFTs in two days.

🔒 At the same time, despite the sales, about 1600 NFTs, valued at more than 1900 ETH, or about $6.2 million, remain in Cuban’s wallet.

🔥 Cuban's NFT sale comes at the same time that prices for the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT have dropped significantly, sparking speculation about the reasons for its sale.

📉 Meanwhile, the overall NFT market is experiencing a significant slowdown, reflecting a general cooling in enthusiasm and investment in this digital asset space.

🤔 What do you think about this? Share your thoughts in the comments!