
Bitcoin is halved, ETF is released, and the president is inclined to digital currency. The dog dealer will definitely wash the market frantically. Hold on to your chips and don't get dumped! ?

We all know that every time Bitcoin is halved, it will be washed for two or three months. This is a historical fact!

In addition, the Auntie Spot ETF will be released on July 2, and the old American presidential election actually tends to digital currency. I heard that Trump is planning to speak at the Bitcoin 2024 Conference in July!

With these two major benefits in front of us, can the dog dealer wash the market and let retail investors easily make money!

What the dog dealer is doing now is to wash the market frantically again and again, and wash all those undetermined idiots off the car. When the dog dealer thinks that the washing is almost done, it will give the market a signal, and then it will quickly pull the market, leaving those who did not get on the car and were washed off far behind to eat dust!

What we have to do now is to hold the chips in our hands firmly and don't get washed out easily!

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