Breaking news!!

Sun Yuchen threw a blank check to seize the Bitcoin in the hands of the German government! ?

Breaking news! Sun Yuchen actually wrote a blank check to the German government, targeting the Bitcoin held by the German government, in an attempt to ease the current Bitcoin selling pressure like a flash flood.

This is not a joke, they are ready to sit down at the negotiation table and have a good chat with the German government.

You know, the German government has not been a vegetarian in recent months. It has seized tens of thousands of Bitcoins on illegal platforms.

Moreover, the German authorities have been so fierce this week that they have been sending tens of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin to cryptocurrency exchanges for a whole week.

At this time, the CEO of Arkham spoke up and said that Bitcoin is always sent to the central cryptocurrency exchange for the purpose of selling.

Sun Yuchen made a ruthless statement: "I am ready to negotiate with the German government. I will buy all the BTC on the market and do my best to reduce the impact on the market!

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